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AeroGreen is a wind-and-solar power plant based on turbine technologies. It allows minimum two times increase of wind use efficiency and it can also be used in case of squally and storm wind. It does not require wind orientation. . PROJECT TEAM .
AeroGreen is a wind-and-solar power plant based on turbine technologies. It allows minimum two times increase of wind use efficiency and it can also be used in case of squally and storm wind. It does not require wind orientation.
PROJECT TEAM • 30 years of research, manufacturing and design activity (Moscow-CAHU, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg) in the spheres of helicopter industry, ground-effect craft construction and electric power plants of transport facilities • Successful business organization and management with attracting the major co-investor in the sphere of power engineering, transport. • Since 2005 he has been performing the company financing and managing on implementation of innovative project on renewable energy resources. • Two higher educations: financial and legal, MMBA diploma. • Optimization of incomes and expenditures, business processes and contractual relations inside the company; development of contract , design and regulatory documentation. • Yuri Kriulin • Chief Designer • EvgenyTrakhimets • Financial Director • AndreySkovitin • Director General
MARKET Wind power is one of the most intensively growing industrial segments. According to the data of World Wind Energy Association, in the recent 15 years the world volume of wind electric power has increased more than 30 times – from 7 480 MW in 1997 to 237 016 mW in 2011 [1]; In the recent 20 years the average power of plants has increased 100 times, from 25 kW to 2 500 kW and more; electric power generation cost has decreased more than 5 times [2].
TECHNOLOGY OF WPP with vertical axis of rotation (1/2) Aerodynamics: + 60% to air flow use factor • Protection and all-weather capability: +25% toannual generation • Due to air flow speedup in aerodynamic structure, the windwheel breakaway speed is decreased down to 1 m/s. • Independence from wind direction is • provided • 3. Air flow use factor is increased more than two times • Reliable protection from inclement • weather conditions (rain, hail, operation in case of squally wind) as well as from foreign objects entrance into the plane of turbine rotation. • 5. 3-4 times decrease of noise level by • means of closed structure use 4 2 1
TECHNOLOGY OF WPP withvertical axis of rotation (2/2) Use of up-to-date generators 6 • 6. Case construction allows use of up-to-date types of permanent-magnet generators Direct type of drive • 7. Gearbox absence makes the structure simpler and increases reliability. 7 • Use of solar panels • 8. Solar panels are to be used in structure. They increase overall efficiency of structure and decrease dependence on wind
APPLICATION OF WPP with vertical axis of rotation (1/2) Military / unified national purpose ● Ministry of Defence – satellite tracking stations, guarded perimeter of secure facilities, communications facilities, reporting stations, temporary military lodgings. ● Border Service of Federal Security Service – frontier pickets, border crossings, security systems of borders. ● FSBI “Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia” – meteorological stations. ● State Research Center "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute" – arctic and antarctic expeditions including expeditions on drifting ice, temporary airfields. ● Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch – seismic stations.
APPLICATION OF WPP with vertical axis of rotation (2/2) т Civilpurpose ● Various pipelines (gas pipelines, petroleum pipelines, etc.) provision with cathodic protection ● Offshore stand-alone power plants for hydrogen generation ● Remote objects of construction (e.g., “Vostochny” Cosmodrome, Amur region) ● Commercial enterprises, remote producing units and producing units in regions with expensive local electric power. ● Coastal areas – commercial and privately owned objects ● Free standing farms, hamlets, cottages, housing settlements, building comprehensive developments provision with self-contained power supply. ● Any objects of civil and commercial purpose in places with average and high speed of wind
WPP 1 kWtechnical characteristics (1/2) Basic geometry of structure • General view of wind-and-solar power plant with power of 1 kW
WPP 1 mWcomparison of AeroGreen characteristics with world analogue ones Power % Wind speed (m/s)
WPP 1 MWoperational characteristics (2/2) Scalingfeature Annual generation at constant speed of wind (MW*h) per 1 MW of installed power • Construction lifts restrictions on windwheel diameter, i.e. short blades of turbine type are used. • At that tangible “ceiling” of diameter is 300 m, and generated power is 65 MW at V=12 m/s) • Proper team of designers allows creation, calculation and construction of turbine according to the Client’s specific needs and possibilities of site. m/s MW*h 5 556 6 964 7 1 529 8 2 190 9 3 285 10 4 380 11 5 913 12 7 665 13 9 855 14 12 264
MARKET • During the work on the plant we have received orders on purchase of AeroGreen wind power plants from the following companies: • LLC “Teplokrepost” – Yekaterinburg • OJSC “SolnechnyGorod” – Moscow • LLC “AVANGARD” - NizhnyNovgorod • LLC “CIA “Severny Ural” – Artyom, etc., as well as many orders from private individuals Offers on dealership or co-production have been received from the following companies: 1. OJSC “GidroElectroMontazh” – Moscow 2. LLC “BioREX” - Moscow 3. LLP “Tekhnopark 2030” - Almaty, Kazakhstan 4. LLC “NovyeSistemnyeTekhnologii” - Mazyr, the Republic of Belarus 5. OJSC “Istok” - Tver 6. CJSC “Traidenis” - Alytus, Lithuania 7. Radar – Great Britain According to the data of National Survey Cadastreof the Russian Federation wind power resources, the technical capacity of the Russian Federation wind power resources is about 1 637 GW. It is 15 times more than true annual power of all power plants of Russia. According to the estimation performed by working team of nonprofit partnership “Market Council”, wind power stations with the installed power of 6.15 GW will be installed in Russia by 2020. This forecast gives an opportunity to estimate the value of Russian market of wind power plantsin the amount of 7.4 billion US dollars for 7 years.
Сontacts • MOSCOW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ( MCCI ) • Committee on Stable Development of the Substantial Economic Sector & Investments • Dr. Oleg A.Chernyshev, • Chairman • +7 925 514 85 67olegcommcci@gmail.com • Elena B.Dvoryashina • Deputy Chair • +7 903 725 89 04e.dvoryashina@gmail.com