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Orientation to Internship Application for Spring 2017 Semester School of Education. Brandy L. Russell, Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences. Welcome!. Begin circulation of clipboards for scheduling internship checkouts. Important Facts You Should Know About Internship.
Orientation to Internship Application for Spring 2017 SemesterSchool of Education Brandy L. Russell, Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences
Welcome! Begin circulation of clipboards for scheduling internship checkouts.
Important Facts You Should Know About Internship • Capstone assessment • Full-time job and should be treated as such • Full time in the schools, 5 days a week • Follow the school’s academic calendar, not JSU’s • No excused absences • Professional expectations
Professional Disposition Commitment to Honoring Professional Ethical Standards • Fairness • Honesty & Integrity • Trustworthiness • Confidentiality • Respect for Colleagues and students
Professional Disposition Alabama Educator Code of Ethics https://www.alsde.edu/sec/ee/Documents/Alabama_Educator_Code_of_Ethics.pdf Standard 1: Professional Conduct: An educator should demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards. Ethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Encouraging and supporting colleagues in the development and maintenance of high standards. • Respecting fellow educators and participating in the development of a professional and supportive teaching environment. • Engaging in a variety of individual and collaborative learning experiences essential to developing professionally in order to promote student learning. Unethical conduct is any conduct that impairs the certificate holder’s ability to function in his or her employment position or a pattern of behavior that is detrimental to the health, welfare, discipline, or morals of students. Unethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Harassment of colleagues. • Misuse or mismanagement of tests or test materials. • Inappropriate language on school grounds. • Physical altercations. • Failure to provide appropriate supervision of students.
Professional Disposition Alabama Administrative Code 290-3-2-.05 (1) Authority of the State Superintendent of Education (a) The Superintendent shall have the authority under existing legal standards to: 1. Revoke any certificate held by a person who has been proven guilty of immoral conduct or unbecoming or indecent behavior in Alabama or any other state or nation in accordance with Ala. Code §16−23−5 (1975). 2. Refuse to issue a certificate to an applicant whose certificate has been subject to adverse action by another state until after the adverse action has been resolved by that state. 3. Suspend or revoke an individual’s certificate issued by the Superintendent when a certificate or license issued by another state is subject to adverse action. 4. Refuse to issue, suspend, or recall a certificate for just cause.
Professional Disposition Alabama Administrative Code 290-3-2-.05 (Any of the following grounds shall also be considered cause for disciplinary action: • Unethical conduct as outlined in the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics, Standards 1-9. • Order from a court of competent jurisdiction. • Violation of any other laws or rules applicable to the profession. • Any other good and sufficient cause. An individual whose certificate has been revoked, denied, or suspended may not be employed as an educator, paraprofessional, aide, or substitute teacher during the period of his or her revocation, suspension, or denial.
PraxisII Policy Spring 2017 Internship • To be eligible for Spring 2017 Internship, passing scores for all necessary Praxis II exams must be received at JSU via electronic transmission from ETS no later than December 5, 2016
Praxis Test Centers and Testing Dates • Latest possible testing window to determine Fall 2016 Internship eligibility 10/31/16 – 11/12/16 Click on title link to access website.
Only official ETS score reports… • sent directly to JSU and ALSDE by electronic transmission from ETS will be accepted. • JSU must be listed as a score recipient.
