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Egyptian Achievements

Egyptian Achievements. Weights and Measures. - cubit —length of a mans forearm used many systems of pulleys for water & the pyramids math—could +- X and /, used to square things, angles measured fields and boundaries every year after floods.

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Egyptian Achievements

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  1. Egyptian Achievements

  2. Weights and Measures • -cubit—length of a mans forearm • used many systems of pulleys for water & the pyramids • math—could +- X and /, used to square things, angles • measured fields and boundaries every year after floods

  3. astronomy—maps to point out stars at different times of year, probably used in religion and pyramid building

  4. Inventions • clocks—wooden stakes nailed together—shadow • water clocks—like an hourglass • calendar—365 divided by 12 months, 30 days each month,5 days left over –used for feast

  5. -papyrus—plant which grew along the Nile, split and mashed reeds together and then dried in sun—first paper (valuable), ink made from soot and water, dyes from plants

  6. hieroglyphics—writing which used pictures for sounds • first used by priests, most often used in carvings and religious texts • several forms of script developed—faster writing, like cursive

  7. Rosetta Stone—hieroglyphics were unreadable until stone was discover in Rosetta, Egypt—same story printed in 3 languages (one Greek another hieroglyphs, last in Demotic)

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