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BAHAN KAJIAN MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH TANAH OXISOLS. TANAH OXISOLS. Oxisols berkembang di daerah tropis dan substropis yang lingkungannya mempunyai suhu dan curah hujan tinggi . Profil oxisols mengandung campuran kuarsa , liat kaolin , oksida Fe dan Al dan bahan organik .
TANAH OXISOLS Oxisolsberkembangdidaerahtropisdansubstropis yang lingkungannyamempunyaisuhudancurahhujantinggi. Profiloxisolsmengandungcampurankuarsa, liat kaolin , oksida Fe dan Al danbahanorganik. Sebagianbesartanah-tanahinimempunyaiprofiltanah yang tidakmempunyaihorison-horison yang spesifik.. Oksida-oksida Fe dan Al ygmelimpahditemukanpadatanah-tanahinimerupakanhasildaripelapukankimiawi yang lanjutdanpencucian yang intensif. Banyakoxisolsmengandunglapisanlateritekarenaadanyafkluktuasimusimanmuka air tanah (water table). Diunduhdari: http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/10v.html………….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Ringkasan: Vegetation: Beragamtipevegetasi Climate: isomesikhinggaisohyperthermik, sesuaipada zone isotropis Rezimlengas-tanah: aridikhinggaperudik Ciri-ciritanah: Kayaliattipe 1:1, adanya mineral tidaklarutsepertipasirkuarsadansesquioxides, KTK rendah Horisonpenciri: oksikmkandik Epipedon: okhrik Proses genesis: pelapuikan, desilikasi, pedoturbation Karakteristik: ditemukanpadabahanindukgeologistuaygsudahterlapuklanjut,; tidakada mineral primer ygmudahlapukatauliattipe 2:1 Oxisols: Tanah-tanahygaktuivitasnyarendah Material hasilpelapukanintensifteranghkut Terras fluvial tua Permukaantua yang tererosi KebanyakanOxisolsmerupakansedimen yang telahmengalamibeberapasikluserosidandeposisi Materials melapukdengancepat Bahanindukterdiriataskuarsa, liattipe 1:1, Oksida Fe dan Al.
TANAH OXISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN IKLIM: Oxisolsditemukandidalamkisaranrezimisomesikhinggaisohyperthermik, tetapiikebanyakanberkembangpadakondisirezimsuhu-tanahisotropis. Tanah-tanahiniberkembangpada zone iklimdengansedikitvariasisuhutanahdantidakadapembekuantanahmusiman. Tanah-tanahiniberkembangpadaberagamrezimlengas-tanah, mulaidari ARIDIK hingga PERUDIK. Oxisols yang ditemukanpadarezimlengas ARIDIK seringkalidianggapsebagai “relicts”. It is assumed that Oxisols develop under climatic conditions where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration for some periods of the year to favor the removal of soluble weathering products and favors the formation and residual concentration of kaolinite and sesquioxides, which are essential to form an oxic diagnostic horizon.
TANAH OXISOLS Vegetation: Oxisolsditemukanpadaberbagai zone vegetasi, termasukhutan-hujan-tropis, vegetasiperdudanhitanpaku-pakuan, deciduous forest, danvegetasi savanna. PenggunaanOxisolsseringkaliterbatasuntukladang-berpindah, pertanian subsidence, padanggembalaanygtidakintensif. Denganteknologipembenahantanah, Oxisolsdapatdigunakanuntukbudidayakedelai, gandum, jagung, dan kopi (perkebunanygintensif). Relief: Most Oxisols occur either on relatively stable upland summit positions, relict from a previous regional erosion surface, or on preserved remnants of an old alluvial terrace, which are nearly level topography. Oxisols are not likely to occur on steep slopes. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS BAHAN INDUK : Oxisols occur on highly weathered transported material, old fluvial terraces, or on high-lying old erosion surfaces. The most extensive areas of Oxisols are in sediments that have been reworked during several erosional and depositional cycles, some extending to the earliest geologic eras, although they may also form in materials which wheather rapidly. It has been suggested that Oxisols result because of the geologic history of the parent material prior to pedogenic conditions at the present site. It can be reasoned that if the parent material consists of only quartz, 1:1 type clays, and iron and aluminum oxides and hydroxides, few pedogenic processes are possible, and a soil formed in such material will have Oxisol properties regardless of present or past climate at the site. Time: KebanyakanOxisolsberkembangpada material angkutan (erosi) dimanadesilikasi (kehilangansilika) danpelapukanintensiftelahberlangsungdalamwaktu yang panjang (lama) (sekitar 50,000 tahunhingga 100,000 tahunataulebih). