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Delta County School District. 2012-2013 Preliminary Budget May 15, 2012. District Revenues. District Expenditures. History of PPR Funding. PPR = Per Pupil Revenue. What we know today!. The School Finance Act maintains our PPR at the 2011-2012 level of $6,162.19 per FTE.
Delta County School District 2012-2013 Preliminary Budget May 15, 2012
History of PPR Funding PPR = Per Pupil Revenue
What we know today! • The School Finance Act maintains our PPR at the 2011-2012 level of $6,162.19 per FTE. • Enrollment is projected to hold stable at this time with a funded pupil count 5,085. • Scheduled PERA increases in addition to the 2011-2012 shortfall results in approximately $1.2 million to be cut from the District Budget.
Recap of Budget Adjustments 2012-2013 There will be minor adjustments in the budget brought in June for approval but the budget is balanced with no use of fund balance for 2012-2013
Benefits • Health Insurance: Health Insurance rates rise an average of 10%-12% per year based on medical inflation. Our plan is uses the self insured model and has a projected plan increase of 5%. At this time it is recommended to increase the deductible from $1,500 to $2,000 to account for the majority of the needed increase into the plan. • PERA: PERA contributions by employers continued to increase .90 percent from 15.65% to 16.55% starting January 2013. PERA cannot legally increase the amount on employees (currently 8%), so .50 of the .90 increase is to be taken from “monies otherwise used for employee salary increases”. (PERA bulletin April 2008). It should be noted that some spring legislation attempted without success to move this burden from the districts to the employees as has been done with higher education and other State agencies.
2012-2013 Budget Recap • The budget is balanced without using any District reserves. (Fund Balance) • Changes to the Sick Leave Policy will help reduce the amount of days teachers are out of the classroom. This is estimated to save $10K. • The District Office was reorganized for a net savings of $182K. • Funding from the General Fund to the Delta-Montrose Technical College was reduced by $80K • The Transportation Fee paid by parents for their students to ride the bus has been rescinded. ($45K) • 1 additional ELL teacher has been added to Garnet Mesa Elementary as well as Lincoln Elementary to begin to address funding equity. ($80K) • A 1% one time salary payment will be made to each employee in the District. ($203K)