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PROFIL TANAH. Foto : smno.kampus.ub.janu2013. MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH. Smno.jursntnh.fpub.febr2013. HORISON GENETIK. HORIZON: Lapisan tanah sejajar permukaan dengan karakteristik yang dihasilkan oleh proses genesis tanah ( Berdasarkan justifikasi kualitatif ).
PROFIL TANAH Foto: smno.kampus.ub.janu2013 MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH. Smno.jursntnh.fpub.febr2013
HORISON GENETIK HORIZON: Lapisantanahsejajarpermukaandengankarakteristik yang dihasilkanolehproses genesis tanah (Berdasarkanjustifikasikualitatif) DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Empatmacamprosesdalam genesis tanah: Additions. Material sepertidedaunan, debu yang ditiupangin, ataubahankimiadaripolusiudara, yang ditambahkanmasukketanah. Losses. Material hilangdaritanahsebagaiakibatdaripencuciankelapisantanah yang lebihdalamatauerosidipermukaantanah Translocations. Materials may be moved within the soil. This can occur with deeper leaching into the soil or upward movement caused by evaporating water. Transformations. Materials may be altered in the soil. Examples include organic matter decay, weathering of minerals to smaller particles, or chemical reactions. DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
TIGA MACAM UNIT (SEKALA) TANAH Pedon: Volume terkecil yang disebut “tanah” = “soil” Polypedon: Tubuhtanah ( duaataulebihpedon) , tanah-tanahnyarelatifseragam Soil Series: kelompokpolipedon yang serupa DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Horisontanahadalahlapisantanahatau material tanah yang posisinyasejajardneganpermukaanlahan. Suatuhorisondapatdibedakandenganlapisan-lapisangenetikdisekitarnyadalamhalwarna, struktur, tekstur, konsistensi, sifatkimia, sifatbiologis, dankomposisimineralogisnya. Adanyaatautidakadanyahorisondiagnostiktertentuakanmenentupakposisisuatutanahdalamsistemklasifikasi. Sumber: http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/soil200/classification/soil_horizon.htm LANSEKAP POLI PEDON atau Individual tanah PEDON DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
PROFIL TANAH = Penampangmelintangvertikaldarisuatutanah. When exposed, various layers of soil should be apparent. Each layer of soil may be different from the rest in a physical or chemical way. The differences are developed from the interaction of such soil-forming factors as: 1. BahanInduk Tanah 2. Topografi - Slope 3. Vegetasialamiah 4. Waktu-lamanyaPelapukan 5. Iklim. Suatuprofiltanahbiasanyadideskripsikanhinggakedalaman 3 - 5 feet. PROFIL TANAH: satusisidaripedon, menunjukkansemuahorison, 2-D DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORISON UTAMA = MASTER HORIZONS Horison “O”. Iniadalahlapisanorganik yang terdiriatassisa-sisatumbuhandanbinatang yang telahmengalamipelapukansecara partial. Horisoninibiasanyaterdapatpadatanah-tanah yang belumterganggu, sepertitanah-tanahhutan. Horison “A”. Iniseringdisebutsebagai “topsoil” danmerupakanlapisanpermukaantempatakumulasibahanorganik. Denganperjalananwaktu, horisoninidapatkehilanganliat, besidanbahan-bahan lain karenapencucian, disebutHorisonELuviasi. Horison A menyediakanlingkungantumbuh yang bagusbagiakartanaman, mikrobadanorganismelainnya. “E” horizon. This is the zone of greatest eluviation. Because the clay, chemicals, and organic matter are very leached, the color of the E horizon is very light. It usually occurs in sandy forest soils with high amounts of rainfall. “B” horizon. This horizon is referred to as the subsoil. It is often called the “zone of accumulation” since chemicals leached from the A and E horizons accumulate here. This accumulation is called illuviation. The B horizon will have less organic matter and more clay than the A horizon. Together, the A, E, and B horizons are known as the solum. This is where most of the plant roots grow. “C” horizon. This horizon is referred to as the substratum. It lacks the properties of the A and B horizons since it is influenced less by the soil forming processes. It is usually the parent material of the soil. Horison “R”. Iniadalahbatuan yang mendasari (dibagianbawah) profiltanah, misalnyabatukapur (limestone), sandstone, ataugranit. Posisinyadibawahhorison C. O A E B C R