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS PROSES-PROSES GENESIS Oxisolsdapatdiklasifikasikanmenjadiduakategori: (i) berkembang in situ padabatuanatausedimen, dan (ii) berkembangpadabahanindukhasillapukansebelumnyaatausedimenterangkut. Weathering is very intense in Oxisols showing a weathering depth much greater than for most of the other soil orders - 16 m or more having been observed. Because of weathering most of the primary minerals and 2:1 type clay minerals are transformed to 1:1 type minerals such as kaolinite and gibbsite and secondary iron and aluminum oxides and hydroxides. Pembentukan alumina non-silikabebas(mis. gibbsite) mensyaratkanpengusiranhasilpelapukan yang soluble (kationbasa) secaracepatatausesegeramungkin, terutamasilika (desilikasi). Proses-proses genesis didukungolehkondisi drainage yang bagus, curahhujantinggi, danposisinyajauhdiatasmuka-air (water table), dimana ion-ion fero (Fe2+) hasilhidrolisisdnegancepatmengalamioksidasidanmengendapsebagaisenyawa-senyawaferi (Fe3+). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Di daerahtropis, hidrolisisdanoksidasisangatmeningkatdibandingdaerah temperate, dancurahhujantinggiterus-menerusakanmengangkutkeluarhasil-hasilreaksi yang mudahlarut. Kalaupengusiransilikatidakmencapaiekstrimnyauntukmembentuk gibbsite, makaakanterbentukkaolinit, yang merupakanciridariiklim inter-tropika. Rendahnyakandungansilikapadasaatawal, curahhujanlebihtinggi, dansuhulebihtinggiakanmeningkatkankandungan gibbsite. Bahanindukmenentukanintensitaspelapukan. Acid igneous rocks (e.g. granite) weather at a slower rate as basic rocks (e.g. basalt). Granitic saprolites are often several meters thick and primary minerals may for a long time continue to weather and the slow hydrolysis of feldspars, biotites, and amphiboles supply silica to the soil solution as to favor the formation of kaolinite. Transformasiyglebihlambat, sepertipadagranitik-saprolite, akanmenghasilkankaolinit. Kandunganbesipadsahorisonoksikygterbentukpadakondisi drainage bebasdanaerasiygbagus, sangatditentukanolehkomposisiawalbahaninduk.
TANAH OXISOLS PROSES-PROSES GENESIS Translokasiliatbukanprosespedogenesisygutama, berlangsungpadahorison OKSIK karenaliatpada material oksikmempunyaimobilitasrendah, yaitu , dispersiliatdanpengangkutannyatidakterjadisecaraintensif. Padafase OKSIK, neoformationliatpraktistidakada, sehinggatidakadaliatbaru yang terbentuk , yang cenderungmudahbergerak. Pedoturbasi fauna merupakanprosesutamadalamkebanyakanOxisols. This process of intense disturbance and mixing of soil is due to activity by insects, particularly termites. Due to pedoturbation numerous mounds may be formed at the soil surface. Pedoturbation by treethrow does also prevent or retard soil horizonation. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS PROSES-PROSES GENESIS HumificationberlangsungpadasemuaOxisols. Di daerah-daerah yang suhunyahangatsepanjangtahun, seresahvegetatifdengancepatmengalamihumifikasidanmineralisasi. KandunganbahanorganikpadaOxisolssecaratidaklangsungsebandingdnegansuhutanah. Biasanya, padakandunganbahanorganiktertentu, Oxisolswarnanyatidak se-gelapwarnatanahlainnya. Organic acids provided by decomposition and humification destabilize the soil micro-aggregates and produce water dispersable clays, which are subsequently leached. In general, organic acids tend to retain silica, iron and aluminum are complexed and leached out. Kalauagenpencuciannyaadalah air, prosesnyaditinjaudarihasilygterbentuk, mengakibatkankonsentrasiresidusesquioksida, ygmenjadikomponenpembentukanhorison OKSIK. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI. Oxisolsmenunjukkanhorisonpenciribawahpermukaan OKSIK atau KANDIK. Horison OKSIK tebalnya minimal 30-cm danteksturnyalempung-berpasirataulebihhalus. Iakaya mineral liatygmuatannyarendah (liattipe1:1 ) dengan KTK efektifnya <= 12 cmol kg-1clay dan KTK <= 16 cmol kg-1 clay pada pH 7. Pelapukandanoencucianygintensiftelahmengusirsebagianmbesarsilikadari mineral silikatdalamhorisonini (miskincadanganhara). Although the clay content in Oxisols is often high the CEC is low. This is due to the almost complete weathering of primary minerals and 2:1 type clay minerals to 1:1 type minerals such as kaolinite and gibbsite. Mineralnyabukan mineral sekundertipemengambangdan KTK nyarendah. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI. Muatanpermanenkaolinitedan gibbsite rendah, tetapimerekamempunyaisedikittetapipentingmuatantergantung pH, karenatingkatkristailintasnyarendah. The most common structure of oxic horizons in soils on old geomorphic surfaces is massive separating into very fine crumbs. The primary aggregates built up of individual particles are held together by clay-sized substances. Bulk desities of the oxic horizon are usually in the range from 1 to 1.3 g cm-3. Horison OKSIK mengandungkurangdari 10 % mineral mudah-lapukdanmempunyai < 5 % (volume) batuanstruktural.. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI. HorisonOksikbiasanyasangatkayapartikelukuranliatygdidominasiolehoksida-hidrous Fe dan Al. Kebanyakansesquioksidaadalah goethite atau hematite, meskipunadajugamaghemitedalamtanah-tanahygberkembangdaribatuan basis. Kebanyakanminerlaygberukuranliatpadahorisonoksikmenunjukkantingkatkristalisasi yang jelek. Generally, poorly crystallized Al and Fe-oxides may form more effective bonds between particles compared to better crystallized Al and Fe-oxides, which are poor cementing agents. Komposisidankuantitassesquioksidasangatpentinguntukstabilitasstrukturtanah. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI. Oxisolsdiklasifikasikanberdasrakanadanyahorisonoksikataukandik. HorisonKandikmenunjukkannilai-nilaiECEC dan CEC samadneganhorisonOksik, tetapihorisonKandikmempunyaikandunganliat yang meningkatpadabatasatasnya > 1.2 x liatdidalamjarakvertikal < 15 cm, yaitubatasteksturalnyajelasatau “baur”. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI. PadaOxisols, muka-air-tanah (water table) berfluktuasidapatmembentukplintit yang terdiriatas material ber-becakmerahdankelabu. In the past this material has been designated as 'laterite' or 'lateritic iron oxide crust'. If subjected to repeated wetting and drying, as in exposure by erosion of overlying material, it becomes indurated to ironstone, which may be subsequently erode and be deposited as ironstone gravel layers in alluvial fans. Laju InfiltrationdanpercolationdalamOxisolssangatcepat. BanyakOxisolsberperilakusepertitanah-tanahberteksturpasirdalamhalkurva pF nya, yaitunilai WHC nyarendah, kemampuanmenyimpan air sangatterbatass. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH UntukmemenuhikualifikasisebagaiOxisol , persyartaannya : Horisonpenciri OKSIK didalam 1.5 m tanah mineral permukaan, atau Kalaulapisanpermukaan 18 cm kandunganliatnya > 40 %, horisonpenciri KANDIK. HorisonOksikatauKandikharusmengandungkurangdari 10 % mineral mudahlapukpadafraksipasirnya. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Ada lima sub-ordoberdasarkanrezimlengas-tanah: Aquox: Oxisols that have aquic conditions for some time in most years and show redoximorphic features or a histicepipedon are defined as Aquox. Torrox: SubordoTorroxmempunyairezimlengas-tanah ARIDIK.. Ustox: SubordoUstoxmempunyairezimlengas-tanah USTIK atau XERIK. Perox: Sub-ordoPeroxmempunyairezimlengas-tanah Per-udik Udox: SubordoUdoxmempunyairezimlengas-tanah UDIK.