Contact your advisor, instructor, or department head… • for details regarding Praxis II test(s) code(s) and requirement(s) for your respective major. • Praxis II Test Centers and Dates • Praxis II Tests & Code Numbers – (AL State Approved)
Praxis II Test Help • Praxis II Study Guides – available from ETS and Amazon.com • www.praxisprep.com • Dr. Joseph Akpan, College of Education – Praxis II workshops • jakpan@jsu.edu
English Competency Exam (ECE)(Undergraduate Students ONLY) • Take once you complete English 101 & 102 and have acquired 60 hours. • Students must pass the ECE at least one semester before filing an application for graduation. • Register online via JSU English Department’s website • Absolutely no late registration per English Department http://www.jsu.edu/english/ece_dates.html • Phone contact # 782-5411 or 782-5412 • The test is administered at JSU by the English Department. No testing fee. • Great info for ECE: http://www.jsu.edu/english/ece_info.html
EPP or CLA ExamRequired for Graduation (Undergraduate Students ONLY) • One of these assessments must be completed in order to meet graduation requirements. • EPP - ETS Proficiency Profile-This assessment is proctored on campus in a designated computer lab on scheduled test dates. This test takes the place of the CBASE. • CLA+ - Collegiate Learning Assessment - (if selected by the Office of Planning and Research) It can be taken in place of the EPP to meet graduation requirements. It is performance based and provides a measure of an institution's contribution to the development of critical thinking and writing skills. (Computer based)
EPP – Con’t. • Take on campus in a designated computer lab on scheduled test dates DURING THE SEMESTER IN WHICH YOU ARE GRADUATING. Can’t register before. • Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences will secure special testing dates for Fall 2016 interns. You will be notified of these dates and location(s) at the Fall 2016 Internship Orientation Meeting. (August, 2016)
MFT (Major Field Test)(Graduation Requirement for Undergraduate Students in the Following Majors): Biology (BY), History (HY), English/Language Arts (ELA), Math (MS), Music (MU) • Test taken the semester that you intern, if you are in one of the majors listed above. • Contact your department to find out when the test will be given. This is a requirement for GRADUATION, not internship!! • Register with your department. • If this requirement is dropped, you will be notified. Currently, it is required.
COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMSTest Requirement for Graduation(Graduate Students ONLY) • Comps are given through your department the semester that you intern (your LAST semester). • Contact your department for specific dates given. You register online through the Graduate School. • Clinical Experiences Office does not know testing dates, as they differ according to each major and within each department.
Other Requirements Prior to Internship: • For UNDERGRADS -Overall, professional, & teaching field GPAs must be a 2.75 at minimum. • For GRADS –Overall, professional, & teaching field GPAs must be a 3.0 at minimum. • Internship should be the last course for the student. • Must have earned a “C” or better in all teaching and professional courses. • You will formally apply for the internship one semester before you actually plan to intern. Should you apply & not actually intern for any reason, you will reapply again at the appropriate time.
Notice to Alternative 5th Year Students Who Are Employed As Teachers: • In order to meet internship requirements, you must be employed full time in your field and grade level(s) and teaching under a Special Alternative Certificate (SAC). • If you are BY and employed to teach GS all day, this will not satisfy requirements. Some employed interns have had to take a leave of absence. • If you are employed in a private school or seek private school placement, the school must meet certain requirements: • must be SACS accredited • recognized by the State
Final Information for Alternative 5th Year Students : • If you secure teaching employment after application, you must contact Clinical Experiences immediately and provide the necessary documentation (a letter from your superintendent and a copy of your current certificate). • If you become unemployed (as a teacher) between now and internship, you must notify the office as well. • If you are employed out of field, you will need to secure a leave of absence, if you cannot gain employment within field. • If you are employed as a teacher’s aide, you will need to secure a leave of absence from that role.
Liability Insurance Information • Proof of Professional Liability Insurance is REQUIRED! You may not attend your placement school, nor will we send placement information without appropriate coverage. • Proof of liability insurance MUST be emailed by December 5, 2016 to: clinicalexperiences@jsu.edu Liability Insurance Requirements
Liability Insurance Information (continued): • If you are employed (or become employed) as a teacher, you will need to provide proof of liability insurance coverage. Contact the company and ask them to provide you with a letter or email that you can forward. • Liability insurance coverage may be purchased through any company of your choice, but documentation for coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 with coverage dates must accompany your application. Coverage must last through the end of your internship semester. Link to Liability Insurance Companies Document (remember, you may purchase from any company, but these are companies I have found easy to work with)
LiveText FEM • All interns MUST have LiveText FEM in order to receive a placement. • If you do not have FEM on your LiveText Dashboard, the upgrade is $18.00 and is available through the LiveText (LT) account links INSIDE the candidate’s LT account. • Log into your LiveText account, click on “My Account,” and then go down to “Membership Information.” Select “FEM” and follow the prompts to purchase the add-on.
