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Rankin county school district. Response to intervention 2014-2015. What is response to intervention?.
Rankin county school district Response to intervention 2014-2015
What is response to intervention? Mississippi’s model for RtI is a comprehensive, problem solving and multi-tiered intervention strategy to enable early identification and intervention for ALL students who may be at academic or behavioral risk.
RtIis not a one way street • Students can access the services in both directions • The level of intervention a student needs is determined by the student’s outcome data MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Tier 1 all students • PBIS • School climate • Culture of the school • Expectations and Rules • Routines and Procedures • Classroom Management System • Character Education • Social Skills Training
Levels of PBIS • School-Wide– Procedures and processes intended for all students, staff, in specific settings and across campusTier 1 • Classroom– Processes and procedures that reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with pre-planned strategies applied within classrooms Tier 1 • Target Group– Processes and procedures designed to address behavioral issues of groups of students with similar behavior problems or behaviors that seem to occur for the same reasons (i.e. attention seeking, escape) Tier 2 • Individual Student– Processes and procedures reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with team-based strategies to address problematic behaviors of individual students Tier 3 Adapted from Levels and Descriptions of Behavior SupportGeorge, Harrower, & Knoster, 2003)
Academic+ Behavior Response to Intervention
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students 1- 5% Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students 1-5% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students 5-10% Universal Interventions All students 80-90% Universal Interventions All students 80-90% Blended Initiatives Dr. George Sugai, Co-Director Center on PBS
Essential Components of RtI Screening: to identify or predict students who may be at risk. Culturally Responsive Teaching: using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse students to make learning more appropriate and effective for them. (Gay 2000) Progress Monitoring: to quantify a student rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Data Based Decisions: an ongoing process of analyzing and evaluating information to inform important educational decisions and actions. National Center on RtI
Mississippi department of education response to intervention Tier 1 • Quality instruction which describes the school-wide efforts and practices that are available to all students including: Essential Elements • #4 universal screening of behavior • #8 classroom and behavior management • #9 system of behavioral support (school and district level)
Mississippi Department of EducationResponse to Intervention • Tier 1 • Quality Instruction which describes the school-wide efforts and practices that are available to all students including: • Essential Elements • 4) universal screening of behavior • 8) classroom and behavior management • 9) system of behavioral support (school & district level) MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Tier 2 How do we know? • Behavior Screener • Nomination form form middle/high (add pic) • Externalizing and Internalizing behavior • Screener – elementary (add pics) • Externalizing and Internalizing behavior • ODR’s (Office Discipline Refferals) • Attendance • Failure to respond to Tier 1 • Combination of all of the above
Types of behavior Internalizing Behavior • Excessively shy • Withdrawn • Not participating with peers • Unresponsive to social initiations • Unhappiness or depression • Inability to build or maintain relationships • Develop physical symptoms or fears Externalizing Behavior • Aggressive behavior • Non-compliance • Rule breaking behavior • Hyperactivity • Extreme distractibility • Defying the teacher • Having tantrums • Stealing
Data decision rules • Less than 2 ODR’s = continue universal Tier 1 supports such as PBIS • 3 – 5 ODR’s = Behavior Support Team should be monitoring student
Cool tool in powerschool • Review the ODR data on a regular basis (i.e. monthly) • System Reports • Discipline Log • All Students • Date Range
RCSD TIER 2 INTERVENTIONS • CICO (Check in/Check out) • Check and Connect • Behavior Contracts • Small Group • Individual Counseling(social skills, anger management)
Progress monitoring • Check in/Check out has built in data collection • Check and Connect has built in data collection • Individual and Group counseling is documented with counselor intervention form and progress monitored through daily behavior report cards.
Tier 2 timeline • Progress monitoring should occur at least 2 times weekly. • Progress monitoring data should be graphed and reviewed every 4 ½ weeks and the intervention either continued or modified. • MDE recommends students stay in Tier2 interventions for at least 10 weeks.
Tier 2 intervention time line • At the end of the 10 weeks, the following recommendations can be made: • Continue the intervention (due to success and student need for support). • Modify intervention • Move to Tier 3 (due to lack of progress) • Move to Tier 1 (due to success), student does not require continued intervention.