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Oxisolsdiklasifikasikansebagai 'Acr' (mis. Acraquox, Acrustox) kalauprofiltanahnyasangatterlapukdannilai ECEC kurangdari 1.50 cmol(+)/kg clay dan pH = 5.0 ataulebih, sehinggatanah-tanahinikation-tukarnyasangatsedikit (termasuk Al). The 'Eutr' great group of Oxisols are high base status soils, i.e., base saturation of 35 percent or more in all horizons within 125 cm of the mineral soil surface. Their high base status is attributed to enrichment during brief periods of saturation by lateral subsurface flow and lateral transport of nutrients (e.g. Eutraquox, Eutrotorrox, EutricAcrustox). Oxisols yang mempunyaiplinthitemembentukfasekontinyusdalam 125 cm tanah mineral permukaan, disebut 'Plinthic' (mis. Plinthaquox, PlinthicAcroperox). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Horisonpenciriseperti 'Sombric' (mis. Sombriustox), 'Kandic' (mis. Kandiustox), danepipedonseperti 'Histic' (mis. HisticEutraquox) dipakaiuntukmengklasifikasikanOxisolspadatingkat great-group dan subgroup. Oxisols that have a lithic contact within 125 cm of the mineral soil surface are classified as 'Lithic' (e.g. LithicSombriustox, LithicAcrotorrox, LithicAcroperox). Oxisolsygmempunyaikontak-petroferrikdidalam 125 cm tanah mineral permukaandiklasifikasikansebagai 'Petroferric' (mis. PetroferricSombriustox, PetroferricAcroperox). KontakPetroferrikmerupakanbatasantaratanahdanlapisantanah-keras yang perekatnyaadalahbesi.
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Oxisols, yang horison OKSIK nyamempunyaibatasbawahdidalam 125 cm tanah mineral permukaan, disebut 'Inceptic' (mis. IncepticEutrustox, IncepticEutroperox). Oxisols yang kayabahanorganikdiklasifikasikansebagai 'Humic' (mis. HumicSombriustox, HumicAcroperox, HumicKandiperox), yang harusmempunyai 16 kg/m2ataulebih C-organikdiantaratanah mineral permukaandankedalaman 100 cm. Oxisols that have a delta pH (KCl pH minus 1:1 water pH) with a 0 or net positive charge in a layer 18 cm or more thick within a depth of 125 cm of the soil surface are classified as 'Anionic' (e.g. Anionic Acrustox). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Rezimlengas-tanahmendefinisikan 'Aquic' Oxisolspadatingkat subgroup (mis. AquicAcrustox, AquicKandiperox), yang menunjukkandeplesiredoksdengannilai VALUE lembab 4 ataulebihdan KHROMA 2 ataukurang. Oxisolswhich show redox depletions with a color value, moist, of 4 or more and a chroma of 2 or less, and also aquic conditions for some time in most years are called 'Aqueptic' (e.g. AquepticHaplustox). Oxisols yang jenuh air, dalamsatuataulebihlapisannyadidalam 100 cm tanah mineral permukaan, selamasatubulanataulebihdalamsetahun , dalam 6 ataulebihdari 10 tahundiklasifikasikansebagai 'Oxyaquic' (mis. OxyaquicHaplustox).
TANAH OXISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Warnatanahdigunakanpadatingkat subgroup : 'Rhodic' (a hue of 2.5YR or redder; and a value moist of 3 or less) – misalnyaRhodicAcrustox; 'Aeric' , which have, directly below an epipedon, a horizon 10 cm or more thick that has 50 percent or more chroma of 3 or more (e.g. AericAcraquox); 'Xanthic' (a hue of 7.5YR or yellower and color value, moist, of 6 or more between 25 and 125 cm from the mineral soil surface (e.g. XanthicAcrustox). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SIFAT PENCIRI BanyaktanahmempunyaihorisonargilikataukandiktetapitidakmemenuhikualifikasiOxisolskarenamerekamempunyaikurangdari 40 % liatdalamlapisanpermukaan 18 cm dandiklasifikasikansebagaiUltisolsatauAlfisols. Soils with more than 10 % weatherable minerals in the sand fraction classify as Inceptisols. For example, Quartzipsamments occupy areas, where superficial materials are sandy. They are closely associated to Oxisols. Oxisolsmeliputitanah-tanah yang sebelumnyadiklasifikasikansebagaiLateritesatauLatosols, yang berkembangdidaerahtropisdansubtropis. Oxisolsberkembangpadapermukaantua-tererosi (plateaus), terraces ataudataranbanjirygberhubungandneganUltisols, Alfisols, atauMollisolspadasisilereng. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Oxisolsadalahtanah-tanah yang telahlanjutpelapukannyadidaerahtropisdansubtropis. Tanagh-tanahinididominasioleh mineral ygaktivitasnyarendah, sepertikuarsa, kaolinit, danoksidabesi. Horison-horisonnyacenderungtidakdistinktif. Oxisolsditemukanpadapermukaanlahan yang telahstabildalamjangkawaktupanjang. Merekamempunyaikesuburanalamiahygrendah , kemampuannyarendahuntukmenahandanmenyimpanharadarikapurdanpupuk Oxisolsmeliputisekitar 8% daripermukaanlahanbumiygbebases. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH OXISOLS ProfiltanahOxisol, menunjukkanhorisonbawah-permukaan yang tebaldanberwarnamerah, kayaliatdanoksida-oksidalogam. Sumber: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Staff Diunduhdari: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/19538/Oxisol-soil-profile-showing-a-thick-red-subsurface-horizon-rich ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Oxisolsadalahtanah-tanahdidaerahtropis, berasaldaribahasaPerancis “oxide” yang artinyaoksida. They are intensely weathered, resulting in colors that are yellow to red from the accumulation of large amounts of iron oxides. Even if they are clayey, their ability to retain nutrients is low as the clay fraction consists of iron oxides and kaolinite. They frequently do not have very distinct horizons and are very deep. Berbagaijenistanamantropisdibudidayakanpadatanahinididaerahiklim humid, tetapibiasanyamemerlukanbanyakpupuk. Penciritanahiniadalahhorisonoksik. Urutanhorisonpadaprosiltanah: A, Bo1, Bo2 Diunduhdari: http://www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/doc/s5chp2.htm ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Desilikasiatauferalisasi Silikadilepaskandari mineral primer silikat Oksida-oksida Fe dan Al tetaptinggalditempat Pencuciankation-kationbasa Suilikadapatbergabungdnegan Al membentuk mineral liatkaolinit Diunduhdari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/courses/451/Oxisols.pdf….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS SUBORDERS Aquox - Oxisols with a water table at or near the surface for much of the year Torrox - Oxisolsdidaerahiklim arid Ustox - Oxisolsdidaerahiklim semiarid dansubhumid Perox - Oxisols of continuously humid climates, where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration in all months Udox - Oxisolsdidaerahiklim humid Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/oxisols%20suborders.htm ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS AQUOX Tanah-tanahinimempunyaimusimbasah, ditemukandilokasidepresidangkal; profiltanahyglebihdalamdidominasiolehwarnakelabu, kadang-kadangber-becak, danmengandungnodulataulembaranoksida Fe dan Al. Diunduhdari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/courses/451/Oxisols.pdf….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS USTOX Vegetasialamiahdaerahsavana, dimanaditemukanUstox, tidaksesuaiuntukpertaniansistemtebang-bakar , seperti yang terjadididaerahhutan-hujanpadatanah-tanahUdox. Adaberbagaimacamsistem “bera” yang diterapkan, akantetapipeluanguntukmengakumulasikannharadalambahantumbuhanpada zone savanajauhlebihrendahdibandingkandengan zone hutan-hujan. Farmers in these areas tend to be small subsistence grower who cultivate a small acreage permanently and give greater attention to the use of manures, plant residues, and fertilizers to maintain soil fertility. Periods of 6 months with little if any rainfall are common, and each family tends to farm a small acreage of wetland, (if it is available), where vegetables are harvested during the dry season. Banyakpohonbuah-buahantumbuhtersebardi zone savanadandapatmenjadisumberpangandenganperawatan minimal. Jagung, kacang, danubikayumenjaditanmaanygpenting.. Diunduhdari: www.skhlkmss.edu.hk/geography/tch47/Others/.../Oxisols.doc ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS UDOX The Oxisols in the year-round rainy climates, Udox, are mainly in the tropical rain forest where a small human population is supported by shifting cultivation or slash-and–burn agriculture. Trees are killed by girdling and / or burning, and the ashes and decomposing plant remains provide nutrients for crops a year or two. Then, soil fertility exhaustion and weed invasion result in abandonment of the land, which is gradually reforested by invasion of trees and shrubs. After a period of about 20 years, sufficient nutrients will have accumulated within living and dead plant materials and in soil organic matter to allow for another short period of cropping. Diunduhdari: www.skhlkmss.edu.hk/geography/tch47/Others/.../Oxisols.doc ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS UDOX Seringkali, suatudesaataukepalasukumengalokasikanlahankepadakeluarga-keluarga. Sayurandibudidayakandipekarangansekitarrumah, dankolamikansertaternakburuanmendukungkebutuhanpangan. There are no farm animals to provide manure for the maintenance of soil fertility, and only a sparse population