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BAHAN KAJIAN MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH TANAH ULTISOL. TANAH ULTISOLS. Vegetasi : Hutan Iklim : berbagai rezim suhu tanah Rezim lengas-tanah : precipitation > evapotranspiration , XERIK atau AQUIK Ciri tanah : Kejenuhan basa rendah Horison penciri : argillic , kandic , albic
TANAH ULTISOLS Vegetasi: Hutan Iklim: berbagairezimsuhutanah Rezimlengas-tanah: precipitation > evapotranspiration, XERIK atau AQUIK Ciritanah: Kejenuhanbasarendah Horisonpenciri: argillic, kandic, albic Epipedon: ochric (umbric, mollic) Proses genesis: Pencucian, EluviasidanIluviasi Karakteristik: Tanah-tanahdengan status basanyarendah Ultisols: Low base status soils Bahaninduk yang sedikitmengandungkation basis sepertibatuansilikatkristalin (mis. granite) Material sedimen yang miskinbasa (mis. Sedimendataranpantaiygsudahterlapuk) Most of geologically old landscapes are covered by parent material rich in silica but poor in bases There are some Ultisols formed in parent material with higher base status and less weathered material (e.g. volcanic ash, basic ignenous or metamorphic rocks): Bahaninduk basis, banyakhujan, pelapukancepat, pencucianbasaintensif. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN Iklim Ultisolsberkembangdidaerahiklim, dimanacurahhujanmelebihievapotranspirasipotensialselamaperiodetertentudalamsetahun. Jumlahhujanmelebihikapasitassimpanan air-tanahsehinggamemungkinkan air mengalamiperkolasidalamprofiltanah. Fenomenainisnagatpentinguntukmempertahankanrendahnya status basadalamtanah. Ultisols are found in tropical areas, where they tend to have somewhat finer textured E horizons, containing more organic matter and iron, than do the majority of Ultisols formed in temperate climate. Ultisols also may form in frigid soil temperature regimes. Rezimlengas-tanahpadaUlsitosadalah Xeric, perudic, udic, ustic, danaquik. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN Vegetasi: BanyakUltisolsberkembangpadavegetasihutan (mis. Hutancampuran hardwood, pine, oak, hickory), meskipunadajugavegetasisavanadanvegetasirawa-rawa. “Because of their low base status most Ultisols are used for timber production but they are also used in agriculture, where liming and fertilization is important to decrease acidity and incease soil fertility.” Ultisolsdapatmenjadilahanpertanian yang produktifkalaudikeloladenganagroteknologi yang memadai. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN Relief: There are no limitations for relief where Ultisols might form. They may occupy hillslopes or level upland areas. PosisikeberadaanUltisolsdikendalikanolehhubunganantara geomorphology danfaktor-faktor lain pembentukantanah , sertalajudanderajatekspresiproses-prosespedogenesis. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN BAHAN INDUK TANAH: BahanindukyglazimuntukperkembanganUltisolsmengandungsedikitkationbasa , sepertibatuankristalinsilika (mis. granite) ataubahansedimenygrelatifmiskinbasa (mis. Sedimendataranpantai yang sangatlapuk). Most of geologically old landscapes are covered by parent material rich in silica but poor in bases. AdabeberapaUltisols yang berkembangpadabahanindukdengan status basalebihtinggidan material kuranglapuk (mis. Abu vulkanik, batuanbeku basis ataubatuanmetamorf basis). Pencucianbasa-basasecaracepatdapatterjadikalaucurahhujancukuptinggiuntukmembentukUltisols. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KONDISI LINGKUNGAN Time: Periodewaktu yang terlibatdalamperkembanganUltisolstergantungpadafaktor-faktor lain pembentukantanahdanlajuprosespedogenesis. Jaman Pleistocene ataulebihtuadiyakinisebagaiasal-usulnyabahanindukUltisols. The geologic age of parent materials, however, serves only to fix an absolute maximum on possible periods of time involved in soil formation. The actual time periods involved may be, and generally are, much less. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS PROSES GENESIS TANAH BanyakUltisolsberkembangdaribahaninduk yang semulamengandungcukupbanyak mineral dapatlapuk. Komponen-komponen mineral inidilepaskanmelaluiprosespelapukandanmudahtercucikeluartanah.. Eluviasi (translokasiataupencucianliat) danilluviasi (pengendapanliat) merupakanprosesutamaygmembentukUltisols. The upper soil profile is depleted by clays and lower soil horizons enriched in clays, i.e., an argillic or kandic diagnostic horizon is formed. Fine clays are more likely to be translocated compared to coarse clays. Also newly formed clay is more likely to move in percolating water than is clay coated with humic substances. Dalamultisols, akumulasi, dekomposisidanhumifikasibahanorganikdilapisantopsoil is limited thus less organo-mineral complexes are formed, which increase the probability of eluviation and illuviation.
