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Michel Jarraud Deputy-Secretary General World Meteorological Organization

“Unparalleled International Co-operation” The Expanded Space-Based Component of the WMO World Weather Watch’s Global Observing System -------------. Michel Jarraud Deputy-Secretary General World Meteorological Organization.

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Michel Jarraud Deputy-Secretary General World Meteorological Organization

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  1. “Unparalleled International Co-operation”The Expanded Space-Based Component of theWMO World Weather Watch’s Global Observing System ------------- Michel Jarraud Deputy-Secretary General World Meteorological Organization

  2. On April 1, 1960 the first U.S.weather satellite launched from Cape Canaveral, FL • SATELLITES AND THE WWW • UN Resolution for “international co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space” adopted 20 December 1961 • Satellites offered substantial opportunities for improvements in meteorological services • UNGA called on WMO to lead a study and report on recommendations • Report delivered in June 1962: “First report on the advancement of atmospheric sciences and their application in the light of developments in outer space” • Birth of WMO’s World Weather Watch

  3. Global applications and users • Observing the Land Surface • Land Surface Parameters • Floods • Forest Fires • Vegetation Cover • Drought & Crop Monitoring • Climate Applications • Climate Indicators • Verification of Climate Models • Ocean Climate Models • Monitoring El Niño • Forecasting Applications • Synoptic Analysis • Numerical Weather Prediction • Nowcasting • Tropical Storms • Observing the Atmosphere • Cloud Imagery • Temperature and Humidity • Winds • Precipitation • Atmospheric Chemistry • Volcanic Ash • Dust, Smoke and Aerosols • Observing the Ocean Surface • Sea-Surface Temperatures • Ocean-Surface Winds • Ocean Ice • Ocean-Level and Waves • Ocean-Surface Biology

  4. Disaster Related Phenomena • Atmospheric Chemistry • Volcanic Ash • Dust, Smoke and Aerosols • Floods • Forest Fires • Drought & Crop Monitoring • Tropical Storms

  5. Global applications and users (examples) Cloud Imagery

  6. Global applications and users (examples) Volcanic ash

  7. Global applications and users (examples) Dust, Smoke and Aerosols

  8. Global applications and users (examples) Floods

  9. Global applications and users (examples) Forest Fires

  10. Global applications and users (examples) Monitoring Tropical Storms

  11. Global applications and users (examples) Monitoring El Niño SST for 3 different Decembers 1988 1990 1998

  12. Expanded space-based component of the GOS • NASA confirmed its commitment to make observations available without restriction (applies to all relevant missions including Aqua, Terra, NPP, TRMM, GPM and QuickSCAT) • NASA’s missions de facto part of the space-based component of the GOS • NASDA indicated present and future satellite missions including TRMM, AMSR-E onboard Aqua, ADEOS II and the GCOM series should be considered part of the new WMO R&D constellation for the space-basedcomponent of the GOS

  13. Expanded space-based component of the GOS • ESA has established a dialogue towards the availability of specific data and products from ESA’s ENVISAT mission • ESA intends to jointly organise a dedicated, specific AO to foster the use of data • Rosaviakosmos confirmed that experimental and R&D instruments on board its operational METEOR 3M N1 satellite as well as on its future Ocean series and other missions could be considered as a potential contribution to the space-based component of the WMO GOS

  14. WWW’s space-based component of the GOS (2002)

  15. WMO Space Programme • WMO agreed to establish a WMO SpaceProgrammeas a matter of priority • Scope, goals and objectives respond to theconsiderable growth in the utilisation of environmental satellite data,product and services within the expanded space-based component of the WMO Global Observing System • Guiding principles: optimisation of the space-based system, use of existing WMO structures and integration with other types of observations

  16. WMO Space Programme • Inclusion of R&D satellite systems increases the need for coordination mechanisms • Expand CGMS to include R&D space agencies contributing to the space-based component of the WMO GOS • Consultative Meetings on High-Level Policy on Satellite Matters to be institutionalised to more formally establish dialogue with, and participation of environmental satellite agencies in WMO matters

  17. International coordination • CGMS (Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites) • CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) • IGOS (Integrated Global Observing Strategy) Partnership • Inter-agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities • COPUOS

  18. The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership IGOS Objectives • “for the definition, development and implementation of an Integrated Global Observing Strategy” • brings together efforts of a number of international agencies concerned with global environmental issues, research, and observing systems • established in June 1998 by a formal exchange of letters amongst 13 founding Partners

  19. IGOS aims • to provide an overarching view to help improve understanding by governments of the significance of global monitoring • to provide a framework for decisions by implementing agencies to ensure continuity in the observation of key variables • to offer a forum for exchange of information on the Partners’ relevant activities and to promote dialogue between space agencies, agencies supporting in-situ observing systems and scientific research programmes

  20. IGOS aims • to identify gaps in existing observation systems and to seek to address user requirements, including requirements to strengthen the institutional capacity to implement integrated global observations • to carry out specific activities to develop and enhance individual components that will complement and demonstrate the value of the Strategy • to promote amongst user groups, all aspects of the Strategy implementation by national and international agencies, including supporting data policies, enhanced product processing, better archiving and improved accessibility to products.

  21. IGOS Themes • Not practical to attempt to define a single and comprehensive global system which can satisfy all needs for environmental information in one step • IGOS Themes allow for coherent definition and development of an overall global strategy for observing selected fields of common interest among a group of Partners. • Selection of a theme is based on an assessment of the relevant scientific and operational priorities for overcoming deficiencies, as well as analysis of the state of development of relevant existing and planned observing systems.

  22. A new era for WMO Members • Space-based component of the WMO Global Observing System (GOS)is expanding quickly • Provides invaluable satellite data, products and services,much more than ever before in the history of the World WeatherWatch • WMO to establisha newWMO Space Programme which will provide for both external and internal coordination necessaryto maximize the exploitation of the new GOS

  23. Thank you

  24. Disasters and sustainable developmentJohannesburg declaration - 2002 • Challenges we face: • Deterioration of the global environment • Desertification • Increased pollution • Effect of climate change • Natural disasters; more frequent and more devastating • Our commitment to sustainable development: • Pledge to give priority attention to fight against natural disasters

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