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BAHAN KAJIAN MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH TANAH INCEPTISOLS. Inceptisols (from Latin inceptum , "beginning") are soils that exhibit minimal horizon development. Inceptisols are divided into 7 suborders: Aquepts , Anthrepts , Gelepts , Cryepts , Ustepts , Xerepts , and Udepts .
BAHAN KAJIAN MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH TANAH INCEPTISOLS Inceptisols (from Latininceptum, "beginning") are soils that exhibit minimal horizon development. Inceptisols are divided into 7 suborders: Aquepts, Anthrepts, Gelepts, Cryepts, Ustepts, Xerepts, and Udepts.
TANAH INCEPTISOLS IKHTISAR: Vegetasi : Tidakspesifik Iklim: Beragamiklim, tidaktermasuk arid Soil moisture regime: variety of soil moisture regimes except aridic Ciripentingtanah: Sedikitsifatdiagnostik Diagnostic horizons: cambic but no spodic, argillic, kandic, natric, and oxic horizon Epipedon: ochric, umbric, histic, or plaggen (mollic) Prosesutama: Pergerakanmassa, erositanah, deposisi Karakteristik: Kondisilingkunganmenghambatprosespembentukantanah Inceptisols Tanah-tanahembrionikdnegansedikitsajasifatpencirinya Glacial deposits Recent deposits in valleys or deltas Most Inceptisols occur on geologically young sediments (e.g. alluvium, colluvium, loess) Bahaninduk yang sangat-berkapuratauresistenterhadappelapukandapatmenghambatperkembangantanah, tetapicocokbagiperkembanganInceptisols Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
CoMMON FACTORS • Bahanindukresisten • Acidic Till (glacial till origin with high acid content) • Lerengcuramataudepresi • Asal-usulnya Recent, seringkali post-glacial. • Beragamkondisiiklim • May succession and be moving toward a spodosol or ultisol Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN IKLIM -Climate: Inceptisolsberkembangpadaberagamkondisiiklim, kecualikondisi ARIDIK. Rezimlengas-tanahjugaberagam, mulaidaritanah-tanahygdrainagenyaburukhinggatanah-tanahygdrainagenyabaguspadalereng-lerengcuram. By definition, Inceptisols cannot have an aridic soil moisture regime. Climate which inhibits soil development such as low temperatures or low precipitation favors the development of Inceptisols. The suborder of Aquepts requires higher soil moisture conditions compared to the other suborders of Inceptisols. Vegetasi Inceptisolsditemukanpadaekosistemhutan, padangrumputdanlahanpertanian. KebanyakaInceptisolsditemukanpadakondisiekosistemhutan. BeberapaInceptisols (Umbrepts) mungkinberkembangpadavegetasi prairie. Penggunaantanahpadasaatsekarangmungkindibatasiolehsolum yang tipis (mis. Padalereng-lerengcuram) atauoleh drainage yang buruk (mis. Di daerahdepresi). Inceptisolscocokuntukkehutananataucagaralam. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Relief: KebanyakanInceptisolsberkembangpadalereng-lerangcuram, dimanaerositanahtelahmengangkutsebagian topsoil secarakontinyu. Other Inceptisols are formed on convex toeslope areas where slope is level to gently rolling. These Inceptisols develop in deep colluvium where sediment has been / is deposited. BAHAN INDUK - Parent Material: Inceptisolsbanyakditemukandidaerah-daerah deposit-glasialataupada deposit-mudadilembah-lembaghatau delta. Where they occupy upland positions on young geomorphic surfaces, both primary and secondary minerals are present. Most Inceptisols are present on geologically young sediments (e.g. alluvium, colluvium, loess). Bahaninduk yang snagatberkapuratauresistenterhadappelapukandapatmenghambatperkembangantanah, tetapikondisiinicocokbagiperkembanganInceptisols. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS WAKTU - Time: KebanyakanInceptisolsberkembangpadalanskapmuda (< Holocene), dimanawaktumembatasiperkembanganpenciritanah. There are Inceptisols where the solum is permanently altered by loss of soil particles due to erosion or by the deposition of soil particles. These processes might be acting smooth but continuously or sporadically in space and time. Di daerahtropis, lajuperkembanganInceptisolsmenjadiordotanahlainnya , lebihcepatdibandingkandengandidaerah temperate dandingin, prosesperkembangantanahinijugadihambatolehlambatnyapelapukanbatuanresisten. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS PROSES PEMBENTUKAN - GENESIS Virtually many pedogenic processes are active to some extent in Inceptisol profiles but none predominates. The genesis of Inceptisols includes multiple pathways depending on the processes occuring on a given landscape and geographic area. Environmental factors can slow down weathering (e.g. low temperatures, low precipitation, or resistant parent material) and soil development to form other soil orders is retarded or even inhibited. Erositanahpadalerengcuramdapatmengubah topsoil secaraekstrim.Kalaiuerositelahmeratakanlereng, lajuerosimenjadilambatdanciripedogeniklebihtampaksepertihorisonargilik. BiasanyaInceptisolsberkembangpadabahaninduk yang adadibagiamnbawahnya, karenaerositelahmengikisbentanglahandanmengangkut material tanah. Periodewaktu yang panjangdanlajuerosi yang intensifdiperlukanbagiperkembanganInceptisolpadalerengygcuram (tanahtipis, horison AC) untukberkembanglebihlanjut (profiltanah yang dalam, horison ABC). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS PROSES GENESIS Inceptisolsjugaberkembangpada material colluviumdibagianbawahdarilereng-lereng yang curam. Proses-proses yang membentuk material koluviumadalahpergerakanmassa, soil creep (peregrakanmassatanah), dandeposisi. Karenaproses-proses “hillslope” danpelapukan, ciri-cirimofologisterbentukdanrusaksecaraterus-menerus. Inceptisols may be also found on alluvial deposits where temporary flooding alters the soil profile due to the deposition of soil particles on the soil surface and the soil profile becomes saturated. For example, Inceptisols in the southern Mississippi River Valey are developed on alluvial deposits. Tabel-air yang dekatdenganpermukaanmendorongproses-prosesreduksioksidabesidanoksidaaluminium. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS PROSES GENESIS Pada zone depresiataudasar-dasarlembahditemukaninceptisolsygdrainagenyaburukdimanaprosesgleizasimenghasilkanciriredoximorphic. Di lokasi-lokasi yang pencucianlebihintensif, tetapiproseslessivagedanperkembanganhorisonargilikagakterhambat, mungkinkarenatanahtidakseringmengalamipengeringan. Di daerahbatuanmasam, tanah-tanahygberkembangpadadepresilanskapcenderunglebihtercucidankandunganbasanyalebihrendahdibandingkandnegantanah-tanahdisekitarnya. In landscapes of high base status soils, the associated poorly drained Inceptisols in depression areas usually have higher base status than the surrounding soils. This can be attributed to the enrichment of the low-lying parts of the landscape by lateral processes such as transport of bases attached to soil particles, in surface runoff, or lateral subsurface flow. In some materials saturated with brackish water sulfides may accumulate and sulfuric horizons may be formed. Kalaumengalamioksidasi, biasanyaolehadanya drainage buatan, terbentuklahasamsulfat. Tanah-tanahInceptisols yang unikinilazimdikenalsebagai 'cat-clays'. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS PROSES GENESIS Dekomposisi, humifikasi, danmineralisasimenghasilkanakumulasibahanorganik. KandunganbahanorganiktanahlebihtinggipadasubordoUmbreptsdanAqueptsdibandingkandenganOchrepts. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS CIRI-CIRI - Properties Horisonpencirinya KAMBIK bawah-permukaan, terdiriataspasirsangathalus, pasirhalusberlempungatauteksturyglebihhalus, denganbeberapaindikasilemahhorisonargilikatauspodik, tetapibelummemenuhikriteriaargilikatauspodik. Typically, these soils have an ochric or umbricepipedon over a cambic horizon. The ochricepipedon is generally a light-colored, low organic matter horizon. The umbricepipedon is similar to the mollicepipedon except for having a base saturation less than 50 %. Some poorly drained Inceptisols have a histicepipedon where organic matter content is high. Soils with mollicepipedons are Inceptisols when base saturation at pH 7 is less than 50 % in some horizon between the mollicepipedon and a depth of 180 cm or a lithic or paralithic contact if shallower. Inceptisolstipis/dangkal , hanyasediktihorison, mis. AC, AR atau ABC. Perkembanganstrukturtanahlemahkarenaadanyaerosi. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Inceptisols Bahaninduknyabermacam-macam Occur on any slope or land form From flood plains to mountain tops Any soil moisture regime except aridic and torric Any soil temperature regime except permafrost Umurnyaberagam, mulaidarimudahinggasangattua Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
