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GENESIS TANAH. Foto : smno.kampus.ub.janu2013. MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH. Smno.jursntnh.fpub.febr2013. Soil: Definisi. Material padatan di permukaan bumi yang telah mengalami perubahan oleh proses-proses fisika , kimia dan biologi , sehingga ia mampu menunjang kehidupan tumbuhan berakar .
GENESIS TANAH Foto: smno.kampus.ub.janu2013 MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH. Smno.jursntnh.fpub.febr2013
Soil: Definisi • Material padatandipermukaanbumi yang telahmengalamiperubahanolehproses-prosesfisika, kimiadanbiologi, sehinggaiamampumenunjangkehidupantumbuhanberakar. • Definisike-teknik-an: Anything that can be removed without blasting DIUNDUH DARI: gis.ess.washington.edu/grg/courses/ess230/lectures/Soils_2012.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Pembentukantanah DIUNDUH DARI: gis.ess.washington.edu/grg/courses/ess230/lectures/Soils_2012.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Pembentukan Tanah: Input Konversibatuanmenjaditanah DIUNDUH DARI: gis.ess.washington.edu/grg/courses/ess230/lectures/Soils_2012.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Pembentukan Tanah: Output Gerakantanahmenurunilereng DIUNDUH DARI: gis.ess.washington.edu/grg/courses/ess230/lectures/Soils_2012.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Ketebalan Tanah: Storage • input ± output = Ketebalantanah • atau: Konversibatuan ± transportanah = ketebalan • that is, soil thickness reflects the balance between rates of soil production and rates of downslope soil movement. Kemiringan Lajupelapukan DIUNDUH DARI: gis.ess.washington.edu/grg/courses/ess230/lectures/Soils_2012.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Pembentukan Tanah - Pelapukan Ion-ion hara mineral dalamlarutan Oksida Fe dan Al Silika Liat 2 lapis Liat 3 lapis Debu Pasir/Kuarsa Batuaninduk Bahanindukhalus DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
Beberapatipetanah: • Loess : tanah-tanahsubur yang berkembangdaribahanindukdebuglasial yang diangkutanginpadajamanes. • Laterites: tanah-tanahmerahkayaoksidabesi, didaerahtripikabasah-panas, berkembangdaripelapukanintensifbahaninduk • Pedalfers: rich soils with brown color, high in aluminum and iron; typical of cooler, wet temperate climates world-wide. • Pedocals: soils typical of warm, arid regions; high in calcium and commonly contain caliche (white deposits of calcium carbonate) • Tanah-tanah Tundra : tanah yang terbentukpadakondisiiklimsaljupermanenmenutuppermukaan (permafrost). DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
Apakah“Tanah “ itu? “Tanah” merupakanlapisandipermukaanbumiterdiriatasbatuanlapuk, mineral danbahanorganik yang mampumendukungkehidupantumbuhan. Komposisispesifiksuatutanah. Soil is composed of mineral matter from weathered rock; water, gases, and organic matter (the remains of plant and animal material and bacteria). Persentasekomposisitanah DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
Sumurpompadapatmenurunkanpermukaan groundwater DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
Penggunaan tanah untuk mendukungkemanusiaan. Produksiserat Produksipangan Produksikayu Siklus Hara Sikluskarbon Sumberbahanbangunan Simpanan air Filtrasi air Landasanbagikonstruksi Buanganlimbah DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
Struktur Tanah Horison O, seresahdedaunan, bahanorganik Horison B, Zone akumulasi Horison R, bahaninduk yang belumterlapuk Model profiltanah DIUNDUH DARI: www.indiana.edu/~g225/G225-Soils.ppt ....... 10/2/2013
PROFIL TANAH • Horizon A • Zone eluviaSI • Horizon B • Zone iluviaSI • Horizon C • Bahanlapuk • Horizon D • Batuanbelumlapuk DIUNDUH DARI: www.csbs.edu.hk/.../ppt/Soil%20and%20Soil%20Forming%20Proces........5/2/2013
TANAH: Salahsatufenometapentingdipermukaanbumiuntukproduksi, penghancuranpartikelsedimen, dankomponen-komponenterlarut. Soils “Pedogenesis” = Pembentukantanah DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Profiltanah yang ideal ANATOMI TANAH Terorganisirmenjadi lima lapisan yang berbeda, disebut Horison Tanah DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Horison - O Characterized by in-situ accumulation of plant material Occurs only as a surface horizon, unless buried by sediment TidaksemuatanahmempunyaiHorison O Typical of Everwet Lowlands Kalauhorison O terkubur, iaakanmenjadisumberdayaekonomiberupagambutdanbatubara DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
