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European Middle Ages

European Middle Ages. 500-1200 Previewing Themes. KWL. What do you know about the Early Middle Ages? What do you want to learn about the Early Middle Ages? . The “Dark Ages” . The Middle Ages have been referred to as the “Dark Ages.” What does this imply?

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European Middle Ages

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  1. European Middle Ages 500-1200 Previewing Themes

  2. KWL • What do you know about the Early Middle Ages? • What do you want to learn about the Early Middle Ages?

  3. The “Dark Ages” • The Middle Ages have been referred to as the “Dark Ages.” What does this imply? • What do you think of when you hear the term “Dark Ages”?

  4. The “Dark Ages” • The 10 centuries that followed the fall of Rome were once called the Dark Ages because people thought that during those years the “light” of knowledge had been extinguished until it was relit in the Renaissance in the 15th century. • In this unit, we will evaluate the term “Dark Ages” to determine if this is an accurate way to describe the period.

  5. Map of the European Middle Ages Study the map. What are the six major kingdoms in western Europe about A.D. 500? EMPIRE BUILDING

  6. Map of the European Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, the Church was a unifying force. It shaped people’s beliefs and guided their daily lives. Most Europeans at this time shared a common bond of faith. Find Rome, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, on the map. In what kingdom was it located after the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476? RELIGIOUS AND ETHICAL SYSTEMS

  7. What ruler did Pope Leo III crown as emperor? Weak rulers and the decline of central authority led to a feudal system in which local lords with large estates assumed power. This led to struggles over power with the Church. POWER AND AUTHORITY

  8. Map of Charlemagne’s Empire By 814, what extent was Charlemagne’s empire? EMPIRE BUILDING

  9. Treaty of Verdun Based on the map, why did the Treaty of Verdun signal the decline of Charlemagne’s empire? POWER AND AUTHORITY

  10. What freedoms would you give up for protection? You are living in the countryside of western Europe during the 1100s. Like about 90 percent of the population, you are a peasant working the land. Your family’s hut is located in a small village on your lord’s estate. The lord provides all your basic needs, including housing, food, and protection. Especially important is his protection from invaders who repeatedly strike Europe.

  11. Visual Discovery

  12. Visual Discovery

  13. Life as a peasant… • What is secure about your world? • How is your life limited?

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