HORIZON O BahanOrganik = Organic material Oidekomposisisedikit (seresah = litter) Oedekomposisi intermediate Oadekomposisilanjut Horison O. Horizon inimerupakanlapisantanah paling atasberadadiataslapisanmineral, terdiriatasbahanorganik (segardansudahmengalamidekomposisi partial). Warnanyagelap. Lapisantanah paling atasdapatdisebutsebagai horizon O, apabila: Kandunganbahanorganiknya ≥ 30 % , jikatanahberteksturliatkandungan BOT lebihdari 50 %. Kandunganbahanorganiknya20 %, jikateksturnyabukanberliat. Horison O1, disebutjugasebagailapisanmulsa (much). Horizon organik yang bahanorganiknyamasihmempunyaiciridanbentukaslinyaterlihatjelasdenganmatabiasadanmasihserupadenganbahanasalnya. Contoh : terdapat ranting pohon, daun, tulang, sisa-sisatubuhhewan. Horion O2, ditandaiolehadanyabahanorganik (tumbuhandanhewan) yang sedangatautelahmengalamidekomposisi (pelapukan) sehinggatidakmenampakkanciriwujudaslinya. Horizon iniseringdikenalsebagai“humus” yang berwarnahitam. DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORIZON - A • Horison mineral paling atas (< 12% BO. ; kalauberliat : <18% BO) • Akumulasibahanorganik yang terdekomposisidneganbaik • Seringkali “bioturbated” • OR Horisonpermukaanygtergangguolehpengolahantanah (Ap) HORISON A Horison Mineral yang berkembang (terbentuk) padapermukaanataudibawahhorison O, semuaatausebagianbesarstrukturbatuaninduknyatelahmengalamiperubahandandicirikanolehsatuataulebihsifat-sifatberikutini: Akumulasibahanorganikhumik yang tercampurdenganfraksi mineral dantidakmenunjukkanciri-ciriHorison E atauHorison B. Ciri-ciri yang dihasilkanolehproses-proseskultivasi, pasturing, ataugangguanlainnya MorfologinyaberbedadenganHorison B atauHorison C. (SUMBER: http://www.fao.org/docrep/W8594E/w8594e0g.htm) DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORIZON - E • Horison yang mengalamikehilangan: • Liatsilikat, oksida Fe & Al, humus olehproseseluviation • Pencuciankarbonatdangipsum • WarnanyalebihbterangdibandingkandneganhorisonA • TeksturnyalebihkasardibandingkandneganhorisonB , karenakehilanganliat DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Pencuciaqn = LEACHING: Kehilangan mineral terlarut (Ca, Mg, Na) dalamlarutan ELUVIATION: Kehilangan (oleh air) material tersustensi (liat, humus, oksida) ”emigrating” ILLUVIATION: Akumulasimaterial tersuspensi (liat, humus, oksida) dan / atau material endapandarilarutan (Ca, Mg, Na) “immigrating” DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORIZON - B • Horisonakumulasi (illuviated ) liatsilikat, oksida Fe & Al, karbonates, gipsum, humus • Dapatdibedakandarihorison A : • Warnalebihkuat, lebihmerahataulebihgelap • Atauteksturnyaberbeda HORISON B . Horison yang terbentukdibawahhoeisonA, E, Oatau H, danbeberapaciripentingnya: Konsentrasibahanilluvial, bahantunggalataukombinasidariliatsilikat, besi, aluminium, humus, karbonat. Gipsumatausilika. Bukti-buktipengusirankarbonat Konsentrasiresidusesquioksida Selimutsesquioksida, sehinggawarnahorisoninimempunyainilai “value” lebihrendah, chrome lebihtinggi, atau “ghue” lebihmerahdibandingkandneganhorisondiatasdandibawahnya , tanpaadanyailuviasibesi yang nyata. Alterasi yang membentukliatsilikatataumembebaskanoksidaataukeduanya , dan yang membentukstruktur granular, blocky, atauprismatik; atau Brittleness. HorisonBmerupakanhorisonbawahpermukaan. HorisonBmencakuplapisan-lapisankonsentrasibahaniluvial carbonates, gypsum, atau silica yang merupakanhasildariprosespedogenesisdanlapisan-lapisan “brittle” yang menunjukkanbukti-bukti lain dariprosesalterasisepertistrukturprismatikatauakumulasibahaniluvialberupaliat. (Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/W8594E/w8594e0g.htm) DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORIZON - C HORIZON - R Batuan yang padu – kompak – masih utuh • Horison Mineral (bukanbatuaninduk) terletakdibawahdanmelandasihorison-horison A,E,B • Tidakdipengaruhiolehproses genesis tanah • Dapatmenjadibahaninduktanah HORISON C : Horizons or layers, excluding hard bedrock, that are little affected by