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Africa's Diverse Landscapes and Cultures

Explore the rich geographical features and cultural diversity of Africa, from the Sahara Desert to the lush rainforests. Learn about the Nile River disputes, ecological challenges, and tribal traditions shaping the continent. Discover how ancient empires and modern influences have shaped Africa's history.

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Africa's Diverse Landscapes and Cultures

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  1. Africa

  2. SS7G1 • Atlas Mountains separate the coast from the desert • Sahara Desert: northern Africa, largest in the world, arid/dry climate, no water and plant life • The equator has the savanna region: tropical habitats, climate, grasslands, vegetation, little rain for farming (rainy season)

  3. SS7G1 • Sahel is the area between the Sahara and savanna: arid to semi-arid climate, overgrazing has led to little plant life • Tropical rain forest: humid/wet climate, lush animals and plants, over-population is the biggest threat • Kalahari Desert: southwest • Nile River: longest in world (Lake Victoria to Egypt) (Blue and White Nile branch off)

  4. SS7G1 • Lake Tanganyika (one of the deepest in the world) • North: Egypt, Sudan • West: Nigeria • Central: Democratic Republic of Congo • East: Kenya • South: South Africa • Many countries are having political problems along their borders

  5. SS7G2 • Arid/desert regions have a lack of water • Factory, human, and animal waste are polluting the small amounts of water • Nile River is used for water and transportation • Overpopulation in the Nile River Valley are creating poor sanitation • Nile River is experiencing industrial waste

  6. SS7G2 • Aswan High Dam controlled flooding on the Nile River for irrigation, hydroelectricity…but the dam is not depositing silt and fertile soil in the Nile River Valley…Fertilizers have caused Egypt’s farmland to have high concentrations of salt • Niger River Delta has deposits of Oil

  7. SS7G2 • Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt are fighting over the uses of the Nile River (Water Wars) • Niger River provides water to the region of the Sahel • Sahel is experiencing deforestation and desertification (little rainfall and overgrazing, drought)

  8. SS7G2 • The Sahara is growing down into the Sahel and causing the land to become more desert-like • 55% of Nigeria’s rainforest has been deforested • Ethiopia experiences overgrazing and is experiencing desertification

  9. SS7G2 • The “Green Line” is the line between the desert region and the vegetation line (rainforest)

  10. SS7G3 • Sahara region (northern and southern) is the largest desert region in the world with hot and dry (arid) climate • Nomads lived and traveled in caravans throughout this region (Tuareg Tribe) traded salt and gold along the coastal areas of the Sahara • The Sahel region is the border between the desert and grassland/rainforest

  11. SS7G3 • Sahel is flat semi-arid land with little rainfall yearly (desertification) • Vegetation is limited with people being nomadic herders grazing their animals throughout the region (they are subsistence farmers) • Savanna (eastern) is the region of tropical grassland

  12. SS7G3 • Animals graze the land but have little rainfall to sustain animal and plant life (rainy and dry season) • Animals will travel (The Great Migration) during the dry season for survival between resources • Overpopulation is becoming threaten the savanna (natural habitats and game preserves being designed to secure the savanna)

  13. SS7G3 • Rainforest (western to central) in the Congo Basin (along the equator) • Exotic plant and animal life in the region • European developed/colonialism had an effect on the deforestation in the rainforest • Overpopulation (human development) is and issue with clear-cutting and slash-and-burn

  14. SS7G3 • Tribal villages are losing their homes • Animals and plants are facing extinction • Deforestation is leading to soil erosion and desertification

  15. SS7G4 • Arab empires ruled in Egypt and N. Africa • They were traders across the Sahara • Followed Islam and spoke Arabic • Caravans carried salt, gold, and the religion of Islam as they traded across the desert • Islam spread due to these trade routes along northern and eastern Africa (Zanzibar)

  16. SS7G4 • Ashanti tribe inhabited the Ghana region (Mali, Songhai, Ghana Empires) • The Golden Stool represents power to the leadership of the Ashanti tribe (king) • They believe in a supreme god…Nayme • The children of this god (Abosom) represent the forces and powers in the present world

  17. SS7G4 • Ancestors and elderly are highly respected in the village • Family rituals are practiced due to stages of life (birth, growth, childhood, marriage, death) • European and American missionaries have influenced Christianity in the Ashanti region

  18. SS7G4 • Islam has been practiced within the Ashanti tribe • Bantu tribe originated in the western Sahel and migrated throughout all of Africa (2,000 years ago) • Bantu language has influenced many small tribes and cultures in Africa • Bantu are known as farmers and nomadic herders

  19. SS7G4 • Bantu migrated due to various rivers and streams the let out into major bodies of water • Bantu have now inhabited much of central, eastern, and southern Africa • Bantu follow multiple religions (Christianity, Islam, and Animism…natural spirits)

  20. SS7G4 • Swahili tribe developed on the east coast of Africa from Arab and Persian traders intermarried Bantu migrants • Swahili means “ones who live on the coast” • Swahili is know for its diverse language dialects rooted in the Bantu language • Swahili followers are becoming city dwellers

  21. SS7G4 • Most Swahili followers are Islamic • Many traditional Swahili followers will still follow local tribal belief systems (mila) • Swahili believe that spirits can possess humans and that the religious beliefs can effect the use of medicine and healing (natural healing through prayer and rituals)

  22. SS7H1 • Europeans began to colonize b/c of the slave trade (1500’s-1800’s) • USA participated in slave trade (labor and agriculture) • Europeans also wanted colonies for natural resources and raw materials • Advanced weapons and technology allowed Europeans to win control of African land (Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain)

  23. SS7H1 • European colonialism is also know as (imperialism: colonies to gain wealth and control of world regions) • Gold, diamonds platinum, iron ore, coal, uranium were discovered and mined in Africa • Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to convert Africans from their traditional and Islamic belief systems

  24. SS7H1 • European companies would colonize regions to maximize economic growth • European goals were to keep peace in African colonies, get raw materials/natural resources, and “civilize” culture • British used indirect rule with appointing powerful wealthy citizens to rule under British control

  25. SS7H1 • French encouraged Africans to become French citizens to live under French rule and French lifestyles (assimilation) • African countries fought on the side of European powers during WWII and then wanted their freedom and independence after the war • European countries would draw new boundary lines (countries) without paying attention to ethnic or tribal differences (civil wars)

  26. SS7H1 • Dutch and British settlers set up colonies in South Africa (treated natives as servants/slaves) • British were interested in the gold and diamond deposits found • African National Congress was formed by natives to oppose the unequal rights demonstrated against them by the British

  27. SS7H1 • The separation/segregation of races in S. Africa was called “apartheid” (1948) • Apartheid restricted black Africans from owning land, refused use of public facilities and buildings with whites • The ANC and Pan African Congress forced the British to change civil rights laws (1980’s)

  28. SS7H1 • Nelson Mandela was part of the and led the ANC and Pan African Congress • Mandela led protests against apartheid • Mandela was imprisoned for his protests against British colonialism and laws • FW de Klerk (white president) freed Nelson Mandela and repealed the apartheid laws

  29. SS7H1 • 1994 first multi-racial election and Nelson Mandela was elected 1st black president in S. Africa • Pan-African Movement was the desire of all native African citizens to have pride in the homeland and country and work to end European colonialism • This was to be a peaceful movement for independence from European colonialism and to improve government and economic structure in the new African countries

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