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1. At the Intersection of Thinking and Feeling: Motivation, Emotion, and how they impact learning
2. “Cold” vs “Hot” cognition and motivation
Flow vs Fear
Helplessness vs Efficacy
Neurophysiology of emotion and memory
3. “Hot” vs “Cold” cognition The idea of “cold” logic is misleading
The mind and body interact.
Descartes’ Error by A. Damasio
Mood congruent memory
Mood congruent evaluation
Mood and processing style
Critical thinking requires certain dispositions
Thought and Knowledge by D. Halpern
4. “Hot” cognition:
Motivation influences disposition to learn.
Pintrich, Marx and Boyle “Beyond Cold Cognition”
Goal orientation theory
Dweck and Elliot “A Socio-Cognitive Perspective on Motivation”
Mastery goals “I want to learn.”
Performance approach “I want to succeed.”
Performance avoidance “I don’t want to fail.”
Strategic effort “I want the biggest bang for my buck.”
Implications for teaching?
5. The ultimate state of intrinsic motivation
A. Csikzentmihalyi Flow: The Ultimate Experience
B. Same experience reported across activities
C. Balance between challenge and control
Can we achieve flow in educational settings?
Flow vs Fear
6. Anxiety and its effects on learning
The “Yerkes-Dodson” curve
Physiological effects
Cognitive effects
You can mitigate the effects of anxiety through class activities and policies.
Flow vs Fear
7. Learned helplessness
M. Seligman Learned Helplessness
Caused by an inability to predict or avoid unpleasant events
Characterized by low effort, depression-like behaviors
Can we overcome it in our students? Helplessness vs Self-efficacy
8. Self-efficacy – an antidote to helplessness
A. Bandura Self-efficacy
Belief that one can do a specific task
Best predictor of student achievement
How do we foster it in our students?
Successes, past and present
Vicarious success (see others succeed)
Helplessness vs Self-efficacy
9. Memories have an emotional “tag” that aids in recall.
A. Damasio Descartes’ Error
The structures of the brain bring emotion and memory in close proximity with lots of interconnections.
The effects of stress on neurophysiology
Scientific American special issues on the brain
Tune in later for future developments
Neurophysiology of emotion and memory
10. Cognition is influenced by motivations.
Positive and negative emotion affect behavior.
Self-efficacy is a key.
There is a lot more to learn.
11. Readings mentioned A. Damasio Descartes’ Error
D. Halpern Thought and Knowledge
M. Csikzentmihalya Flow: the Ultimate Experience
Pintrich, Marx and Boyle “Beyond cold cognition” in Review of Ed Research
C. Dweck and M. Elliot “A sociocognitive perspective on motivation” Educational Psychologist
M. Seligman Learned Helplessness
A. Bandura Self-Efficacy
12. Motivation theory 2 Self-determination theory
Implications for teaching?