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This methodology outlines the process for declaring, allocating, and exchanging power capabilities between different states and beneficiaries. It emphasizes efficient scheduling, communication, and resolving discrepancies for optimal grid operation.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY The station-wise (Ex-bus) capability would be submitted by the ISGSs in the specified format. ISGSs would declare the capability i.e. the MW and MWH quantum in the absolute values and not in the form of some relative percentages or in any other manner.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY Based on the declared capability & the allocations of different States / Beneficiaries in different ISGSs, the station wise entitlements would be worked out and intimated to all the States/Beneficiaries by NRLDC.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY The requisitions would be submitted by the States in the specified format. The States would submit the requisitions in absolute values indicating the quantum desired against the given entitlement, and not the quantum surrendered. The requisitions in case of nuclear and run of the river hydro stations would be equal to the entitlements.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY The details of the despatch and drawal schedules and Unrequisitioned, surpluses shall be available on NRLDC website. In addition to that NRLDC shall also flash the ‘Current Status Report’ on the web-site, which would indicate the details of the revisions in schedule, information about gas units kept closed / desynchronized due to low demand, GTs operating in open cycle, transmission constraints and any other important information related to scheduling/grid.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY As a general practice the information for preparing the day ahead schedule would be exchanged using INTERNET / e-mail. However, in the event of any difficulty in INTERNET connectivity or some other unforeseen situation, as a back-up arrangement, the information would be exchanged through fax.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY All the constituents have to continuously augment and strengthen the INTERNET connectivity in their Control Rooms so that the ultimate objective of exchanging all the information using electronic media be achieved at the earliest.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY In the event of any unrequisitioned surpluses, the Owner State ( the State to which the share actually belongs and pays the capacity charges) may find out a suitable Buyer/ Willing State to take such unrequisitioned surplus and/or the Buyer/Willing State may contact the Owner State for such exchange. The agreed bilateral exchanges be intimated / consented to NRLDC by both the States for incorporating in the final schedules.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY Any unrequisitioned surpluses still available, can be agreed for bilateral exchanges between the concerned ISGS and one or more desiring States. The agreed bilateral exchanges from ISGS to a State be intimated to NRLDC by both the agencies (ISGS as well as States) for incorporation in the final schedule.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY During the current day in case the Owner State requisitions back its surrendered share, then the same is withdrawn from the other State/ States to which it was allocated as surplus energy and the schedules are revised in line with the Grid Code.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY While making or revising their declaration of capability the generators shall ensure that the declared capability during peak hours is not less than during other hours.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY While communicating the requisitions, the States shall ensure that: • maximum economy and efficiency in the operation of the power system in the State is achieved while requisitioning and /or surrendering power from different ISGSs vis-à-vis from their own stations. • the requisitions are operationally reasonable, particularly in terms of ramping-up / ramping-down rates and ratio between minimum and maximum generation levels, and are in line with the agreed philosophy in the region amongst different agencies.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY In the event of despatch schedule in respect of a particular ISGS having ratio of off-peak to peak below a certain percentage (as agreed between NTPC and the State constituents in the 334th OCC meeting of NREB held on 11th November, 2002, in case of the units operated on gas it would be taken as 60 % under normal conditions and as 50 % under exceptional conditions and in respect of thermal units it would be taken as 70%) and /or the changes in requisition between two successive blocks is higher than a certain quantum, then the State/States due to which such anomaly is being experienced would be requested by NRLDC to change its/their requisition in that particular ISGS, to make the schedule operationally reasonable.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY While issuing the final schedules, NRLDC shall check that the schedules do not give rise to any transmission constraints. In case any imperssible constraints/ anomalies are foreseen, the RLDC shall moderate the schedules to the required extent , under intimation to the concerned agencies.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY During the periods of low demand in the region, in spite of all efforts if the despatch schedule of an ISGS(s) during certain blocks in the off-peak period remains below the minimum agreed value, and the concerned ISGS (s) is not able to operate the units due to technical constraints, then the concerned ISGS(s) may close down some unit(s) in consultation with NRLDC and the despatch schedule of the ISGS(s) shall be revised accordingly. Under such a situation the net drawal schedule of the beneficiary (ies) having share in the ISGS(s), may get reduced during peak hours also.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY If at any point of time NRLDC observes that there is need for revision of schedules in the interest of better system operation, it may do so on its own and make it effective in line with the grid code provisions.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY While entering into a bilateral agreement, the concerned parties shall ensure that the agreements are clear and explicit and contains all the relevant details which may be necessary from scheduling and computation of energy flow.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY Before finalizing the agreement the concerned parties must obtain prior consent of NRLDC with respect to any foreseeable transmission constraints etc.
SCHEDULING METHODOLOGY The copy of the bilateral agreement between the parties, clearly indicating all the relevant details viz. date and time of commencement and duration of the agreement, quantum of exchange, delivery / take-off point for the purpose of accounting, and force-majeure conditions etc. shall be submitted to NRLDC well in advance.