can be supported. Where population growth occurs, shorter fallow periods (periods when the forest is regrowing and accumulating nutrients within plant and soil organic matter) are used and it may become impossible to regenerate soil fertility. Then, the system becomes ineffective. HutantumbuhlebatpadaOxisolsdidaerahtropikabasahkarena air tersediadanunsurharadi-daur-ulangsecaraefisiendanakartumbuhan yang menembuskedalamtanahdapatmenyerapharadarilapisantanahbagianbawah yang kurang-lapukdanlebihsuburdaripadahorison A dan B. Diunduhdari: www.skhlkmss.edu.hk/geography/tch47/Others/.../Oxisols.doc ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS TORROX SubordodariOxisol yang miskinbahanorganik, drainagenyabagus, dankeringselamasebagianbesarwaktunyadalamsetahun; dipercayatelahberkembangpadakondisiiklimberhujandimasalalu. Diunduhdari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/courses/451/Oxisols.pdf….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Ciri-ciriOxisol Made up of mainly iron and aluminum oxides: Also quartz, kaolin and organic matter Ochricepipedon (A horizon): Mostly iron oxides; Extends several meters Dua horizons- tidakterlalunyata : Oxic (B horizon) 1. >30 cm 2. Sandy loam ataulebihhalus 3. Liattipe 1:1 : Oksidahidrous Fe dan Al. Kandic (C horizon) <15 cm Kandunganliatmeningkatdibagianatas. Diunduhdari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/courses/451/Oxisols.pdf ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS • Ciri-ciriOxisol: • AdaPlinthitedalamtanah-tanah yang pencuciannyaintensif • Tersusunatasbesi, Liatdankuarsa • Berkembangpadakondisipembasahandanepengeringan yang berulang-ulang Diunduhdari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/courses/451/Oxisols.pdf ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) Very-fine, kaolinitic, isohyperthermicTypicEutrotorrox (Molokai series)Tanah-tanahinisangatdalam, drainagenyabagus, berkembangpadabahanindukhasilpelapukanbatuanbeku basis. These soils are on uplands and have slopes ranging from 0-25%. Mean annual rainfall is ~25", and mean annual temperature is ~73 degrees F. These soils are members of the Molokai series and are used for the production of pineapple, pasture, irrigated sugarcane, and for wildlife habitat. Horison OKSIK (horison Bo) dalamtanah-tanahiniagakmasamhingganetral, pH ~ 6.5. Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/oxisols_02.htm ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) Seri tanah Molokai terdiriatastanah-tanah yang sangatdalam, drainagenyabagus, berkembangdaribahanindukhasilpellapukanbatuanbekubasa. Tanah-tanah Molokai beradapada “uplands” dankemiringannya 0 - 25 %. Rataanhujantahaunansekitar 25 inches, danrataansuhutahunansekityar 73 o F. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Very-fine, kaolinitic, isohyperthermicTypicEutrotorrox PEDON yang tipikal: Lempungliatberdebu – tanaman nanas. (Warnatanahdiamatipadakonsisilembab, teksturdideskripsikandneganmetodelapangan.") Ap1--0 to 7 inches; dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) silty clay loam, dark red (2.5YR 3/6) dry; weak very fine, fine and medium granular structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and plastic; many roots; many interstitial pores; many very fine black concretions that effervesce with hydrogen peroxide; strong effervescence with hydrogen peroxide; extremely acid (pH 4.4); clear wavy boundary. (tebalnya 6 - 7 inches) Diunduhdari: https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MOLOKAI.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) Ap2--7 to 15 inches; dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) silty clay loam, dark red (2.5R 3/6) dry; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure parting to moderate fine and very fine granular; slightly hard, friable, sticky and plastic; common roots; common very fine tubular and interstitial pores; common fine black concretions; violent effervescence with hydrogen peroxide; very strongly acid (pH 4.6); clear smooth boundary. (8 to 9 inches thick) Bo1--15 to 35 inches; dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) silty clay loam, red (2.5YR 4/6) dry; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to weak coarse subangular blocky; slightly hard, friable, sticky and plastic; many very fine and fine tubular pores; few shiny patchy faces on prisms; common fine black concretions; strong effervescence with hydrogen peroxide; slightly acid (pH 6.5); gradual wavy boundary. (14 to 22 inches thick) Diunduhdari: https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MOLOKAI.