Essential Elements for Tier 3 Behavior 1. Teacher Support Team (TST) process; 2. Progress monitoring of the target area(s); 3. Documentation of progress in target area(s) through a graphical display; 4. Appropriate decision making; 5. Strategic/targeted intervention supported by scientifically based research in behavioral/emotional concerns; 6. Documentation of intervention implementation with integrity; 7. System of behavioral support (school and district level); 8. Instructional leadership; 9. Parental/family and community involvement; and 10. Teacher Support Team (TST) outcomes. MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 2 Progress Monitoring of the Target Areas In order to meet expectations, schools must conduct progress monitoring: 1) of all Tier 3 students 2) two times per week 3) that equals at least 7-9 data points per evaluation period 4) at approximate equal intervals 5) that measures the same skills the same way each time 6) that measures all applicable skills MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Progress Monitoring • Students‘ behavior is assessed on a regular basis (at least twice a week) to determine whether progress is being made during the targeted intervention(s). • The measure assesses the targeted area of concern (i.e., off task behavior, task completion, etc.) • The short assessments should take only between 1–10 minutes after which the data are graphed. • This process of PM is exactly the same as for Tier 2; however, it is implemented for a longer period. MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Tier 3 supports time line • 2 weeks after referral is made intervention(s) must be implemented • 4 weeks after start of intervention TST must review progress • 8 weeks after starting intervention(s) TST must conduct a documented review of the interventions to determine success of the intervention • 12 weeks after start of intervention(s) TST must review progress • No later than 16 weeks after implementation of the intervention(s) a second review must be conducted to determine whether the intervention is successful • If the intervention(s) is determined to be unsuccessful, the student will be referred for a comprehensive assessment. MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Begin Intervention Documented Progress Review Documented progress review Review Progress Review Progress Referral made to Tier 3 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks If intervention is unsuccessful refer for a comprehensive evaluation No longer than 16 weeks If intervention is successful continue intervention, reduce intensity or terminate intervention if student met goal. Tier 3 Supports Time Line
During each 4-week Interval of the Intervention • An integrity checklist should be developed to ensure the intervention is being implementing appropriately. • Observe for integrity of the intervention at least twice during each interval. • Progress monitor at least twice a week. • Graph progress each time data is collected. • Submit graphs weekly to the TST. • Evaluate progress monitoring data at each evaluation period. • Based on the data, the goal may be increased. • Reconvene the TST at each evaluation period, if needed, to determine if the data support increasing the goal or changing interventions MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 3 Documentation of Progress through Graphical Display In order to meet expectations, schools must: 1) Have data present 2) Present data in graph format for each student 3) Graph data in a manner that includes: a) target behavior b) actual performance c) sessions d) goal line MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 4 Appropriate Decision Making In order to meet expectations, schools must make decisions: 1) based on the student’s current level of performance 2) based on slope/level/rate of improvement 3) that result in continuation, revision or termination of intervention when appropriate 4) at the appropriate intervals (e.g., every 4 weeks of intervention) MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 5 Interventions/supplemental instruction for behavioral/emotional concerns In order to meet expectations, schools must: 1) Utilize interventions that are supported by scientifically based research. 2) Implement interventions that match the student’s current behavioral/emotional performance level or the function of behavior. 3) Have written documentation of the intervention protocol. 4) Analyze data at the individual and school level. MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Tier 3 Documentation • Documentation that exclusionary factors have been ruled out (i.e., absences, motivation, etc.). • Documentation of the target behavior in graphic form that includes the following: • Trend line • Goal line • Phase change line (a vertical line representing that the intervention has been implemented and/or a change in the intervention has occurred). MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Goal Line REACH MS
Tier 3 Documentation A written intervention plan should be in place that documents: • Interventionist was trained on the intervention. • Individual who provided the intervention. • Where the intervention occurred. • Number of days of the week the intervention occurred. • Duration of the intervention. • Outline or description of the intervention. • Observation(s) of the integrity of the intervention. • Progress monitoring schedule. MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Interventions are Not! • Special or re-assigned seating in the classroom • Shortened assignments • Communications with the parent about the child at regular parent-teacher conferences or other informal communications • Student observations • Behavior logs • Suspension • Retention • More of the same/general classroom instruction and/or assignments REACH MS
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 6 Documentation of Intervention Implementation with Integrity In order to meet expectations, schools must: 1) document systematic observations that are used to assess implementation integrity, 2) observe for integrity at least 6-8 times, 3) observe for integrity at equal intervals, 4) and document the interventionist (e.g., name, training, etc.) MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
Documentation of Intervention Implementation with Integrity Observation documentation should include the following: • all the components of the intervention; • where the intervention occurred and duration of the intervention; • who implemented the intervention (including qualifications); • how often the student engaged in the intervention; and • documentation of the integrity through observation(s) of the intervention • by the principal, principal designee, TST member, or someone other than the primary interventionist at least 8 times during the Tier 3 process MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3Essential Element 8 Quality Instruction which describes the school-wideefforts and practices that are available to all students; including Essential Element 9 system of behavioral support (school & district level) MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 8 Instructional Leadership • In order to meet expectations, schools have improvement plans that: 1) includes professional development related to Tier 3 activities 2) assesses the impact of professional development 3) addresses areas of need based on data 4) indicates that allocation of resources is based on needs MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3 Essential Element 9 Family and Community Involvement • In order to meet expectations, schools must: 1) Notify parents at the start of Tier 3 process (RCSD Tier 2) 2) Document meetings with parent/family to discuss intervention and progress MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)
MDE’s Tier 3Essential Element 10 Teacher Support Team Outcomes • In order to meet expectations, schools must ensure the TST has documentation of 1) Completed student files 2) Populated students and outcomes for those students 3) Percentage of students referred for evaluation 4) Percentage of files returned to teachers for additional information 5) Analysis of the type of referrals to determine if there are patterns MDE Response to Intervention Best Practices Handbook (2010)