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Still Putting People First. Jo Bryan Commissioning and Service Development Manager. Trafford – made positive progress in relation to personalisation Outline our approach and some achievements along the way However still got a long way to go - challenges
Still Putting People First Jo Bryan Commissioning and Service Development Manager
Trafford – made positive progress in relation to personalisation Outline our approach and some achievements along the way However still got a long way to go - challenges Identify some current and future projects and themes Address some specific questions from Health and Social Care Conference Introduction
Based on co-production – worked with Citizen’s Reference Board and Centre for Independent Living Within the Council Putting People First led by Commissioning, understood the need for market transformation, shift from block contracts and standard procurement to market shapers Incremental, balanced 3 year programme, based on key areas of information, prevention, building community capacity, workforce development, market development, personal budgets and culture change Trafford’s Approach
New operating model, based on simple customer journey launched in October 2010 All new and existing customers offered a personal budget from this date 29% of people receiving a personal budget as of March 2011 (circa 2700 people) New Operating Model currently being reviewed to further improve customer journey Trafford’s Approach
Awarded IDeA Innovation award for taking control of care – recognised Trafford’s excellent progress re Putting People First, huge contribution made by citizens and partners such as BlueSCI Creative pilots – My Health My Way mental health personal budget pilot, now being repeated with Older People Achievements and Success Stories
Innovation Funds – creative way to promote market transformation and build community capacity Developed St Giles as a Centre for Independent Living using Personal Budget model My Way – user friendly web site, basis for consistent information at right time Fully managed PB accounts delivered by your life Achievements
Big Society Personalisation agenda (Right to Control, Think Local, Act Personal, Communities) Economic situation, efficiencies and savings Health Reform: GP led commissioning, Public Health transfer, Health and Wellbeing Boards Public Service reform (White Paper in May) “support the creation and expansion of mutuals, co-operatives, charities and social enterprises, and enable these groups to have much greater involvement in the running of public services.” National Agenda
Culture change Resource allocation system Current economic climate Public perception Mainstreaming – risk it is all about the personal budget offer, not what people do with it Working with wider partners- community budgets Local Challenges
Development of voluntary and community sector consortia/ collaboration approach (e.g. hub and spoke) “Family Budget” pilot with health and CYPS Community budgets- lottery bid/AGMA Pathways – shift to Personal Budgets Social enterprise for employment e.g. café Innovation fund for small community groups- mentoring On going development of Right to Control Further development of Time Banking Review of New Operating model and paperwork What’s Next - Projects
National initiative led by Office of Disability Issues RTC will enable disabled people to have maximum choice and control over the support they receive Effective alignment and integration of different organisations, services and funding streams. = a simpler customer journey, what disabled people have been asking for Right to Control- What is it?
RTC Funding Streams • Access to work • Work Choice • Independent Living Fund • Disability Facilities Grant • Supporting People • Adult Social Care • Integrated Community Equipment Services
Advocacy, Advice and Support for all Single Agency – Led via 1 organisation / funding stream Coordinated – Led via CIL. Holistic and outcomes-based, with professional input as required RTC Customer Journey
1. Who has lead for personalisation? - Adult Social Care Personalisation team Jo Willmott Programme Manager, Jo Bryan, Gill Renshaw, Shabina Butt, Martin White, Jayne Tumbelty, Merry, Jo Lewis, Sarah Brookes - Adult Social Care Operations- direct payments team- Dianne Baker - CYPS commissioning team Health and social care conference
2. In light of cuts is Trafford Council still pursuing personalisation? Yes, increasingly and to a greater extent including partner agencies. Will be increased opportunities for voluntary sector organisations to deliver services that can be purchased through a personal budget. Personalisation is needed to transform services to better meet the needs of individuals and make savings. Health and social care conference
3. Marketing and how services are offered? Menu of services been developed for non care managed services. Hub and spoke/ consortia model could support marketing within sector. Culture change and training of health and social care professionals. Reablement model linked with TACT volunteers. Promotion to key advice and information points- My Way, CIL, Age UK, Carers Centre, CAT, BlueSCI website etc etc…… Health and social care conference
4. Brokerage/ sustainability of information/advice Budget reductions in adult social care- sustainability of sector Personal budgets not practical to purchase info/advice- needs to be part of universal offer to public Brokerage- needed in future especially in terms of more complex needs or language issues. Develop information provision then increases self brokerage. Develop peer brokerage? Develop capabilities of professionals ie social care assessors. Despite these brokerage still needed. Health and social care conference
Any questions? What help and support do you need from the Council? Questions