A-Horizons Zone pencucian ion-ion larut, proses “eluviasi”. Akumulasiakartumbuhandanbahanorganik Organic acids and chelates to promote weathering of minerals for plant nutrients Unless an O-horizon is present, A horizons will occur at the surface of the soil SemuatanahmempunyaiHorison A Dicirikanolehwarnagelapdaribahanorganik DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Horison B Zone of accumulation of new and residual minerals from chemical weathering and physical transport (“illuviation”) Kebanyakantanahmempunyaihorison B, tetapitidaksemuatanah Dicirikanolehperkembanganstrukturtanah StrukturGranuler Struktur Blocky Struktur Prismatik Butir-tunggallepas Struktur Kolumner Struktur Pipih DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Horison C Terdiriatasbahaninduktanah yang barusedikitterlapuk PARENT MATERIAL is rock (igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary) or sediment upon which the soil forms Tidakmempunyaistrukturtanah, dansifatbatuanaslinyamasihtampak HampirsemuatanahmempunyaiHorison C DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Horison R } Tanah - Soil Horison R Bahaninduk yang kondisinyasementasidanbelumlapuk, tidakterpengaruhiolehprosespembentukantanah. With time, this cemented material will be disaggregated and dissolved to form new sedimentary particles. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES GENESIS TANAH A large number of processes are responsible for the formation of soils. This fact is evident by the large number of different types of soils that have been classified by soil scientists. However, at the macro-scale we can suggest that there are five main principal pedogenic processes acting on soils. Proses-prosespembentukantanah : Laterisasi, Podsolisasi, Klasifikasi, Salinisasi Gleisasi. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES GENESIS TANAH LATERISASI Laterisasimerupakanprosespedogenesis yang banyakterjadipadatanah-tanahdilingkungantropisdansubtropis. High temperatures and heavy precipitation result in the rapid weathering of rocks and minerals. Movements of large amounts of water through the soil cause eluviation and leaching to occur. Almost all of the by products of weathering, very simple small compounds or nutrient ions, are translocated out of the soil profile by leaching if not taken up by plants for nutrition. Duaperkecualianbagiprosesiniadalahsenyawa Fe dan Al. Oksida-oksida Fe memberikanwarnakemerahanpadatanah-tanahtropis. Pencucianygintensifjugamenyebabkantanah-tanahinimempunyai pH masamkarenakehilangankationbasa. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
FERRALIZATION Pencucianhampirsemuakartionbasadansilika, destruksialuminosilicatesdanphyllosilicates Pengkayaanoksi-hidroksidaFe dan Al, sepertiHematite, Goethite, danGibbsite Hanyaterjadipadadaerahiklimbasah-panas. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES GENESIS TANAH PODSOLISASI Podzolization is associated with humid cold mid-latitude climates and coniferousvegetation. Decomposition of coniferous litter and heavy summer precipitation create a soil solution that is strongly acidic. Larutantanah yang bersifatmasaminimemacuproses-proseseluviasidanpencucianygmenyebabkanpengusirankationbasalarutdansenyawa-senyawa Al dan Fe dariHorison A. Prosesinimneghasilkan sub-lapisandalamHorison A yang berwarnaputihhinggakelabudanterdiriataspasirsilika. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
Podsolisasi Describes the process by which fairly acid conditions (hydrolysis) and organo-metallic bonding (chelation) translocate Fe and Al from the topsoil to the subsurface B-horizons. Prosesinimenghasilkanpermukaantanah yang diperkayadengansilica (khususnyakuarsa) denganwarnapucat.. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES GENESIS TANAH KALSIFIKASI Calcification occurs when evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation causing the upward movement of dissolved alkaline salts from the groundwater. At the same time, the movement of rain water causes a downward movement of the salts. Hasildariprosesiniadalahdeposisikation-kationterangkutdalamHorison B. Dalambeberapakasus, deposit inidapatmembentuksuatulapisankeras yang disebut “caliche”. Substansi yang paling banyakterlibatdalamprosesiniadalahkalsiumkarbonat.. Kalsifikasibanyakterjadipadalingkunganpadnag-rumput prairie. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
Kalsifikasi Prosesinidicirikanolehakumulasikalsitdalamhorisonbawah-permukaan. Ca2+ leached from upper horizons downward to depth of wetting in the soil Upon drying, Ca2+ combines with CO32- to form calcite, CaCO3 Prosesinimemerlukanevaporasi, terjadididaerahiklim semi-arid danarid . Modern California DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES GENESIS TANAH SALINISASI Salinization is a process that functions in the similar way to calcification. It differs from calcification in that the salt deposits occur at or very near the soil surface. Salinisasijugadapatberlangsungpadakondisiiklim yang lebihkering. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
SALINISASI Ions in solution are concentrated by evaporating water. Cations and anions force to combine and form salts in the soil: Na++Cl-<=>NaCl Ca2++SO4=<=>CaSO4 Prosesinipentingpadalahan-lahandidaerahiklim Arid. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013 Ask me about the Mesopotamian Empire!