TANAH ULTISOLS PROSES GENESIS TANAH Mekanismekhususmobilisasi, translokasidandeposisiliatdijelaskandengan model berikut: Liatterdispersimenjadisuspensidanbergerakkearahbawahbersamadengan air perkolasi. Redeposition results from the effect as water is withdrawn by capillarity into the soil leaving the suspended clays as coatings on the surface of peds. Other particles, such as sesquioxides and organic matter may also be translocated in this manner. Only limited leaching is required to form Ultisols in acid parent materials containing few weatherable minerals. If the parent material is rich in bases extensive leaching over a long time is necessary to form Ultisols. KebanyakanUltisolsmenunjukkankarakteristikalterasilengkap mineral primer mudahlapukmenjadi mineral sekunderdanoksida. Granite danbahanindul lain ygbersilika, material ygpermeabilitasnyalambat, muka-air-tanahberfluktuasi, danposisilandskapdibagianbawah, semuanyasesuaiuntukpembentukan mineral liatkaolinit. Mineral liatpadaUltisolsterutamakaolinitdan gibbsite , adajugasedikit mineral liattipe 2:1. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS PROSES GENESIS TANAH BanyakUltisols yang berkembangpadalandskaptuatidakmempunyaiselimutliatpadahorisonargilikataukandik, karenaproses “lessivage” tidakaktifdalamtanahygmiskin mineral mudahlapuk, namunprosesinilebihaktifpadaawalfasepedogenesis. The accumulation of clays in the B horizon is probably also a result of in situ weathering. With increasing depth below the soil surface, clay content is probably influenced less by processes of translocation and more by parent material and weathering. Argillic horizons increase with time and with increasing contents of silt and san-size resistant minerals in the parent materials. Argillic horizons may develop upward or downward in the solum and can be either constructive, destructive, or possibly 'equilibrium' develpment stages. Zone illuviationbiasanyaberupahorisonargillik, tetapimungkinjugaberupafragipanygmemenuhipersyaratanhorisonargillikatgaumempunyaiargillan yang tebal. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS PROSES GENESIS TANAH There is a coexistence between lessivage and podzolization in Ultisols. Podzolization is the downward movement of sequioxides and organic components from the A and E horizons to the argillic or kandic horizon. Senyawaferosolubel (Fe2+) terbentukpadalokasieluviasi, dansenyawaferritidak-larut (Fe3+) terbentukpadalokasiiluviasi. Translokasikation Fe mungkinterjadisebagaioksida-Fe berukuranhalus, oksida-Fe yang berikatan dg liat, kompleks-Fe-liat-organik, dankompleks Fe-organik yang dapatlarut. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS PROSES GENESIS TANAH The major process for the formation of plinthite requires appreciable periods of time in soils having adequate supplies of iron together with alternating oxidizing and reducing conditions associated with water tables that fluctuate through a limited segment of the solum for long periods during the year. Akumulasi, dekomposisidanhumifikasimerupakanproses-proses minor untukmembentukUltisols. KebanyakanUltisolsmempunyailapisanpermukaantipisberwarnagelapdankayabahanorganik. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Generally, an ochricepipedon and an argillic or kandic diagnostic horizon is found in Ultisols. In some Ultisols there are umbric or mollicepipedons. Most Ultisols are formed in weathered parent rock thus the subsurface horizons are underlain by a saprolite zone. KarakteristikutamaUltisolsadalahrendahnyakejenuhanbasadiseluruhprofiltanah, lapisanatasmengandungsedikitlebihbanyakbasakarenaadanyadaur-ulangbilogis. Rendahnyakejenuhanbasaterutamakarenabahaninduktanahkayasilikadanmiskinbasa-basa. Dalambeberapatanah, rendahnya status basaterjadiakibatpencucianygintensifbahanindukygsemulamengandung mineral-mineral mudahlapuk; sedangkanpadatranah-tanahlainnyamemangbahaninduknyamiskinbasadanmiskin mineral mudahlapuk. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Kapasitastukarkation (KTK = CEC) rendah, dengan KTK agaklebihtinggidalamhorisonbagianataskarenaadanyadaur-ulangharasecarabioligis. In many Ultisols there are continuous losses of bases through leaching and erosion, therefore, the CEC remains low. In poorly drained Ultisols, such as the Umbraquults, the base content is slightly higher than in typical Ultisols. Penurunankejenuhanbasasecaratajam (Abrupt) seringkaliberhubungandneganplinthite, fragipans, atau zone lainnya yang jenuh air selamaperiodeyg lama. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS . SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Rendahnyakandunganbasabiasanyaberkaitandenganrendahnyaharatersedia, dantingginyakemasamantanah. Horisonpermukaanjarang yang mempunyainilai Ph kurangdari 5.0 ataulebihdari 5.8. Padaumumnya, nilai pH menurundengankedalamanhingga minimum 4.0 - 5.5 dalamhorisonargilik. In highly weathered and leached Ultisols a decreasing pH is evident throughout the solum. In most Ultisolsorganic matter is restricted to the light-colored ochricepipedon. This can be attributed to high decomposition rates by aerobic micro-organisms under warm climates and free soil-drainage. Most of the annual increments of added organic residues are on the surface, where the oxygen and nutrient status of Ultisols are most suitable for high populations of micro-organisms. KandungajnbahanorganikdanketebalanhorisonpermukaanmeningkatpadakebanyakanUltisolsdengansemakinmenurunnya drainage internal danaerasitanahdanepipedonUmbrikdapatterbentukpadakondisisepertiini. Ultisols yang kayabahanorganikditandaiolehadanyaciri “Humic”. KandunganbahanorganikpadakebanyakanUltisolsbiasanyarendahdibandingkandenganordolainnya, sepertiMollisolsatauAlfisols. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS . SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Mineral liatpadaUltisolsbiasanyatipe 1:1 (kaolinite) atau gibbsite – hanyaadasedikitliattipe 2:1. Olehkarenaitu, KTK dandayasimpan air padakebanyakanUltisolsrelatifrendah. These limitations can be overcome by the application of lime to decrease acidity and fertilizers to add bases to the soil but Ultisols are commonly not as productive as Mollsiols or Alfisols. Kandunganliatmeningkatsecararegulerdarihorison A, E atauhorison B bagianatashinggamencapaimaksimumdibagianatashorison ARGILIK, kemudianmenurunsecarateraturhinggamencapaihorison C. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS . SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Oksida-oksidabesi, yang dilepaskandari mineral-mineral lainnyamelaluipelapukanataudiwariskandaribahaninduk, merupakanindikatorpentingdariprosespedogenikdantaxonomikdalamUltisols. Goethite merupakanbentukkristalinygdominandalamkebanyakanUltisolsdanbiasanyaberhubungandengansedikit hematite, maghemite, dan magnetite. The amounts of hematite are generally greater in Ultisols developed from basic rocks and are more abundant in tropical then temperate regions. This accounts for the red color in well-drained tropical Ultisols compared to other rgions. The red or yellow colors found in the argillic horizon and underlying materials in many Ultisols are due to iron oxides. DalamkebanyakanUltisols, beragamproporsitanahtersusunatasbecak-becakkemerahandankelabuataubecakberwarnaterang. Kondisiinibiasanyaberhubungandengansegregasioksida-oksida Fe olehadanyaprosesoksidasidanreduksisecarabergantian. Bentuk-bentuksenyawareduksi Fe2+relatifmudahlarutdapatbermigrasikelokasi yang lebihoksidatifsebelummengalamireoksidasiataudanmengendap “in situ “ menjadisenyawa Fe3+. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Repetitions of the cycle result in development of zones with high and low free iron contents corresponding to the reddish and grayish colors. The behavior of Mn in oxidizing and reducing environments is analogous to that of Fe. Through continued segregation and concentration of oxides by alternating oxidizing and reducing conditions plinthite or fragipans are formed. Plinthitemerupakanhorisonmiskin humus tetapikayasequioxide yang mengerassecarairreversibelmencadicadas-keras “ironstone” atauagregat-agregatdengansikuspembasahan-pengeringan yang berulang. Kalaucirikaya-sesquioxidaditemukanpadatanahpermukaanatautersingkappadapotongantebing , biasanyadisebut 'laterite'. Pembentukanplinthitediasumsikanberhubungandneganfluktuasimusimanmuka-air-tanahdantranslokasisesquioksida. Konsekwensidariadanyaplinthiteadalah drainage terhambatdanpenggenangan.