pedogenetic processes and lack properties of H. O. A, E, or B horizons. Most are mineral layers, but some siliceous and calcareous layers such as shells, coral and diatomaceous earth, are included. The material of C layers may be either like or unlike that from which the solum presumably formed. A C horizon may have been modified even if there is no evidence of pedogenesis. Plant roots can penetrate C horizons, which provide an important growing medium. Included as C layers are sediments, saprolite, and unconsolidated bedrock and other geologic materials that commonly slake within 24 hours when air dry or drier chunks are placed in water and when moist can be dug with a spade. Some soils form in material that is already highly weathered, and such material that does not meet the requirements of A, E or B horizons is designated C. (SUMBER: http://www.fao.org/docrep/W8594E/w8594e0g.htm) DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
SOIL PROFILE Dalampenampangmelintangsuatutanahditemukanberbagai zone ataulapisan yang disebut “Horison”. Horisontanahadalah unit-pedologistigadimensi yang kira-kirasejajardneganpermukaanbumi. Setiaphorisonmengandungsatuataulebihciri-cirikhas, terdapatpadakedalamantertentu. Ketebalannyaberagammulaidaribeberapasentimeterhinggabeberapa meter; biasanyatebalnyabeberapadesimeter. Batas atasdanbatasbawahnya ("boundaries") bersifat gradual, clear atau abrupt. Secara lateral, luasansuatuhorisontanahjugasangatberagam, beberapa meter hingga kilometer. Horisontanahtidakpernah “infinite”. Secara lateral ialenyapatauberalihmenjadihorison lain. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/W8594E/w8594e05.htm Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORISON O : LAPISAN ORGANIK HorisonO terdiriatasseresahtumbuhandanbahanorganikmlainnya yang terletakdipermukaantganah. HORISON O : Horisoninididominasiolehbahanorganiksegardanbahanorganik yang mengalamidkeomposisi partial, sepertidedaunan, needles, ranting, moss danlichens, yang terakumulasidipermukaantanah; beradadipermukaantanah mineral atautanahorganik. Horison O tidakjenuh air dalamperiodewaktu yang lama. Fraksi mineral dalamhorisoninisangatsedikit, biasanyakurangdariseparuhberatnya. An O layer may be at the surface of a mineral soil or at any depth beneath the surface where it is buried. A horizon formed by illuviation of organic material into mineral subsoil is not an O horizon, although some horizons formed in this manner contain much organic matter.\ Sumber: Guidelines for soil description. Fourth edition. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Rome, 2006 Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORISON-A : TOPSOIL HORISON A : From Soil Taxonomy: Mineral horizons which have formed at the surface or below an O horizon; they exhibit obliteration of all or much of the original rock structure and show one or both of the following: An accumulation of humified organic matter intimately mixed with the mineral fraction and not dominated by properties characteristic of E or B horizons (defined below), or Properties resulting from cultivation, pasturing, or similar kinds of disturbance. Sumber: http://nesoil.com/properties/horizons/sld004.htm Lapisaninibiasanyalonggardanremahdengankandunganbahanorganik yang beragam. Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORISON-A : TOPSOIL Lapisantanahinibiasanyasangatproduktif. Lapisantanahiniharusdikonservasi ! Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORISON-B : SUBSOIL HORISON B : B horizons: are commonly referred to as the subsoil. They are a zone of accumulation where rain water percolating through the soil has leached material from above and it has precipitated within the B horizons or the material may have weathered in place. Well drained soils typically have the brightest color development within the B horizons. KriteriaLapangan: Horisonbahwa-permukaan yang terbentukdibawahhorisonO, A dan/atauE dandiatashorison C. In well drained soils, the B horizon is typically a yellowish brown to strong brown color and is commonly referred to as the subsoil. B - horizons have material (usually iron but also humus, clay, carbonates, etc.) which has moved into it (Illuviation) they also have structure development in some pedons. Within New England, B horizons typically extend to a depth of 2 to 3 feet below the surface. Horison A danB bersama-samadisebut “solum” tanah. Sumber: http://nesoil.com/properties/horizons/sld007.htm Subsoil biasanyawarnanyalebihterang, lebihrapatdanmiskinbahanorganik. Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORISON-C : TRANSISI Lapisaninihampirtidakmengandungbahanorganik, danterdiriatasbatuaninduk yang terlapuksecaraparsial. HORISON C : From Soil Taxonomy:Horizons or layers, excluding hard bedrock, that are little affected by pedogenic processes and lack the properties of O, A, E, or B horizons. Most are mineral layers. The material of C layers may be either like or unlike the material from which the solum has presumably formed. Horison C mungkintelahmengalamimodifikasi, tetapitidakadatanda-tandabuktiprosespedogenesis. Sumber: http://nesoil.com/properties/horizons/sld009.htm Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
BATUAN INDUK Parent Material The original state of the soil. The relatively unaltered lower material in soils is often similar to the material in which the horizons above have formed. Batuanindukberadadibawahhorison C, berupabatuan yang belummengalamipelapukan. Diuntuhdari: step.nn.k12.va.us/science/ES/Earth_Science_PowerPoint/Soils.ppt
HORIZON TRANSISI Zone transisidiantarahorison-horisonutama AB : A B ; A dominan BA: A B ; B dominan AC: A C ; A dominan EB: E B ; E dominan Dll …………….
DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORIZON CAMPURAN Satuhorisontersebardidalamhorisonlainnya: B/Acampuran A & B; B adalahmatriksbagi A E/B E adalahmatriks dll ….…. DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
ANGKA SETELAH HURUF Perubahandidalamsuatuhorisonutama, tidakadasubhorizon Mis. A1 A2 …. Untukmenyatakanperubahanwarnadidalamhorison A DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
“ANGKA” SEBELUM “HURUF” Diskontinyuitaslitologis Mis. Tanah mempunyaihorisonA, E, B yang terbentukpadasuatubahaninduk, dantanahkeduaterbentukdiatastanahlainnya A E B (1)C 2B 2C Tanah yang paling akhir Tanah yang terkubur DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
Subhorizons Lowercase letters symbolizing divisions within master horizons or characteristics of master horizons DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
BEBERAPA ISTILAH ….… • Colloidal : submikroskopis • humus danliatadalahkoloidal • Humus: ultimate stage of organic decay • predominately protein, gums, lignin • Sesquioxides: 1½ oksigenuntukmasing-masing Fe, Al • sesquioksidadari Fe, Al: Fe2O3 Al2O3 DIUNDUH DARI: www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Soils/powerpoints/profile.ppt ……. 10/2/2013
HORISON ORGANIK Horison O : Bahanorganik ( tidakadabahan mineral) 1) Seresahlantaihutan 2) Tanah organic atautanahgambut Oi- Tidakterlapuk (fibris) Oe– Terlapuksedang(hemis) Oa - terlapuklanjut(sapric) Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
PROSES PEMBENTUKAN HORISON TANAH MINERAL • A. Penambahan: H2O, bahanorganik, Partikeltanah, garam-garam • B. Kehilangan; H2O, bahanorganik, CO2 , unsurhara yang diseraptanaman • C. Transformasi: Perubahanstrukturtanah, Perkembangan mineral liat, Pelapukan mineral menjadiunsurdnasenyawakimia • D. Translokasi: pergerakanbahanorganik, liat, air, besidanharadalambentukkoloidal , darisatuhorisonkehorisonlainnya. • Selaputliatpada “agregat” tanahmerupakanbuktiprosestranslokasiliat. Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HORISON TANAH MINERAL • Horison A - Horisonpermukaan , akumulasibahanorganik • Ap = Lapisanolahtanah Ap EB Bt Ap BC C Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HORISON E A E E/B Bt BC C Horison E (semulaberupahorison A2) : – Translokasikeluar • Zone Eluviasi • Pencuciankeluar Warnanyalebihterangdibandingkandneganhorisondiatasataudibawahnya Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