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) . Bo2--35 to 64 inches; dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) silty clay loam, red (2.5YR 4/6) dry; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to strong very fine and fine subangular blocky; moderately compact in place, slightly hard, firm, sticky and plastic; many very fine and common fine tubular pores; common patchy pressure faces on peds; common patchy clay films on faces of peds; few very fine black concretions; moderate effervescence with hydrogen peroxide; neutral (pH 6.6); gradual wavy boundary. (27 to 30 inches thick) Bo3--64 to 72 inches; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3) clay loam, dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) dry; moderate fine and very fine subangular blocky and angular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and plastic; common very fine and fine tubular pores; thin patchy clay films on peds; red (2.5YR 4/6) clay films lining larger pores; common hard earthy lumps; few very fine black concretions; slight effervescence with hydrogen peroxide; neutral (pH 6.6). Diunduhdari: https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MOLOKAI.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) KARAKTERISTIK TANAH Kedalamanhinggabatuaninduklebihdari 60 inches. Jumlahdanukurankonkresi-hitammenurun (berkurang) dnegankedalamantanah. Some weathered rock fragments are throughout the soil, but mostly below depths of 40 inches. Mean annual soil temperature is about 73 degrees F. The A horizon has hue of 5YR, 2.5YR, or 10R, moist value of 2 or 3, moist chroma of 4 of 5, and dry chroma of 4 through 6. The Bo horizons have hue of 2.5YR or 10R, moist value of 2 or 3 dry chroma of 4 through 6 and moist chroma of 3 or 4. Horisonpenciridansifatkhasdalampedonini: EpipedonOkhrik - Zone daripermukaanhinggakedalaman 15 inchi (Ap1, Ap2) HorisonOksik - Zone dari 15 - 72 inches (Bo1, Bo2, Bo3) Diunduhdari: https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MOLOKAI.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS - (Molokai series) TATANAN GEOGRAFIS: The Molokai soils are on uplands at elevations from near sea level to 1,500 feet. Slopes are 0 to 25 percent. The soils formed in residuum weathered from basic igneous rocks. Mean annual rainfall is 20 to 25 inches. The average January temperature is about 71oF. average July temperature is about 77oF., and mean annual temperature is about 73o F. DRAINAGE & PERMEABILITAS: Drainage bagus; runoff lambathinggacepat, tergantungkemiringanlahan; permeabilitasnya medium. PENGGUNAAN & VEGETASI: Tanah digunakanuntukproduksinenas, pasture, tebuirigasidan habitat liar. Vegetasinyakiawe (Prosopispallida), pitted beardgrass (Bothriochloabarbinodisperforatus), feather fingergrass (Chlorisvirgata), lantana (Lantana camara), ilima (Sidacordifolia), danbuffelgrass (Cenchrusciliaris). Diunduhdari: https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/M/MOLOKAI.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS IncepticHapludoxTanah-tanahiniterbentukpadabahaninduk tuff-brecciaygpelapukannyasudahlanjut. Tanah-tanahinimiskinharadankapasitasfiksasifosfatsangattinggi. These soils are well drained and suitable for agricultural production where sufficient inputs are available. Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/oxisols_04.htm….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS HumicRhodicEutrustox - dariRwandaTanah iniadalahcontohOxisol yang kaya humus. At elevations >~1000m in the humid tropics, Oxisols like this one contain large quantities of soil organic matter. This soil contains more than 16 kg of organic carbon per square meter to a depth of 1m. Because this and similar soils are better-suited for low-input agriculture than those at lower elevations, they support some of the highest human population densities in the world. Jagung, pisangdankacangtanahbanyakdibudidayakanpadatanahinidi Rwanda. (Reference: Fred H. Beinroth et al., 1996. Properties, classification, and management of Oxisols. Guy D. Smith Memorial Slide Collection. USDA-NRCS) (photo from NRCS - Beinroth et al., Properties, Classifcation, and Management of Oxisols slide collection) Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/oxisols_06.htm….