INCEPTISOLS Inceptisoladalahtanahmudadanmulaiberkembang. Profilnyamempunyai horizon yang pembentukannyaagaklambatsebagaihasilalterasibahaninduk. Horizon-horizonnyatidakmemperlihatkanhasilpelapukan yang intensif. Horizon akumulasiliatdanoksida-oksidabesi & aluminium yang jelastidakadapadatanahini. Profilnyalebihberkembangdibandingkandenganentisol. Tanah-tanah yang dulunyadikelaskansebagaihutancoklat, andosoldantanahcoklatdapatdimasukkankedalamInceptisol KebanyakanInceptisolmemilikikambik. Horizon B yang mengalamiproses- proses genesis tanahsepertifisik, biologi, kimiadanprosespelapukan mineral. Perubahaninimenghasilkanstrukturkubusataugumpalbersudut. • Lapisanhorisonnyabelumberkembangdenganbaik • Perkembanganhorisonmasih minim • Tanah-tanahmuda Diunduhdari: http://blog.ub.ac.id/setiajunior/2012/04/28/tanah-inseptisol/ ………….. 27/2/2013 Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Four major concentration settings Inceptisoldapatberkembangdaribahanindukbatuanbeku, sedimen, metamorf. KarenaInceptisolmerupakantanah yang baruberkembangbiasanyamempunyaitekstur yang beragamdarikasarhinggahalus, dalamhalinidapattergantungpadatingkatpelapukanbahaninduknya. Bentukwilayahberagamdariberombakhinggabergunung. Kesuburantanahnyarendah, jelukefektifnyaberagamdaridaridangkalhinggadalam. Di dataranrendahpadaumumnyatebal, sedangkanpadadaerah-daerahlerengcuramsolumnyatipis. Padatanahberlerengcocokuntuktanamantahunanatauuntukmenjagakelestariantanah. • Daerah-daerahdingin • Daerah-daerahkering (ustikdanterik) • Lahan-basah = Wetlands • Geographically young surfaces (floodplains, glacial deposits, steep or highly erosive slopes, volcanic deposits) Diunduhdari: http://blog.ub.ac.id/setiajunior/2012/04/28/tanah-inseptisol/ ………….. 27/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Inceptisolsare young soils that are more developed than entisols. These soils are found in arctic tundra environments, glacial deposits, and relatively recent deposits of stream alluvium. Common characteristics of recognition include immature development of eluviation in the A horizon and illuviation in the B horizon. Diunduhdari: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-characteristic-is-shared-by-both-inceptisols-and-entails-,-the-soils-of-food-plains ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Inceptisols: Dicirikanolehepipedonokhrikdan “incipient” perkembanganhorison B (Kambik - Bw) Subordo: Aquepts - menunjukkanciri-ciribasah Anthrepts – epipedonanthropicatauplaggen Cryepts – rezimsuhutanahcryic Ustepts - rezimlengastanah USTIK Xerepts - rezimlengastanah XERIK Udepts - Inceptisolslainnya (mis. Rezimlengastanah UDIK). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
SUB-ORDO PADA INCEPTISOLS Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Subordo yang dominan • Anthreptsadalahinceptisols yang drainagenyabagus, yang mempunyaiepipedonanthropikatauplaggen. • AqueptsadalahInceptisols yang basah. Drainage alamiahnyajelekatausangatjelek, dan , kalautanahtidakmengalami drainage buatan, groundwater beradadekatpermukaanselamaperiodetertentuselamasetahun , tetapitidaksepanjangmusim. Banyaktanahiniberkembangpadavegetasihutan, tetapijugaditemukanpadaberagamvegetasi. Aqueptsdigunakanuntuklahanpertanian, pasture, hutanataucagaralam. • Cryeptsare the cold Inceptisols of high mountains or high latitudes. They are mostly in the high mountains of the West as well as southern Alaska. The vegetation is mostly conifers or mixed conifers and hardwoods. Most are used as forest or wildlife habitat. Some of the soils, mostly those in Alaska, are used as cropland. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Subordo yang dominan • Udepts are mainly freely drained Inceptisols that have a udic or perudic moisture regime. They are most extensive in the Appalachian Mountains, on the Allegheny Plateau, in northeastern Minnesota, and in Oregon. Most of the soils currently support or formerly supported forest vegetation, but some support shrub or grass vegetation. Vegetasinyakebanyakanhutankoniferdanhutancampurankayu-keras. Kebanyakantanahinidikelolasebagaihutanatautelahdibukauntuklahanpertanianatau pasture. • Usteptsadalahinceptisols yang drainagenyabagusmempunyairezim air-tanahUstik. Vegetasialamiahnyabiasanyaberuparumput, tetapibeberapaatanahdidukungolehvegetasipohon. KebanyakanUsteptsdikelolasebagailahanpertanianatau pasture. • Xerepts are mainly freely drained Inceptisols that have a xeric moisture regime. They are in the western part of the United States, mostly in California, Oregon, and Washington. The native vegetation commonly was coniferous forest on the soils with a frigid or mesic temperature regime and shrubs, grasses, and widely spaced trees on the soils with a thermic temperature regime. Most Xerepts are used as forest, cropland, or pasture. Some are used as rangeland or wildlife habitat. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS KLASIFIKASI - Classification PersyaratanuntukmemenuhikriteriaInceptisoladalah: Biasanyaadahorisonpenciri KAMBIK, tetapitidakadahorisonspodic, argillic, kandic, natric, atauoksik. Subsoilnyakurangberkembang, tetapimempunyaiepipedonumbric, histic, atauplaggen Teksturtanah: tanah-tanah mineral berlempungataulebihhalus They exhibit profile development sufficient to exclude them from Entisols but lack features though to represent mature soil formation Tidakadaciri-ciri ANDIK dalamlapisanlebihtebal 35 cm didalam 60 cm zone permukaan. Rezim air-tanah ARIDIK biasanyatidakada SubordodalamInceptisolsdibedakanolehrezimlengastanah, epipedon, danrezimsuhutanah. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Aquepts: They show redoximorphic features and are saturated with water at some period in the year. Aquepts usually have cambic horizons and commonly in the US, they have fragipans. Aquepts are found in the Flood Plains of the Mississippi River Valley, the lacustrine regions in the Midwest, and the lower Coastal Plain along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. Plaggepts: They have dark brown or black plaggenepipedons. Plaggepts were formed by anthropic activity mainly in Europe and are of small extent. Tropepts: Tanah-tanahiniberkembangpadakondisiresimsuhutanah ISOMESIK atau ISO yang lebihhangat. Ochrepts: They have an ochricepipedon or if their soil temperature regime is mesic or warmer they have thin (< 25 cm) mollic or umbricepipedons. Their soil organic matter content is low. Umbrepts: Tanah inimempunyaiepipedonumbric, mollic, atauanthropik. Tanah inidrainagenyabagus, masam, kemerahangelapataukecoklatan, dankayabahanorganik.. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Ciritanah, resimsuhdanrezim air, membedakan great groups dan subgroups yang adadalamInceptisols. Contoh-contoh yang adapadaOrdoInceptisoladalah: suhutanahCryicataupergelic (mis. Cryaquepts), rezim air-tanah USTIK (mis. Ustochrepts, UsticHumitropepts), danrezim air-tanah ARIDIK (mis. AridicUstochrepts). A sulfuric horizon is considered on the great group (e.g. Sulfaquepts) and subgroup level (e.g. SulficCryaquepts). The presence of a fragipan (e.g. Fragiaquepts, FragicEpiaquepts, or FragicXerochrepts), a duripan (e.g. Durochrepts), or plinthite (e.g. Plinthaquepts) are considered. Carbonates within the soil profile of Inceptisols or a high base status define the Eutrochrepts. Inceptisols low in bases are common on the great group level (e.g. Dystropepts) and on the subgroup level (e.g. DystricEutrochrepts, DystricXerochrepts). Shallow soil profiles are found in several subgroups, for instance, LithicUstochrepts, LithicCryaquepts, and LithicEndoquepts. Karakteristik VERTIK , sepertiretakandansifatmengembangdatikomponen mineral-tanahmendefinisikanbeberapa subgroups dariInceptisols (mis. VerticUstochrepts, VerticEutrochrepts, atauVerticHumitropepts).
