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EU project AIM A dvanced I ndustrial Microseismic M onitoring Project agenda. Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011. EU project AIM A dvanced I ndustrial Microseismic M onitoring Science. Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011. Research in the second year I.
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringProject agenda Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringScience Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
Research in the secondyear I • Methods of micro-seismic analysis • implementation of the double-difference locations and the double-difference tomography {Hypo-DD and Tomo-DD codes) • development and modification of codes for propagation of high-frequency seismic waves in complex structures • development of MT waveform inversions • development of mathematical model of tensile sources • error analysis of the DC and non-DC components of MT • Micro-seismicity in the Dobra Voda area • installation of a seismic mini-array and a preliminary analysis of its records • installation of broadband sensors (Guralp) at selected stations • survey for suitable locations of new seismic stations • collecting records of quarry blasts for building the 3D velocity model • modelling of the Green’s functions in the 3D velocity model • MT waveform inversions for optimally filtered data
Research in the secondyear II • Micro-seismicity in mines • calculation of the second-order MT for selected events in the Ridgeway gold mines • application of the tensile source model for detection of mode of rock-mass fracturing in mines • accurate grid locations and calculation of 3D Green’s functions in the Pyhasalmi ore mine • MT waveform inversion in strongly heterogeneous media in the Pyhasalmi ore mine, accuracy tests on explosions • Micro-seismicity in reservoirs • application of the tensile source model for detection of mode of rock-mass fracturing for seismic events induced in the Cotton Valley injection experiment
Research priorities in the thirdyear • Academic partners: • application of the Hypo-DD method for accurate locations • application of the Tomo-DD method to micro-seismic data • numerical tests of robustness of various MT inversions • MT error analyses for configurations simulating real datasets • presentation of results at conferences and workshops • Industrial partners: • defining suitable datasets • collection of seismic data and its processing • building the structure models • calculating accurate locations and the Green’s functions • presentation of results at conferences and workshops
Specific tasks in the third year Dobra Voda dataset • analysis of data recorded by a small-aperture array at the DobraVoda area • accurate relocation of selected micro-earthquakes • calculating FD Green’s functions for the 3-D model • application of the amplitude MT inversion with including amplitudes of S waves • waveform MT inversions of optimally filtered data Other datasets • application of the waveform MT inversion to data of Pyhasalmi ore mine, inversion for MT of rockbursts & eplosions • case studies of MT inversions in the Ridgeway gold mine, Australia, Driefontein gold mine, S.Africa and Moab Khotsong gold mine, S.Africa • calculation of the higher-order MT for selected mining data • non-DC components of MT for the micro-seismicity in West Bohemia
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringTOK & networking Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
Visits planned for the second year • IG Lötter (ISS), Iversen (NORSAR), Trifu (ESG), Kühn (NORSAR), Oye (NORSAR), Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • NORSAR Fischer (IG), Vavryčuk (IG), Bulant (DGCU) • PROG Brož (IRSM), Bulant (DGCU), Fojtíková (SAS), Gális (SAS), Jechumtálová (IG), Kristeková (SAS), Málek (IRSM), Šílený (IG), Štrunc (IRSM), Vavryčuk (IG) • DGCU no visits • IRSM Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • ISS Adamová (IG), Šílený (IG) • ESG Jechumtálová (IG), Šílený (IG), Vavryčuk (IG)
Visits realized in the second year • IG Lötter (ISS), Iversen (NORSAR), Trifu (ESG), Kühn (NORSAR), Oye (NORSAR), Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • NORSAR Fischer (IG), Vavryčuk (IG), Bulant (DGCU) • PROG Brož (IRSM), Bulant (DGCU), Fojtíková (SAS), Gális (SAS), Jechumtálová (IG), Kristeková (SAS), Málek (IRSM), Šílený (IG), Štrunc (IRSM), Vavryčuk (IG) • DGCU no visits • IRSM Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • ISS Adamová (IG), Šílený (IG), Vavryčuk (IG) • ESG Jechumtálová (IG), Šílený (IG), Vavryčuk (IG)
Secondments in the secondyear: summary • Secondments to academic partners: • according to the plan: PROG researchers • reduced visits: NORSAR, ESG and ISS researchers • Secondments to industrial partners: • according to the plan: visits to PROG, ISS • reduced visits to NORSAR (limited capacity) • so far no visits to ESG Secondments are not fully realized
Visits planned for the third year • IG Lötter (ISS), Iversen (NORSAR), Trifu (ESG), Kühn (NORSAR), Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • NORSAR Fischer (IG), Vavryčuk (IG), Bulant (DGCU) • PROG Brož (IRSM), Bulant (DGCU), Fojtíková (SAS), Gális (SAS), Jechumtálová (IG), Kristeková (SAS), Málek (IRSM), Šílený (IG), Štrunc (IRSM), Vavryčuk (IG) • DGCU no visits • IRSM Sekereš (PROG), Sekerešová (PROG) • ISS Adamová (IG), Šílený (IG), Vavryčuk (IG) • ESG Jechumtálová (IG), Šílený (IG), Vavryčuk (IG)
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringRecruits Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