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Tanah Oxisolditemukandidaerahiklimpanasbanyakhujan, vegetasihutan-hujantropis. Pelapukankimiawi (terutamaoksidasi) padakondisisuhupanasdanbanyakhujanmenghasilkantanahygkayaoksida-oksida Fe dan Al yang disebut "sesquioxides". A rich diversity of decomposers, rapid uptake by vegetation, and heavy precipitation quickly removes nutrients from the soil. What is left is a nutrient poor soil, not well-suited for agriculture. Pembukaanvegetasipenutuppermukaanlahan, mengakibatkanpermukaanygterbukasangatpekaterhadaperosi. Diunduhdari: http://www.earthonlinemedia.com/ebooks/tpe_3e/soil_systems/oxisol.jpg ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Oxisols are very old and highly weathered soils found predominantly in tropical climates. Due to extensive leaching of silicon (Si) and base cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), these soils are enriched in aluminum and iron found in the form of metal oxides within the soil. Oxisolsdigunakansebagaihutandanlahanpertanian. Oxisolsmempunyaikesuburanalamisnagatrendah, sehinggapadakondisihutanmempunyaisiklusharasangatefisien (sedikithara yang hilang). Praktekpertanianpadatanah-tanahinibiasanyamenerapkantebang-bakaruntukmengembalikannhara yang adadalambahantumbuhankedalamtanah. (Photo Courtesy of NRCS) Diunduhdari: http://www.soilsurvey.org/tutorial/page4.asp#oxisol….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS Oxisolsbanyakditemukandidaerahiklimtropis. Merekadicirikanolehprofil yang dalam, warnamerahdanpelapukanlanjut. Pelapukanlanjutditandaiolehperubahan mineral aslibahanindukmenjadi mineral baru, yaitu mineral sekunder. Oxisols, mempunyaikurangdari 10% mineral primer aslibahaninduknya. Often, Oxisols will become irreversible hardened if cleared of natural vegetation and allowed to dry. In this Oxisol, found near Ione, California, the hardened laterite is a crust at the soil surface. The soil represents a period of time, some 60 million years ago, when the climate was tropical. It was buried and later exhumed by natural processes. It is a very old soil that has reappeared at the earth's surface. It helps us to understand something about past climates and about processes that occur in tropical areas. Diunduhdari: http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/classes/ssc100/Oxisol_Profile.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS KonsepsentralOxisolsadalahtanah-tanahdidaerahtropisdansubtropis. They have gentle slopes on surfaces of great age. They are mixtures of quartz, kaolin, free oxides, and organic matter. For the most part they are nearly featureless soils without clearly marked horizons. Perubahansifat-sifatdnegankedalamantanahsangat gradual, sehinggabatas-batashorisonbiasanyatidakjelas (baur). Diunduhdari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/oxisols.html ….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS: Bayamon soils Very-fine, kaolinitic, isohyperthermicTypicHapludox Tanah-tanah Bayamon termasukOrdoOxisols. The stability of the landform enhances the weathering processes, leaching of bases and weatherable minerals, and the accumulation of more stable minerals and sesquioxides. Istilah "very-fine" menyatakansubsoilnyakayaliat, kandunganliatnya 60 % ataulebih. Istilah "kaolinitic" menyatakanlebihdari 50 % (by weight) liatkaolinitdalamfraksiyngberukurankurangdari 0.002 mm. The term "isohyperthermic" refers to an average annual soil temperature of 22C (72F) or higher and an annual fluctuation of less than 5 degrees (C) at a depth of 50 cm. Diunduhdari: http://www.pr.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soil_survey/prstsoil.html….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS: Bayamon soils Tanah-tanah Bayamon iniberkembangdidaerahperbukitanbatu-kapurdibagianutara Puerto Rico. Tanah-tanahinidigunakanuntukbudidayatebudan nanas, beragamjenistanamanpangan, danhijaunapakanternak. A typical Bayamon soil profile (right) consists of a 20 cm topsoil layer of dark reddish brown clay and a weak red clay subsoil layer to a depth of 2 meters or more. The Bayamon soils formed in highly weathered, clayey marine sediments. These soils have low to medium fertility and are strongly to extremely acidic throughout the profile. Tanamansangatresponterhadapaplikasikapurdanpupuk. Diunduhdari: http://www.pr.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soil_survey/prstsoil.html….. 6/3/2013
TANAH OXISOLS: Bayamon soils Sifatkimiatanah-tanahdari Bayamon Diunduhdari: http://www.pr.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soil_survey/prstsoil.html….. 6/3/2013