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Bahaninduk Fluvial ditemukanpadabeberapa subgroups, misalnya, FluventicHumitropepts, FluventicUstochrepts, atauFluventicXerumbrepts. Inceptisolsterbentukpadabahanindukvolcanik (mis. volcanic glass) yang tidakmemenuhikriteriaOrdoAndisol , dicirikanolehunsur-formatif 'vitrandic' (mis. VitrandicHumitropepts, VitrandicDurochrepts) atau 'andic' kalaufraksihalusmempunyaibobotisi 1.0 g/cm3ataukurang (mis. AndicDurochrepts, AndicFragiochrepts). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Karakteristik PENCIRI Inceptisols MELIPUTI TANAH-TANAH YANG mempunyaisedikitperkembangan subsoil, tetapitidakmempunyaiciri-ciriordotanahlainnya. They are excluded from the Aridisol order by soil moisture regime, from the Vertisol order by lack of argillipedoturbative features, and from the Andisol order by andic parent material. Di daerahiklimsedangdansemakinbanyakhujan, terbentuklahMollisolsatauAlfisols. Di daerahiklimtropisdansubtropisterbentuklahUltisolsatauOxisols. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Inceptisolsadalahtanah-tanahdilingkungan semiarid hingga humid ygumumnyamenunjukkanderajatpelapukandanperkembangantanah yang moderat. Karakteristiktanahinisnagatberagamdanditemukanpadaberbagaikondisiiklim. Inceptisolmeliputisekitar 17% permukaanlahandunia yang bebases. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Inceptisolsmempunyaihorisonygtelahmengalamiperubahan, tetapitidakcukuplapukuntukmenjadihorisonilluvial ( akhiran “ept” berasaldarikataLatin “inceptum” yang artinya “barumulai”). These are young or in the beginning stage of soil formation. Many are shallow to bedrock, or occur on steeply sloping land. These soils occur in a wide range of temperature and moisture environments. The diagnostic features are the ochricepipedon and cambic horizon. Urutanhorisonbiasanya A, Bw, C. Diunduhdari: http://www.stthomas.edu/geography/faculty/kelley/physgeog/soils/taxonomy/soil_taxonomy.htm………………. 26/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS ProfiltanahInceptisol, menunjukkansedikitbuktiakumulasi humus, liatatau minerals untukmenjadilapisan yang “distinct”. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Staff Diunduhdari: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/19536/Inceptisol-soil-profile-showing-little-evidence-of-the-accumulation-of ………………. 26/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS ProfilInceptisolpadaposisilanskapdeposisionalygdrainagenyabagusdi Republic of China. Horison KAMBIK dneganstrukturgumpal-bersudut yang kuat (kedalaman 20 - 60 cm). On level, depositional surfaces the surface of the soil moves upward at such a rate that lessivage transfers of clay to the subsoil fail to deposit sufficient clay within a specific thickness to form an argillic or kandic horizon. Inceptisolsdilokasisepertiiniseringkaliwarnanyagelaptetapiperkembanganstruktur blocky cukupbaikuntukmenjadihorison KAMBIK. Diunduhdari: http://courses.soil.ncsu.edu/ssc551/units/print/unit17.html ………………. 26/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS The central concept of Inceptisols is that of soils of humid and subhumid regions that have altered horizons that have lost bases or iron and aluminum but retain some weatherable minerals. They do not have an illuvial horizon enriched with either silicate clay or with an amorphous mixture of aluminum and organic carbon. Inceptisolsmungkinmempunyaibanyakmacamhorisonpenciri, tetapitidakadahorisonargillic, natrickandic, spodicdanoxic. Diunduhdari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/inceptisols.html.... 26/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Di Michigan, Inceptisolsberlokasiterutamadilembah Saginaw danduadaerahbagiantimurdari Upper-Peninsula. Little eluviation or illuviation has taken place, and the soils are characterized by poor drainage and waterlogging. If drained successfully, they can be productive-as in the navy-bean-producing areas of the Saginaw Valley. Tanah iniberwarnakelabu, dibagianbawahtanah, adaindikasikondisibasah, dan "give-away" bahwatanahiniadalahInceptisol. Diunduhdari: ……………… http://www.geo.msu.edu/geogmich/inceptisols.html.