Internship Application Procedures: • Internship is the LAST course before graduation, and should be the only course you take, unless you are required to take another course designed to be taken concurrently with internship, according to your department. • You must have completed your application for internship online and bring ALL required materials at the time of your individual internshipcheckoutwith Teacher Education Services, Room 207. Everything should be turned in at once. Materials cannot be turned in a few pieces at a time. (Refer to handout.) • Completed applications must be on file with Teacher Education Services. Late applications can delay your placement.DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2016
Extra Courses During Internship • If you need to take an additional course during Internship & Seminar, the course must be reflected on your Trial Schedule and approved by your advisor.
CHECK, CHECK, & DOUBLE CHECK BEHIND YOUR ADVISOR! • You are ultimately responsible for making sure that you meet all requirements (outlined in your catalog/bulletin) for internship eligibility. If you have any questions about this, check your JSU bulletin again or ask questions. Refer to your checkout sheet from TSC! • If you are missing courses, made less than a “C” in a required course, or your GPA does not meet ALL the minimums, you will need to have taken care of this prior to internship. • Please double check to make sure you’re eligible. If you drop a course, you’ll need to take it later before you plan to intern, recalculate your GPA, etc. PLEASE re-check for your own sake & check early!
Importance of Keeping ALL Information Current: • Notify Clinical Experiences (brussell4@jsu.edu) immediately if you have changes in information. Students must frequently be contacted, and correct, current information is necessary in order to keep you informed. • On your Internship Application, please notice there are two different address listings: one for internship and one for home. On your Blue Sheet, you should list your physical address during Internship for School Year Residence. • Information that could potentially change: email addresses, phone numbers, physical address, and even name changes, etc.
Internship Placement PolicyLink to JSU Clinical Experiences webpage - Placement Policy
JSU places interns in some schools in the following AL Counties:(within 70 mile radius from JSU) • Calhoun • Cherokee • Clay • Cleburne • Dekalb • Etowah • Marshall • Randolph • St. Clair • Talladega This information is subject to change.
Note on the “Counties”JSU Serves… • This is just the “geographic” area. • There are many different systems within each of these counties listed that we serve. • For example: The Calhoun County area consists of five different school systems: • Anniston City, Calhoun County, Jacksonville City, Oxford City, Piedmont City
General Rules Related to Internship Placement: • You may NOT intern where you have family attending or employed (see exception on next slide). Please don’t ask! This information must be disclosed on the application for internship (blue sheet). Give accurate information, please! “Family” is defined as (but not limited to) the following:spouse, child, grandchild, brother/sister, aunt/uncle, grandparents, niece/nephew, cousins, sister-in-law/brother-in-law, mother/father, etc.
Exception to Family Members Attending or Employed at Internship Placement School: • Employed Alabama Alt A teacher/intern candidates completing internship and working under an SAC endorsed for the teaching field appropriate to the candidate’s teaching assignment may complete internship in the candidate’s classroom, if the classroom setting is appropriate for the candidate’s teaching field requirements.
You mayNOT intern where you attended high school unless it has been more than ten years (Exception: Employed Alt A requirements). Do not list this as a requested choice for placement on your application for internship. This helps give you diverse placements as required by ALSDE. • You may intern where you completed your Practicum when both parties agree to it. This is referred to as a Year-Long Clinical Placement.
Students should NOT contact Boards of Education, schools, or teachers to ask for placement. All placements come through the Office of Clinical Experiences. • Applications that are incomplete or not legible will NOT be processed and will delay placement. Be sure you indicate the grade level and school name of ALL practicum experiences.