TANAH ULTISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH Dalamsistem Soil Taxonomy, 'plinthite' dipakaiuntukmencirikanUltisolskalau > 5 % volume suatuhorisontanahditempatioleh “plinthit”. Fragipansterbentukpadakondisilingkungan yang serupa , fragipansdanplinthitedapatditemukanpadatanah yang sama. Fragipansmerupakanlapisan yang bobot-isinyatinggi, “rapuh” kalaulembabdankeraskalaukering. Many fragipans in Ultisols are associated with either, or both, lithologic or chronological discontinuities in the parent material. It has been postulated that many fragipans in Ultisols are a result of pedogenic processes, i.e., the precipitation of silica, clays, and/or sequioxides, which result in high bulk densities. Sifat “getas” (brittlesness) disebabkanolehadanyapengikatan material amorfdanpembentukanagenpengikat (perekat) aluminosilikat. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS SIFAT DAN CIRI TANAH ProfilUltisol yang khasdicirikanolehadanyahorison E yang jelas, menebalkearahataskehorisonargilikdiatasnyadankearahbawahmemasukifragipan, susunanhorisonnya A, E, BE, Bt, BC, dan C. Horison A biasanyatebalnyakurangdari 15 cm, warnanyacoklatkelabu (gelap) danstrukturgranulerlemahdanmoderat. E horizons are comparable in thickness and have a weak structure or are structureless and may meet the criteria set for albic horizons. Chromas of 3 to 5 and values of 4 to 6 are common in most E horizons. Colors of the B horizon are generally 10YR or redder hue with values of 4 to 6 and chromas 6 to 8. Horison B strukturnyagumpal-bersudutmoderat, medium dansemakinlebihlemasdanlebihkasardengankedalamantanah. Horison C mempunyaistruktur yang lebihlemasdanlebihkasar, atautidakberstruktur. Warnanyakurangmerahdanakandunganliatnyalebihrendah. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH The requirements to qualify as an Ultisols are: Low base saturation (< 35 %) at 125 cm below the top of the argillic horizon or 180 cm below the surface, providing there are no intervening lithic or paralithic contacts. Sifatpenciri: Adanyahorisonargillikataukandik, yaitu zone akumulasiliat. PersyaratanutamaUltisolsadalahhorisonargilikdanrendahnya status basa, keduanyadapatberkembangsecarasimultanatausecarasequensial. Horison E yang jelasdantegastidakdipersyaratkandalamUltisols. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Ada lima ordodalamUltisols, sifat-sifatpembedanyaadalahrezimlengas-tanahdnakandunganbahanorganiknya. Aquults: Tanah inijenuh air dalamperiodeetertentudalamsetahunataumengalami drainage buatan. KondisiAquikmenghasilkanciri-ciriredoximorfik. Ustults:Ultisolsygberkembangpadarezimlengs-tanah USTIK diklasifikasikansebagaiUstults. Walaupunlengas-tanahnyaterbatas, ketersediaan air musimanmasihmencukupiuntuksatumusimtanamdalamsetahun. Humults: Tanah inimempunyaikandunganbahanorganik yang tinggi, tetapitidakpunyaciri “kebasahan” lainnya.
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Xerults: Ultisols yang berkembangpadarezimlengas-tanahXerik. In Soil Taxonomy, the content and distribution of organic matter together with soil-drainage characteristics are definitive criteria for Humic, Umbric, and Sombrictaxa. A sombric horizon is a subsurface horizon of illuvial accumulation of organic matter, which is not found under an albic horizon (e.g. Sombrihumults, SombricKandiudults). They are not known to occur in the U.S. and have been reported only in cool, moist, high plateau and mountain areas in intertropical regions. Organic matter in sombric horizons is not associated with large quantities of Al to the extent it is in spodic horizons. Umbrik, yaituadanyaepipedonumbrikdianggappadatingkat subgroup (mis. UmbricFragiaquults). HumicUltisolsmenunjukkanhorisonAp, atauhorison A setebal 15 cm ataulebih, yang mempunyaiwarna VALUE lembab 3 ataukurangdan VALUE kering 5 ataukurang, yang secaratidaklangusngmencerminkanadanya humus (mis. HumicHapludults). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Udults: Ultisols yang berkembangdidaerah humid, periodekeringnyasingkatdandiklasifikasikansebagaiUdults. Kandunganbahanorganiknyarendah. Selamaperiodewaktuygsingkat, muka-air-tanahnyaadadidekatpermukaan , tetapiUdultstidakmenunjukkanciriredoximorfik yang tegas. For example, Udults extend from the east coast (Maryland to Florida) and beyond the Mississippi River Valley and are the most extensive soils in the humid southeast. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Several soil moisture regimes are considered at sugroup level ranging from dry to wet conditons: Xeric (e.g. Xeric Kandihumults), aridic (e.g. AridicAridicKandiustults), udic (e.gUdicKandiustults), ustic (e.g. UsticKandihumults), and aquic (e.g. AquicPaleudults). Horisonfragipanmerupakanpenciridari great-groups “fragik” dan subgroups dalamUltisols (mis. Fragiaquults, FragicPaleudults, FragicHapludults). Ultisols yang mempunyaihorisonpenciriadalahPlinthquults, PlinthicPaleaquults. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH In some Ultisolsspodic characteristics are present (e.g. SpodicPaleudults), i.e., an illuvial accumulation of sequioxides and/or organic matter. It is suggested that the spodic horizon developed in a thick, sandy eluvial horizon of an existing Ultisol. Simultaneous formation and expression of argillic and spodic horizon characteristics are essentially mutually exclusive phenomena. Perkembangan yang terusmenerushorisonspodikpadaakhirnyamenghasilkandestruksihorisonargilikatautranslokasinyaketempat (lapisan) lebihbawah. Horison-horisonSpodik yang tipikalditemukandalamordoSpodosol. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Ultisols in Vertic subgroups (e.g. VerticPaleudults, VerticAlbaquults) do have appreciable shrink-swell capacities and extensive cracks can be observed in the B horizon during dry season. They develope in clayey sediment, for example, in Puerto Rico and the southeastern United States. A low weatherable mineral content in the non-clay fraction is considered essential to their development. Bases lost through leaching are not replenished by weathering and a low base saturation can develop in relatively short time periods. Ultisolsygberkembangdaribahanindukabuvulkanikataubahanpryoclasticslainnya , diklasifikasikansebagai 'Andic'. Merekainimempunyaibanyakalofanygreaktifatau material alumino-silikatamorflainnya. Bobotisirendah (<= 1.0 g/cm3) , tetapitanah-tanahinimempunyaikemampuan yang tinggiuntukmenahan air (mis. AndicKandihumults, AndicKanhaplustults). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Teksturtanahdigunakanuntukmendefinisikan: 'Arenic' (soils that have a sandy or sandy-skeletal particle-size class throughout a layer extending from the mineral soil surface to the top of an argillic horizon at a depth of 50 to 100 cm) and 'Psammentic' (tanah-tanah yang mempunyaipartikelberukuranpasirpadabagianatashorisonargiliksetebal 75 cm, ataupadaseluruhhorisonargilikkalautebalnyakurangdari 75 cm) (mis. ArenicPaleaquults, PsammenticRhodudults). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Ultisols with a soil color that have 50 percent or more chroma of 3 or more in one or more horizons between either the A or Ap horizon or a depth of 25 cm from the mineral soil surface, whichever is deeper, and a depth of 75 cm are defined as 'Aeric' (mis. AericPaleaquults). Ultisols yang mempunyaiwarnamerahdoisebut 'Rhodic' (Hue 2.5YR ataulebihmerah; dan Value lembab 3 ataukurang; dan Value keringtidaklebihdari 1 unit lebihtinggidiatas Value lembab) (mis. RhodicKandiudults). Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS KLASIFIKASI TANAH Ultisols yang tipis (deangkal) didefinisikansebagai 'Lithic' (mis. LithicKanhaplohumults, LithicHaplustults). Ultisols yang dikelompokkansebagai 'old soils' disebut 'Pale' (mis. Palehumults, Palexerults). They are not allowed to have a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact within 150 cm of the mineral soil surface. Other limitations to qualify for a Pale subgroup within the Ultisol order are texture changes or skeletans on the faces of peds. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS CIRI PEMBEDA Mollisols may occupy drier less leached positions, wetter positions, where leaching has been retarded and/or secondary enrichment with bases has occured. In areas with coarse-textured parent material, Spodosols may develop in low, poorly drained landscape positions with Ultisols on the better-drained sites. Histosols may develop in flat, depressional or poorly drained areas surrounded by Ultisols. Entisols can develop in association with Ultisols in very poorly drained areas or on steep rapidly eroding areas. AridisolsdanVertisolsdapatditemukanberdekatandenganUltisolsdidaerah-daerahdimanaUltisolsberdampingan dg iklim arid. Inceptisolsberkembangpadaposisilandskapygkurangstabil (lerengcuram) danpadapegununganataudidataranbanjir (mis. Fluvaquents). Tanah-tanahygberhubungandenganUltisolsadalahPsammentsdidaerah-daerahygmaterialnyasangatberpasir. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS CIRI PEMBEDA UltisolsdanAlfisolsdicirikanolehadanyahorisonpenciri ARGILIK, tetapiciriutamaUltisolsadalahrendahnya status basa, danciriinimembedakannyadarikebanyhakanAlfisols. KebanyakanUltisolsmenunjukkantingkatlapukanlebihlanjutdanlebihmasamdaripadaAlfisolstetapibiasanyaUltisolstidak se-masamSpodosols. The absence of an argillic horizon and the absence of an argillic horizon above an oxic horizon in Inceptisols and Oxisols, resprectively, are the criteria used to distinguish them from Ultisols. To distinguish between Ultisols and Oxisols - there are still some weatherable minerals found in Ultisols compared to Oxisols. Kalaukejenuhanbasanya < 35 %, adahorison KANDIK, dankandunganliatnyakurangdari 40 % ditemukandalamlapisanpermukaan 18 cm makatanahdiklasifikasikansebagaiUltisol. Berbedadenganini, tanah-tanahygserupatetapidnegankandunganliatlebihbesardari 40 % dalamlapisanpermukaannya, diklasifikasikansebagaiOxisols.
TANAH ULTISOLS Ultisolsadalahtanah-tanahdidaerah Humid. Tanah-tanahiniberkembangmelaluiproses-prosespelapukanygcukupintensifdanpencucianygsnagatintensif, menghasilkan subsoil kayaliat yang didominaisoleh mineral-mineral kuarsa, kaolinitdanoksidabesi. Ultisolsmerupakantanahmasam, unsurharaterkonsentrasipadalapisantanahatassetebalbeberapasentimeter. Tanah-tanahinikemampuannyauntukmenhaanharadaripupukdankapursnagatrendah. Ultisolsmeliputisekitar 8% lahanpermukaanbumiygbebases. Diunduhdari: ………….. 25/2/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS ULTISOLS KonsepsentralUltisolsadalahtanah-tanah yang mempunyaihorison yang kaya mineral liatsilikatangkutan (Horison ARGILIK atau KANDIK) danmiskinbasa-basa (kejenuhanbasakurangdari 35 %). PadakebanyakanUltisols , kejenuhanbasanyamenurundnegankedalmanatanah. Diunduhdari: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/soil/orders/soiord.htm…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS : UltisolsserupadneganAlfisolskarenamerekamempunyaipenciriochricdanargillic, akantetapitingkatpelapukannyalanjutsehinggamiskinhara ( “ ult”berasaldaribahasa Latin “ultimus” ygartinya ultimate). Tanah-tanahinimempunyai pH dankandunganbahanorganiklebihrendahdaripadaAlfisolsdanseringkaliwarnanyalebihmerah. Tanah-tanahinnidapatproduktifdenganteknologipembenah-tanah. Lapisantanahpermukaanbiasanyaberteksturlebihkasar, sehinggamudahdiolah, sedangkan subsoil yang berliatmenyimpanbanyhak air bagiakartanaman. Urutanhorison yang khasdalamproifiltanahnya: A, E, Bt, BC, C Diunduhdari: http://www.stthomas.edu/geography/faculty/kelley/physgeog/soils/taxonomy/soil_taxonomy.htm…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Ciri-ciri Tanah: Kandunganbahanorganik, kenjenuhanbasadan pH rendah (pH 4,2-4,8). Terjadiprosespodsolisasi: prosespecucianbahanorganikdanseskuioksidadimanaterjadipenimbunan Fe dan Al dan Si tercui. Bahanindukseringkaliberbecakkuning, merahdankelabutakbegitudalamtersusunatasbatuanbersilika, batu lapis, batupasir, danbatuliat. TerbentukdidaerahiklimsepertiLatosol, perbedaankarenabahaninduk : Latosolterutamaberasaldaribatuanvolkanikbasadan intermediate, sedangkanUltisolberasaldaribatuanbekudan tuff. Tanah yang paling luaspenyebarannyadi Indonesia: Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, dansebagianJawa . sebaiknyatanahinidihutankanatauuntukperkebunanseperti : kelapasawit, karetdan nanas. Diunduhdari: http://feiraz.wordpress.com/2008/11/08/geografi-tanah-indonesia/…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS UltisolsbanyaksekaliditemukandiGeorgia. Ultisolsinimenunjukkangejala-gejala: “pencucianintensif, tanahmasamdnegankesuburanalamiahnyarelatifrendah." Tanah-tanahiniditemukandidaerah-daerah humid. Tanah-tanahinijugadikenaldenganistilah Tanah-Liat-Merah. Diunduhdari: http://scharoun-enb150.blogspot.com/2011/02/soil-soil-everywhere.html…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Ultisols - ultimate, menyatakantanahygpelapukannyalanjut. A typical horizon sequence is A - Bt - BCt - C; the total solum thickness is generally a meter or greater. Horison A mempunyaistrukturgranuler, horison Bt dg strukturgumpal; kemasamantanah medium hinggasangatmasam. Inimerupakancontoh Tanah lempung-liat Davidson, diklasifikasikansebagai: FamiliRhodicPaleudults, thermik, berliat, kaolinitik. Diunduhdari: http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/~alm7d/soils/ults.html…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Ultisols Tanah-tanah yang mempunyaihorison ARGILIK dankejenuhanbasanyarendah < 35% pada 125 cm dibawah“the top of the argillic” ataupada 200 cm, apabilalebihdangkal. Diunduhdari: …http://soils.ifas.ufl.edu/wgharris/SEED/SJ/Order-Cheat.htm………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Sub-ordo yang dominan Aquults AquultsadalahUltisolsdidaerahbasah, dimanamuka-air-tanahsangatdekatdenganpermukaanselamaperiodewaktutertentusetiaptahun, biasanyapadamusim winter dan spring. Tanah-tanahiniadadidataranpantai, sepertidipantai Atlantic Ocean danTeluk Mexico. Lerengnya “gentle”. Kebanyakantanah-tanahinidahulunyaberupavegetasihutan; tetapiadajuga yang masihberupahutanhinggasekarang. Humults Humults are the more or less freely drained, humus-rich Ultisols. They are in Oregon and Washington and also occur in California and Puerto Rico. They commonly receive high rainfall but also have a moisture deficit during some season. The vegetation was mostly coniferous forest in the Northwest and rain forest in the tropics. Most of these soils are used as forest or have been cleared and are used as cropland or pasture. Diunduhdari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/ultisols_map.html…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Dominant Suborders Udults Udults are the more or less freely drained, relatively humus poor Ultisols that have a udic moisture regime. They are in southern and eastern parts of the country. Most of these soils currently support or formerly supported mixed forest vegetation. Many have been cleared and are used as cropland, mostly with the use of soil amendments. Ustults UstultsadalahUltisolsygdrainagenyabagus, mempunyairezim-lengastanah USTIK, danmempunyaikandungan C-organikrelatifrendah. Vegetasinyabiasanyaberupahutanatau savanna. Sebagiantanahtelahdibukadandigunakan / dikelolasebagailahanpertanianatau pasture. Xerults Xerults are the more or less freely drained Ultisols of Mediterranean climates. They are in California and Oregon. The vegetation formerly was and currently is mostly coniferous forest. Most of these soils are used as forest, but some have been cleared and are used as cropland or pasture. Diunduhdari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/ultisols_map.html…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS UmbraquultDataranpantai Carolina-utara Tanah-tanahiniberkembangdaribahanaluviumatau deposit marine didaerah-daerah yang muka-air-tanahnyadekatdenganpermukaan. These are the wettest of the Aquults and the argillic horizon is generally more weakly expressed as a result. Warnagleipada subsoil mencerminkanadanyamuka-air-tanahygdangkalsecaramusiman, yang membatasikesesuaiantanah-tanahiniuntukpenggunaannya. Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ultisols_01.htm…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS TypicHapludultArkansas bagianbarat Tanah iniberkembangdaribahanindukbatuanmetamorf sandstone danmenunjukkantatananhorison yang khasUltisols , yaitudenganurutan A-E-Bt. Tanah inidanHapludultslainnya, lazimditemukanpadalandskapjaman Pleistocene akhir. Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ultisols_02.htm …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS Fine, kaolinitic, thermicTypicKanhapludult(Cecil series) This soil is one of the most extensive in the southeastern USA. It is estimated that Cecil soils are on nearly 1/3 of the Piedmont uplands, where they occur on ridges and side slopes. Tanah-tanah Cecil iniberkembangdaribatuanbekufelsikdanbatuanmetamorf. Horison Bt dicirikanolehteksturliatdankandunganliatnyahingga 70%. Horison Bt merupakanhorisonkandik, ygmerupakanhorisonpenciri yang didominasioleh mineral liatygaktivitasnyarendah, sepertikaolinitdanhydroxy-interlayered vermiculite. Diunduhdari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ultisols_04.htm…………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS CECIL SERIES Tanah inisangatdalam, drainagenyabagus, permeabilitasnyamoderat, didaerahperbukitandandatarantinggi. Tanah-tanahiniberkembangdarihasilpelapukanbatuanbekufelsikdanbatuanmetamorf. Kemiringanlerengnyaberkisar 0 - 25 %. Curahhujantahunan 48 inches dansuhu rata-rata tahunan 59oF. Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS: CECIL SERIES TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, kaolinitic, thermicTypicKanhapludults TYPICAL PEDON: Cecil sandy loam--forested. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to 8 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; very friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 8 inches thick) Bt1--8 to 26 inches; red (10R 4/8) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. Bt2--26 to 42 inches; red (10R 4/8) clay; few fine prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 24 to 50 inches) Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS: CECIL SERIES TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, kaolinitic, thermicTypicKanhapludults BC--42 to 50 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) clay loam; few distinct yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 10 inches thick) C--50 to 80 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) loam saprolite; common medium distinct pale yellow (2.5Y 7/4) and common distinct brown (7.5YR 5/4) mottles; massive; very friable; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid. Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS: CECIL SERIES RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The Bt horizon is at least 24 to 50 inches thick and extends to 40 inches or more. Depth to bedrock ranges from 6 to 10 feet or more. The soil ranges from very strongly acid to moderately acid in the A horizons and is strongly acid or very strongly acid in the B and C horizons. Limed soils are typically moderately acid or slightly acid in the upper part. Content of coarse fragments range from 0 to 35 percent by volume in the A horizon and 0 to 10 percent by volume in the Bt horizon. Fragments are dominantly gravel or cobble in size. Most pedons have few to common flakes of mica in the Bt horizon and few to many flakes of mica in the BC and C horizons. Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS: CECIL SERIES RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 to 8. A horizons with value of 3 are less than 6 inches thick. The texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine earth fraction. Eroded phases are sandy clay loam, or clay loam in the fine earth fraction. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine-earth fraction. Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013
TANAH ULTISOLS: CECIL SERIES The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. It is sandy clay loam, loam, or clay loam. The Bt horizon averages 35 to 60 percent clay in the control section but may range to 70 percent in some subhorizons. It has hue of 10R or 2.5YR, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 6 or 8. Hue also ranges to 5YR if evident patterns of mottling are lacking in the Bt and BC horizons. Mottles that are few and random are included. The Bt horizon is clay loam, clay, or sandy clay and contains less than 30 percent silt. The BC horizon has hue of 10R to 5YR, value of 4 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles in shades of yellow or brown are few to common in some pedons. The texture is sandy clay loam, clay loam, or loam. The C horizon is similar in color to the BC horizon or it is variegated. It is loamy saprolite weathered from felsic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. Diunduhdari: …………… 11/3/2013