ORIGIN OF INCEPTISOLS • Banyakberhubungandengandatraanbanjirdantatanandeposisionallainnya. • Jugaberhubungandneganlereng-lerengperbukitan • Common factor is terrain or history causes Young soils, just beginning to develop soil profiles. • Seringkalibasah, cocokuntukbudidayapadi. • -- Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Horisonbelumberkembang dg baikdaneksistensibahanindukmasihtampak Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH INCEPTISOLS Karakteristiktanahinceptisoladalah : Memilikisolumtanahagaktebal, yaitu 1-2 meter Warnanyahitamataukelabuhinggacoklattua Teksturnyadebu, lempungberdebu, lempung Strukturtanahnyaremah, konsistensinyagembur, pH 5,0 – 0,7 Kandunganbahanorganikcukuptinggi, 10%-30% Kandunganunsurhara : sedanghinggatinggi Produktivitastanah: sedanghinggatinggi. Diunduhdari: http://blog.ub.ac.id/setiajunior/2012/04/28/tanah-inseptisol/ ……………….
Sucessional Relationships Inceptisoladalahtanah – tanah yang memilikiepipedonokhrikdanhorisonalbikseperti yang dimilikitanahentisol, jugamenpunyaisifatpenciri lain ( misalnyahorisonkambik) tetapibelummemenuhisyaratbagiordotanahlainnya. Inceptisoladalahtanah yang belummatang (immature), perkembanganprofilnyalebihlemahdibandingkandengantanahmatang, danmasihbanyakmenyerupaisifatbahaninduknya (Hardjowigeno,1993). Inceptisolsdapatberkembangmenjadiultisolsdanspodosols Diunduhdari: http://wahyuaskari.wordpress.com/literatur/tanah-inceptisol/ ………….. 25/2/2013
Contoh: DeskripsiProfil Tanah Inceptisol Taksonomitanah : FluventicUstropepts Lokasi : DesaJambuwer, KecamatanKromengan Kemiringan : 40% Elevasi : 300 m dpl Bentullahan : Dataran Bahaninduk : Fluvent Drainase : Sedang HorisonAp (0-22 cm): Coklatsampaicoklattua (10 YR 4/3) lembab; liat; subangular blocky, sedang, kuat; konsistensiteguhbilalembab; agaklekatdanagakplastisbilabasah, kerasbilakering; porimikro, porimeso, danporimakrobanyak; perakaranhalusbanyak, batasjelasdannyata. Horison Bw1 (22-70 cm): Coklat (10 YR 4/2) lembab; liat; angular blocky, sedang , kuat; konsistensisangatteguhbilalembab, sangatlekat; sangatplastisbilabasah, sangatkerasbilakering; porimikrobanyak, porimesosedang, porimakrosedikit; bataskontinyujelasdansedang. Bw2 (70-120 cm): Coklattua (10 YR 4/4), lembab; liat; angular blocky, sedang, kuat; konsistensisangatteguhbilalembab, sangatlekat, sangatplastisbilabasah, sangatkerasbilakering; porimikrobanyak, porimesosedang, porimakrosedikit; bataskontinyujelasdansedangh. Diunduhdari: AGRITEK 8(4) Nop 2000 ………….. 27/2/2013
