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Team Project. Investigate, Discover, Formulate, Propose. "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?“ ‐ Albert Einstein. The Project Goal. Apply security at the design level by: Investigating a technology;
Team Project Investigate, Discover, Formulate, Propose
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?“ ‐ Albert Einstein
The Project Goal • Apply security at the design level by: • Investigating a technology; • Discovering its foundations, components and usefulness; • Formulating its application in a new way; and • Propose changes
Security Research • Computer Science • The formalists • Those who work from a mathematical/theoretical tradition • Assumes that the world is well-modelled by simple theories • The empiricists • Those who are usually very careless about their experimental designs • They don't usually bother to formulate a hypothesis • The engineers • Those who often don't actually have a stakeholder, but instead do some sort of hack and then argue it • Essentially as a philosopher • Information Systems • Formalized methodologies • Such as • Nunamaker, J., Chen, M., and Purdin, T., “Systems Development in Information Systems Research”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 7(3) (1991).
Optional Research Readings • Dieter Gollmann. “Security Models.” The history of information security: a comprehensive handbook (2007): 623 • Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. "Scientific methods in computer science." Proceedings of the Conference for the Promotion of Research in IT at New Universities and at University Colleges in Sweden, Skövde, Suecia. 2002. • Akhawe, Devdatta, and Adrienne Porter Felt. "Alice in warningland: A large-scale field study of browser security warning effectiveness." Proceedings of the 22th USENIX Security Symposium. 2013.
Pre-research Research • Use this approach LOOSELY and lets see what develops • Often as researchers we need to formulate a basic understanding before we engage in a research project • That’s what this project is about Nunamaker, Chen, and Purdin(1991)
Project Orientation • The development of mobile applications is an ever expanding domain. • These applications continue to expand their integration with larger data systems and greater connectivity. • With the proliferation of more sophisticated malware, a major concern is the secure design of said applications. • For this semester long project, your team will be conducting a series of efforts that will culminate in a report that will demonstrate the need to comprehensively consider and integrate security into the development of mobile applications.
Phase 1 – Initial Design • Initially, your team will begin by identifying the services and mechanisms needed to secure a simple file transfer between devices • In essence, what is being asked for is the ability to create a recording or voice message on a mobile device and transfer said message to another mobile device in a secure manner • This message must be delivered via any wireless transfer medium available that exists between mobile devices (i.e. cellular, WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth, etc.) • The design must include ALL of the following security services: • Confidentiality • Integrity • Authentication • non-repudiation • access control • Auditing • Availability
Phase 2 - Artefact • In this phase your team will select one of the required security services proposed in phase 1 (except availability) and build a proof of concept that incorporates all the mechanisms and protocols that are available in either the iOS or Android development kits (i.e. your team’s choice) • The goal here is to build an artefact that represents one security aspect in the use of mobile file transfers between devices that maximises pre-built mechanisms and protocols in this environment • Your team must identify the processes, mechanisms and protocols used to generate the message and secure the transfer in a report • This report must stand on its own as a document
Phase 3 – Analysis and Proposal • In this phase your team will conduct an analysis of the differences and discrepancies between theoretical security design and the development realities that currently exist • Including important information from previous phases, your team must now streamline the previous phases and assemble a proposal for mitigating those things that are lacking in mobile security development • This proposal needs to clearly identify what your team has discovered as the best approaches to securing mobile applications and the foundational technologies they reside on • This report must stand on its own as a document
Deliverables – Phase 1 • Each team will need to research mobile device wireless technologies and identify what security services, mechanisms and protocols are available for each • What is not available for each • Apply these to your file transfer example in a report • Formal report • Bound with a cover page • Table of contents • Diagrams, charts, tables, etc • Appendix • References (properly formatted) • Peer evaluation
Project Team • Each team will select their own members and appoint a team captain • This is the person who handles all team project communications with me, AND cc’s all team members when doing so • See me privately for more serious team issues • All members of the team are required to “pull their own weight” in completing the project phases for the full semester • Failure to pull your weight may result in being fired from your team AND a reduced grade for any given phase report • Peer reviews are acknowledged with initials on the reports • The number of members per team will be assigned in class based on total enrolment • Let’s decide now