Post-doc positions: criteria and procedure • IG announced two open positions for post-doctoral researchers in theoretical and computational seismology • Announcements in: IG website, Euraxess Jobs, SSA website, EOS, IRIS website, Earthworks • Applications: 25 applications of a different quality received • Criteria: strong background in seismology, skills in programming and in data processing and inversions • Result of the selection process: 3 successful candidates
Post-doc positions filled in the second year • Fateh Bouchaala, France • Accurate locations of micro-seismic events using the Hypo-DD method • Analysis of fault geometry from accurate locations • Rosalia Davi, Italy • Amplitude and waveform moment tensor inversions • Accuracy of MT in dependence of the data amount and data quality • Catherine Alexandrakis, Canada • Local tomography using the Tomo-DD method
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringImpact Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
Presentations in the second year: I • Adamova, P., Sileny, J., 2011. Yet another moment tensor: A case study, Ridgeway gold mine(preliminary results), Workshop on Monitoring in Mines, May 25 - 27, 2011, Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica, oral presentation. • Bulant, P., Psencik, I., Farra, V., Tessmer, E., 2011. Comparison of the anisotropic-common-ray approximation of the coupling ray theory for S waves with the Fourier pseudo-spectral method in weakly anisotropic models, wokshop on Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, oral presentation. • Fischer, T., Guest, A., Vavrycuk, V., 2010. Shear and tensile earthquakes caused by fluid injection, ECGS workshop on Induced Seismicity, December 3, 2010, Luxembourg, invited presentation. • Fojtíkova, L., Kristekova, M., Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Focal mechanisms of micro-earthquakes using the waveform inversion: Method and application to data in the Little Carpathians region, Slovak Geophysical conference, June 23-26, 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia, oral presentation. • Kuehn, D., Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Computation of full waveform moment tensors in a veryheterogeneous mining environment, 3rd Passive Seismic Workshop EAGE, March 27-30, 2011,Athens, Greece, oral presentation. • Sileny, J., 2011. DC vs. non-DC mechanisms for detection of mode of rock-massfracturing, The muSIC meeting, January 18-19, 2011, Canmore, Canada, invited oral presentation.
Presentations in the second year: II • Sileny, J., 2011. DC vs. non-DC mechanisms for detection of mode of rock-mass fracturing, workshop on Natural and Induced Micro-seismicity, February 17-18, 2011, Liebenberg, Germany, invited oral presentation. • Sileny, J., 2011. Double-couple vs. non-double-couple mechanismsfor detection of mode of rock-mass fracturing: comparisonof moment tensor and shear-tensile/implosion model.The IUGG General Assembly, June 28 – July 7, 2011, Melbourne, Australia, oral presentation. • Sileny, J., Milev, A., 2011. Moment tensors of mining tremors: Detection tool of the mode of rock-mass fracturing, 3rd Passive Seismic Workshop EAGE, March 27-30, 2011, Athens, Greece, oral presentation. • Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Determination of pore fluid pressure from moment tensors, The muSIC meeting, January 18-19, 2011, Canmore, Canada, invited oral presentation. • Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Principal earthquakes: Theory and observations from the 2008 West Bohemia swarm, The EGU General Assembly, April 3-8, 2011, Vienna, Austria, poster. • Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Genericearthquakes: Applicationtomicroearthquakes in West Bohemia, workshop on Natural and Induced Micro-seismicity, February 17-18, 2011, Liebenberg, Germany, invited oral presentation. • Vavrycuk, V., Kuehn, D., 2011. Moment tensor inversion in strongly heterogeneous media atPyhasalmi ore mine, Finland, Workshop on Monitoring in Mines, May 25 - 27, 2011, Stellenbosch,South Africa, oral presentation.
Publicationsin the second year • Fojtikova, L., Vavrycuk, V., Cipciar, A., Madaras, J., 2010. Focal mechanisms of microearthaueakes in the Dobra voda seismoactive area in the Male Karpaty Mts. (Little Carpathians), Slovakia, Tectonophysics, 492, 213-229. • Briestensky, M., Kostak, B., Stemberk, J., Petro, Ľ., Vozar, J., Fojtikova, L. 2010. Active tectonic fault microdisplacement analyses: a comparison of results from surface and underground monitoring in Western Slovakia. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 7, No. 4 (160), 387–397. • Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Principal earthquakes: Theory and observations for the 2008 West Bohemiaswarm, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 305, 290-296. • Vavrycuk, V., 2011. Detection of high-frequency tensile vibrations of a fault during shearrupturing: observations from the 2008West Bohemia swarm, Geophys. J. Int., 186, 1404-1414.
EU project AIM Advanced Industrial Microseismic MonitoringManagement Mid-term review meeting, Prague 2011
Reporting Coordinator: • Periodic report • Financial statements (Form C) • Summary financial report Partners: • Financial statements (Form C) Reports must be submitted within 60 days after 24 months of the project (i.e., deadline is 1.12.2011)
Basic rules of secondments:overview • Total length is 2 months at least • each visitor at one host institution • Schedule is flexible • depends on the capacity of the host organization • Stays can be split • but no extra travel expenses are covered! • Visits must be approved • by the coordinator • by the host organization