Hasilanalisiscontoh Tanah : FluventicUstropepts Diunduhdari: AGRITEK 8(4) Nop 2000 ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH INFORMASI TENTANG LOKASI : Soil Classification :USDA (1990): Fine, mixed, thermic Family of VerticXerochrepts (JDEF) FAO/UNESCO: CMv : VerticCambisol Location : W of side sample area 1/6 Coordinates : Geographical : 35.91973 E/ 32.40582 N Elevation : 735 m asl Landform : Position: Lower slope Land System : 18/2(Undulating to rolling dissected limestone plateau on Ajlun/Balqa group) Land Facet : 5 (Vallyfloor on dissected limestone terrains ) Microrelief : Class : Even (<25 cm) Type : other Slope : Sloping (9%) , concave to ESE Land Use : 1.1 Cereals Plant /Crop : Cereals Climate: Mean annual precipitation: Mean annual temperature : Air : 16.4 ° C / Soil (50cm) : 19.3° C Soil moisture regime : Xeric Precipitation zone : 350-400 mm p.a. Diunduhdari: http://ag.arizona.edu/oals/IALC/jordansoils/_pdf/jordan_inceptisols.pdf ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH INFORMASI UMUM TENTANG TANAH: Geology : Unconsolidated alluvium: Limestone [q5 Fluv.deposits, sand, loess (Bender 1968)] Parent Material : Alluvium Drainage : Surface Runoff: Medium Soil Drainage Class : Well Surface Cover : Stones (15 %) Surface Feature : Litter (5 %) Soil Surface Conditions : Dry / Loose Erosion : Slight gully erosion Soil Depth : 200 cm + Diagnostic Horizon or Property: Vertic at 25 cm Diunduhdari: ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Diunduhdari: http://ag.arizona.edu/oals/IALC/jordansoils/_pdf/jordan_inceptisols.pdf ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH INFORMASI TENTANG LOKASI : Soil Classification: USDA (1990): Fine, mixed, calcareous, hyperthermic Family of VerticUstochrepts (JDDC) FAO/UNESCO : VR : Vertisol Location : 4.2km N of Shuna Coordinates : Geographical : 35.61391 E/ 32.64495 N JTM : 369964 E/ 613553 N Elevation : -200 m asl Landform : Position: Lower slope of plain Land System : 1/3 (Alluvial fans and terraces, piedmont fans)--1.3.2 [GIS] Land Facet : 2 (Gently sloping to flat alluvial fan) Microrelief : Class: Even (<25 cm) Type: Slope: Gently sloping (2 % ) , rectilinear to SW Land Use : 1.9 Tilled Plant /Crop: Climate :Mean annual precipitation: Mean annual temperature: Air : 22.2 ° C / Soil (50cm) : 25.0° C Soil moisture regime : Ustic Precipitation zone : 350-400 mm p.a. Diunduhdari: http://ag.arizona.edu/oals/IALC/jordansoils/_pdf/jordan_inceptisols.pdf ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH INFORMASI UMUM TENTANG TANAH: Geology : Unconsolidated alluvium [q5 Fluv.deposits,sand,loess( Bender 1968 )] Parent Material : Alluvium Drainage : Surface Runoff: None Soil Drainage Class: Imperfect Surface Cover : Gravel (10 %) Surface Feature : Litter (5 %) Soil Surface Conditions: Wet / Moderately hard Erosion : Nil Soil Depth : 180 cm + Diagnostic Horizon or Property: Cambicat 25 cm and Vertic at 50 cm Diunduhdari: ………….. 27/2/2013
CONTOH DESKRIPSI PROFIL TANAH PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Diunduhdari: http://ag.arizona.edu/oals/IALC/jordansoils/_pdf/jordan_inceptisols.pdf ………….. 27/2/2013
INCEPTISOLS….. Diunduhdari: smno.kampus.ub.nop2012