PROSES GENESIS TANAH GLEISASI Gleisasimerupakanprosespedogenesis yang berhubungandnegankondisi drainage ayangburuk. This process involves the accumulations of organic matter in the upper layers of the soil. In lower horizons, mineral layers are stained blue-gray because of the chemical reduction of iron. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
Gleization Prosesinimencerminkanreaksioksidasi-reduksidalamtanah Chemical reduction of elements (mostly Fe, but also Mn) Poorly drained, anoxic soils: Fe3+ + e- <=> Fe2+ 3. Fe2+ is a mobile valence state for iron, and it may be transported as a dissolved species away from the soil 4. Prosesinimenghasilkanprofiltanah yang warnanyahijua, kelabu, danumumnyawarna-warna “drab” 5. Prosesinibukanmerupakan “bentuk yang cepat” daripelapukankimiawi DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Adsorption – Adsorpsi - Penjerapan: Prosesiniterjadikalaugaya-gayatarikantarapermukaanpadatan-tanah (adsorbent) dankomponenlarutan-tanah (adsorbat ) lebihbesardibandingkangaya-gayatarikantarakomponenterlarutdanlarutantanah (solvent), sertagayatolakantarapermukaantanahdanspesies yang dijerap. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Aggregation - Agregasi: Partikel-partikeldiikat (dipegang) bersamamenjadi unit-unit yang ukurannyaberagam, bentuknyabebreda-beda, denganbvantuanproses-prosesfisika, kimiawidanbiologis. SuatuAgregatdipisahkandariagregatlainnyamelaluibidangpermukaan yang lemah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Alkalization - Alkalisasi: Akumulasikation Na; pembentukanHorisonnatrik.. Audification - Pengasaman: Akumulasi ion-ion H+. Carbonation – Karbonasi (calcification): Akumulasikalsiumkarbonat; pembentukanHorisonKalsikatauHorisonPetrokalsik. Chelation- Khelasi – Peng-khelat-an: Pembentukansenyawakomplekslogamdenganagenorganik. Logaldijebakdalamstrukturcincin, sehinggamenjadisangatstabil. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Compaction – Kompaksi - Pemadatan: Reduksifisikkandunganuadartanah yang mengakibatkanmeningkatnyaBobotIsi. Cryoturbation: Pencampirantanahakibatdarisuhurendah, mis. Untukmerusakhorison, memasukkanbahanorganikkedalamhorisonbawah, danuntukmenatabatu-batu. Dealkalization (solodization): Pergerakan ion Na keluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Decarbonation (decalcification): Pergerakankalsiumkarbonatkeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Decomposition - Dekomposisi: Penghancuranbahan mineral danbahanorganiksecarabiokimiawi. Dehydration - Dehidrasi: Kehilangan air yang mengakibatkansuatusenyawakembalikekeadaanorisinalnya. Depositionmerupakansedimentasibahan yang terangkut: Akumulasipartikeltanah / colluvium Akumulasiunsurhara / Peningkatan KTK Pengkayaanpartikelberukuran medium. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Desalinization - Desalinisasi: Pergerakangaram-garamlarutkeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Desilication - Desilikasi: Pergerakansilikakeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Diffusion (into and out of the soil): Pertukaranudaraantaraatmosfirdantanahkarenapengaruhtekanan partial gerakanmassa. Disaggregation - Disagregasi: Hancurnyaagregatatanah. Dispersion - Dispersi: Proseshancurnyastrukturtanahdalam air danmemisahmenjadiseparatkomponen-komponennya. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Eluviation - Eluviasi: Movement of material out of a section of the soil profile (literally washing away of material); depletion of the material washed away (e.g. sequioxides, clay minerals, organic material) Energy influx / outflux: Radiation absorption / reflection: Suhu Tanah Aktivitasmikrobatanah-> humifikasi, decomposition, mineralisasi Evaporasi Lengastanah DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Erosimerupakanprosespengangkutanpartikeltanah(danbahanorganik) oleh air atauangin. Pukulantetes-tetes air hujanmenyebabkanhancurnyaagregattanah Soil movement / removal of the A horizon Smoothing or levelling of the soil surface Loss of nutrients / decrease of CEC Selective particle transport results in the relative enrichment of coarse and fine particles and depletion of medium-sized particles Mereduksiinfiltrasi / meningkatkan runoff / mereduksikandunganlengastanah Membentukkerakdipermukaantanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Ferrugination: Perkembanganwarnatanahcoklat, coklatkemerahan, dankemerahan. Flocculation: It is a process where the individual particles of clay are coagulated to form floccular aggregates. Gleization: It involves the reduction of iron and its segregation into redoximorphic features, or its removal by leaching form the gleyed horizon; process occuring in poorly drained soil. Humification - Humifikasi: Pembentukan HUMUS daribahanorganiksegar. Hidration: Penyerapan air olehsuatusenyawadanmembentuksenyawabaru yang hanyasedikitberbedadengankeadaanorisinalnya. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
