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Ready by 21 Taskforce

Ready by 21 Taskforce. Civilian Labor Force. Civilians 16 years of age and over classified as employed or unemployed. August, 2010. Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. Median Household Income. 2008 Estimates.

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Ready by 21 Taskforce

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  1. Ready by 21 Taskforce

  2. Civilian Labor Force Civilians 16 years of age and over classified as employed or unemployed. August, 2010 Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

  3. Median Household Income 2008 Estimates Source: Harford County Department of Community Services

  4. Unemployment Rate of individuals 16 and over who are unemployed August 2008, 2009 and 2010 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  5. Employment Top employers in Harford County Maryland, 2010 Number of employees Source: Harford County Office of Economic Development

  6. Employment Percent of Maryland jobs by skill level in 2006. Middle-skill jobs require more than high-school but less than a four-year degree • Examples of Middle-Skill Jobs in Maryland • Registered Nurses • Carpenters • Automotive Mechanics • Truck Drivers • Electricians Source: National Skills Coalition

  7. Employment Maryland Jobs and Workers by Skill Level, 2007 Source: National Skills Coalition

  8. Career Demand in Maryland Occupations projected to have the largest number of job openings between 2006-2016 Source: Career One Stop, U.S. Department of Labor

  9. What Do Employers Look For? “Are They Really Ready to Work?” (2006) • Study conducted by: The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resource Management • Surveyed and interviewed HR and senior executives at 400 + organizations • Top skills cited by employers: • Professionalism/Work Ethic • Teamwork/Collaboration • Oral Communication • Ethics/Social Responsibility • Reading Comprehension 70% of employers saw these skills as critical for entry-level high school graduates; 80% as critical for two-year college graduates and 90% as critical for four-year graduates Source: http://www.p21.org

  10. What Do Employers Look For? “Are They Really Ready to Work?” (2006) Source: http://www.p21.org

  11. Are Harford County Youth Ready for Employment?

  12. Educational Attainment Percent of Harford County residents over age 25, 2009 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey

  13. Harford County Senior Plans After Graduation, 2009

  14. Harford Community College Enrollment Percent of total number of graduates from each high school that enrolled at HCC, 2009 Source: Harford Community College, 2010

  15. Graduation Rates Percent of students who received a Maryland high school diploma, 2010 Source: Maryland Report Card, 2010 15

  16. Graduation Rates Percent of students who received a Maryland high school diploma, 2010 Source: Maryland Report Card, 2010

  17. Dropout Rates Percent of students in grades 9 through 12 who dropped out of school, 2010 Source: Maryland Report Card, 2010 17

  18. Dropout Rates Percent of students in grades 9 through 12 who dropped out of school, 2010 Source: Maryland Report Card, 2010

  19. Students with Disabilities Percent of students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), 2010 Source: Maryland Report Card, 2010

  20. Students with Disabilities Number of students registered with Disability Support Services enrolled at HCC, ages 14-21 Source: Harford Community College, 2010

  21. Employment Status, Persons with a Disability Population 16 to 64 years, with any disability, 2007 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates

  22. Unemployment Rate,Persons with a Disability Population 16 years and over Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  23. Foster Care Placements Number of Harford County youth placed in foster care Source: Harford County Department of Social Services

  24. Foster Care Youth Number of students who are foster care youth enrolled at HCC, ages 14-21 Source: Harford Community College, 2010

  25. Employment Outcomes, Foster Care Youth Source: Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study, Casey Family Programs, 2005

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