DuamacamHorison B : • Translokasimasuk: Beradadibawahhorison A, E, atau O denganakumulasiliat, besi, humus (bahanorganikterlapuk), ataukarbonat(CaCO3) Zone illuviasi (b) Ataualterasibahaninduk, perkembanganwarnaataustruktur - Bw Bt Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HORISON C Horison C : Hanyasedikitsekaliterpengaruhiolehproses-prosespedogenesisdantidakmempunyaisifat-sifathorison O-A-B-E- atauberupaBahanInduk Tanah Solum = A + B C horizon Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HORISON BATUAN • R = Batuankeras • Cr = Batuanlunak Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HurufIndeks: Semuahorison B mempunyaisuatuhurufindeks, kebanyakanhorisontransisitidakmempunyaiindeks.* = pentinguntuk MN • * a - sapric– tanahorganik – terdekomposisi dg baik • * b – horisontanah yang terkubur • d - dense - geogenic soil material (compacted by glacier) • * e - hemic– dekomposisimoderat. – tanahorganik • f - frozen soil – beku permanent, permafrost • * g - gleyed soil – warnakelabukarenamiskin O2 – reduksi Fe • * h – akumulasi humus - BO selaindidalamhorison A atauO • * i - fibric - organik – tidakterdekomposisi • * k – akumulasikalsiumkarbonat (CaCO3) • * m – sementasi - keras- kompak Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
Huruf Indeks: Semua horison B mempunyai suatu huruf indeks, kebanyakan horison transisi tidak mempunyai indeks.* = penting untuk MN n – Akumulasi Na * p - Pengolahantanah – hanyauntukhorison A q - silica accumulation – tanahtua, pelapukanlanjut * r - Batuanlunak - untukhorison C atauCr * s - sesquioxides (1.502) (Fe2O3) accumulation of Fe and Al - red color *ss – slickensides present –shiny surface on ped face caused from soil rubbing against soil * t – akumulasiliat – selaputliat * w – perkembanganwarnaataustruktur (Bw) x - Fragipan– lapisankeras, padat, yang berkembangdneganwaktu y – akumulasi gypsum (CaSO4) z – garamlebihmudahlarutdaripadagipsum (KCL - NaCl - NaSO4) Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
HORISON TRANSISI • AB - Like A - some of B • BA - Like B - some of A • AE AC BC • E/B - Both E and B particles are present - • “B & E” used for soils with Lamellae - thin bands of accumulating clay and iron in sandy soils Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
DISKONTINYUITAS LITOLOGIS • A • Bw1 • Bw2 • 2C • L.D. is designated by number in front of horizon = more than one parent material Loamy Mantle 2 parent materials Outwash Diunduhdari: www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/lecture%20pp/l03a.ppt …. 10/2/2013
DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH • Pengenalan Horizon dandimensinya • Warna Tanah • Komponen – Partikel primer • Organisasipertikel primer • Rongga – pori - porositas • Konsentrasi • AktivitasBiologis • Reaksi / Kemasamantanah • Samples Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH • Simbol Horizon – Nomenklaturhorisonutama H, O, A, E, B, C dan R, dankarakteristik subordinate didalamhorisonutama • Batas Horizon – kedalaman, kejelasandantopografi Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
Pengenalanhorisonutama HorisonOrganik: HatauO H = basah - wet O = kering - dry DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
Pengenalanhorisonutama Horison Mineral: A(bahanorganik) E (eluviasi) B (iluviasi) C(bahaninduk, tidak-padu) DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
Pengenalanhorisonutama Horison Mineral: R(batuaninduk) DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH KarakteristikSubordinatdarihorisonutama: c Konkresiataunodul f Tanah beku g PembentukanGley , berupabecak-becak h Akumulasibahanorganik j Becak-becakJarosit k Akumulasikarbonat m CementasiatauIndurasi Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH KarakteristikSubordinatdarihorisonutama: n Akumulasi sodium o Akumulasiresidusesquioxida p Pembajakan/pengolahantanah q Akumulasi silica r Reduksikuat s Illuvialakumulasisesquioxida t Akumulasiliatsilikat. Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands
DESKRIPSI HORISON TANAH KarakteristikSubordinatdarihorisonutama: v Keberadaanplinthit w Perkembanganwarnaataustructure x KarakterFragipan y Akumulasi gypsum z Akumulasigaram-garamyglebihlarutdaripatagipsum Sumber: Soil Profile Description. Otto Spaargaren. ISRIC-World Soil Information. Wageningen The Netherlands