Humification Mendeskripsikanpenambahanbahanorganik, dandekomposisikimiawinyamenjadidalam humus danasamorganik HUMUS merupakan material berwarnagelap, yang membuattanahberwarnahitamataucoklat Breakdown of the humus and organic acids also produces high CO2 concentrations in the soil, leading to carbonic acid and another form of chemical weathering. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Hydrolysis: Penggantiankation-kationdalamstruktur mineral olehkationhidrogendarilarutantanah. Illuviation: Movement of material into a section of the soil profile (literally washing into or towards); accumulation of material washed into (e.g. sequioxides, clay minerals, organic material) Induration: Pengerasansebagianprofiltanahakibatasosiasidengancadasbesidanplinthite, dandenganagen-agen semen lainnya (Si atauCa). Infiltration: The entry of water into the soil surface Rainwater infiltrates in the soil with soluble and suspended matter. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Interflow(Subsurface flow, through flow, seepage): Lateral subsurface flow. Lessivage: Pergerakan mineral liat secara fisik ke arah bawah. Leucinization(decoloration): Pencerahan warna pada sebagian profil tanah – pembentukan horison albik. Melanization: Darkening the color of light-colored mineral initial unconsolidated material by mixture and accumulation of organic matter; formation of a mollic horizon due to incorporation of organic matter. Mineralization: Pelepasan berbagai bentuk mineral selama dekomposisi bahan organik. Neutralisasi: Menetralkan ion-ion H+. Outflow: Loss of water from the pedosphere to the groundwater.Loss of water and soluble and suspended matter from the system, i.e. loss from the soil zone (unsaturated and saturated zone) into the groundwater.
Lessivage Transport fisik material berukuranliatdarihorisonpermukaankelapisanbawah (Translokasi) Leads to reddish coloration and clay-rich subsurface horizons Iklimbasahmusiman Modern California Argentina, 225 Million Year old rocks DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Oksidasi: Pembentukanoksidaataupelepasanelektron. Pedoturbation: The churning and disruption of horizon formation by biological, physical and to some extent chemical activity, such as wetting and drying, swelling and contraction, freezing and thawing, root pressures, animal burrowing, acitivty of man. Podzolization: Process by which sequioxides are translocated in a soil profile. The soluble ferrous iron forms ate the sites of eluviation, and the insoluble ferric iron forms at the point of illuviation. Podzolization is a soil forming process resulting in the genesis of Podzols. Precipitation (Pengendapan): Pemisahandandeposisisubstansipadatandarilarutan. Reduksi: Kehilanganoksigenataupenerimaanelektron. Salinization: Accumulation of soluble salts such as chlorides and sulphates of Ca, Mg, Na, or K. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Silication: Accumulation of silica. Solifluction: Slow flow of saturated soil on a permanent frozen soil (permafrost table). Solution: Dissolving of minerals into solution (e.g. calcium carbonate into bicarbonate). Surface crusting (soil sealing): A process which results in the formation of soil crusts on the soil surface, ranging in thickness from a few mm to perhaps as much as 3 cm, that is much mor compact, hard and brittle, when dry, than the material immediately beneath. Surface runoff (overland flow): Discharge of rainwater over the surface of the land. Surface runoff is composed of unconcentrated and concentrated flow. Suspension: The floating of dispersed particles in a medium like water. It is one of the states of particle transport of eroded sediments, especially for the smaller and lighter particles such as clay. Synthesis: Pembentukansenyawabarusecarabiokimiawidenganjalankombinasiunsurataukompkinen-komponentanah. Upward movement: Pergerakankapilaritassubstansiterlarutdantersuspensi. Pelapukan: Semuaperubahanfisikadankimiawi yang terjadipadabatuan,dipermukaanbumu, olehagen-agenatmosferik. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: (http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/10u.html) Pedogenesisdapatdidefinisikansebagai “prosesperkembangantanah” Jenny believed that the kinds of soils that develop in a particular area are largely determined by five interrelated factors: Iklim; Organisme; Bahaninduk; Topografi; Waktu. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhiPembentukan Tanah • Faktor-faktorPasif • Bahaninduk • Topografi / Landform • Waktu • Faktor-faktoraktif • Iklim • FaktorBiotik DIUNDUH DARI: www.csbs.edu.hk/.../ppt/Soil%20and%20Soil%20Forming%20Proces........5/2/2013