Courtesy Placement Policy Courtesy Placements for JSU Teacher Candidates (Practica and Internship) Beginning fall 2016, JSU teacher candidates must complete field experiences (practica) and internship placements in select Alabama P-12 schools within JSU’s 70-mile radius. Out-of-state courtesy placements are not allowed. Employed Alternative A, Class A, and Class AA candidates (teachers of record) who hold a valid Interim Educator Certificate (IEC; formerly Special Alternative Certificate-SAC) endorsed for the teaching field appropriate to the candidate’s teaching assignment may be allowed for courtesy placement. See Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences for further information. Courtesy Placements for Non-JSU Teacher Candidates Students completing field experiences and/or internships who are enrolled in another Education Program Provider (institution) must seek placement and supervision from his/her institution.
If you absolutely must go outside of JSU’s internship supervision coverage area:COURTESY PLACEMENT • If circumstances, such as employment (or a move) force you to intern outside of JSU’s defined supervision area, you might be eligible to complete the internship through a “courtesy” placement. • You will need to go to the Placement Policy section of the Clinical Experiences website and follow the Steps for Completing Courtesy Placement. • All requests for such placements must be typed & addressed to the Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences. They will be given to your department head for approval and then to theDean for final consideration. Reasons must be valid and necessary. Such requests must be made at the time of application.
COURTESY PLACEMENT con’t. • You will be required to secure your own supervision at your own cost. This is usually several hundred dollars ($500.00 + mileage). • You will secure placement through another NCATE/CAEP accredited institution, and/or pay a university supervisor from JSU to supervise you. • Note that some states have strict rules, policies, pre-service testing requirements, etc., that may prohibit courtesy placements. You should be familiar with the state(s) requirements for internship and courtesy placements. • Steps to Complete Courtesy Placement
Internship Application Deadlines • Spring 2017 Internship Checkout Dates with Teacher Service Center October 3, 2016 – November 4, 2016 ***No checkouts will be completed October 17, 2016***
Registering for Internship & Reflective Practices in Internship Seminar You will receive an email from me letting you know the CRN numbers to register for and the dates that registration is open for you to register. • ED 495/595 • ED 496/596 • MU 487/587 • MU 489 NO ONE CAN REGISTER FOR INTERNSHIP UNTIL AFTER GRADES POST FOR THE SEMESTER PRIOR TO INTERNSHIP.
Internship Credit Hours • Currently, Undergraduates register for 1 section of Internship and 1 section of Seminar for a total of 9 hours. You will register for the appropriate Seminar according to your department. • Graduatesregister for 1 section of graduate level Internship and 1 section of graduate level Seminar for a total of 6 hours. You will register for the appropriate Seminar according to your department. • IF you need 12 hours for financial aid or insurance reasons, consult your advisor for the appropriate recommendations.
Placement Information Can Change: • We do not assign interns to teachers. This is left up to the Boards of Education and principals. • Much goes into placing you & assigning supervision. For this reason, it is rare that changes on JSU’s end will be made after the fact, unless it is an emergency.
School System Calendars • You should plan to attend beginning of the semester inservice and professional activities as per your assigned school and CT.
Placement Notification • We will email your placement information to your new Microsoft Office 365 student GEM account. Placement Letter – Read it carefully! School System Calendar
Should you be forced to withdraw/drop from the internship prior to the start of it: • It is O.K. if something comes up after you register, and you are forced to withdraw/drop, but you must not only drop the course, you must also notify Clinical Experiences and do so immediately upon dropping it. • If you simply drop the course and do not notify the Office of Clinical Experience, there is no way of knowing that you withdrew. Schools will then be expecting you to come, and teachers will have made plans to have you in their rooms. • REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NEED TO REAPPLY FOR INTERNSHIP AGAIN AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME AND SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION FOR DEGREE!