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The Market Revolution: Early 19 th Century Industrialization in America

The Market Revolution: Early 19 th Century Industrialization in America. Unit 5: The Era of Good Feelings and the Age of Jackson APUSH Mrs. Baker. The Transportation Revolution. Roads Canals Steamboats Railroads. 1 st Turnpike – 1790 Lancaster, PA.

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The Market Revolution: Early 19 th Century Industrialization in America

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  1. The Market Revolution:Early 19th Century Industrialization in America Unit 5: The Era of Good Feelings and the Age of Jackson APUSH Mrs. Baker

  2. The Transportation Revolution Roads Canals Steamboats Railroads

  3. 1st Turnpike – 1790Lancaster, PA By 1832, nearly 2400 miles of road connected most major cities

  4. Cumberland (National) Road, 1811

  5. Erie Canal System

  6. Erie Canal, 1820s Began in 1817; Completed in 1825

  7. Robert Fulton & the Steamboat 1807 – The Clermont

  8. Principal Canals in 1840

  9. The Iron Horse Wins! (1830) 1830 – 13 miles of track built by Baltimore & Ohio RR By 1850 – 9000 miles of RR track By 1860 – 31, 000 miles

  10. The Railroad Revolution, 1850s

  11. Inland Shipping Rates1785 – 1865

  12. New Inventions The 1st Era of Invention

  13. Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791

  14. Eli Whitney’s Interchangeable Parts (Gun) Gun Factory

  15. John DeereSteel Plow (1837)

  16. Cyrus McCormickMechanical Reaper (1831)

  17. Samuel MorseTelegraph - 1840

  18. Cyrus FieldTransatlantic Cable – 1858

  19. Elias Howe & Isaac SingerSewing Machine – 1840s Singer Howe

  20. The “American Dream” A German visitor in the 1840s, Friedrich List, observed: “Anything new is quickly introduced here, including all of the latest inventions. There is no clinging to old ways. The moment an American hears the word “invention,” he pricks up his ears.” What is the American Dream?

  21. Northern Industrial Movement

  22. The Boom – Bust Cycles1790 - 1860

  23. Creation of a Business-Friendly Climate • Supreme Court Rulings: • Fletcher vs. Peck (1810) • Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819) • McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) • Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) • Charles Rivers Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1835) • General Incorporation Law passed in New York in 1848 • Laissez-Faire approach BUT… • Government did much to assist capitalism

  24. Distribution of Wealth • During American Revolution • 45% of all wealth in the top 10% of the population. • Boston (1845) • Top 4% owned over 65% of the wealth • Philadelphia (1860) • Top 1% owned over 50% of the wealth The gap between the rich and poor is widening!

  25. Samuel Slater“Father of the Factory System Old Slater Mill, Pawtucket, RI (1793),

  26. The Lowell/Waltham System:First Dual-Purpose Textile Plant

  27. Lowell Mill

  28. Early Textile Loom

  29. New England Dominance in Textiles

  30. Labor at the Mills:Mill Girls Who were these girls?

  31. Life at LowellBoarding Houses

  32. Lowell Mills Time Table

  33. I’m a Factory Girl Filled with Wishes I'm a factory girlEveryday filled with fearFrom breathing in the poison airWishing for windows!I'm a factory girlTired from the 13 hours of wok each dayAnd we have such low payWishing for shorten work times!I'm a factory girlNever having enough time to eatNor to rest my feetWishing for more free time!I'm a factory girlSick of all this harsh conditionsMaking me want to sign the petition!So do what I ask for because I am a factory girlAnd I'm hereby speaking for all the rest!

  34. The Factory Girl’s Garland February 20, 1845 issue.

  35. Early Unionization • Workingman’s Party (1829) • Founded by Robert Dale Owen and others in New York City • Early unions were usually local, social, and weak • Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)

  36. By 1850… What’s happening in America?

  37. Regional Specialization • East • Industrial • South • Cotton & Slavery • West • The Nation’s “Breadbasket”

  38. American Population Centers in 1820

  39. American Population Centers in 1860

  40. National Origin of Immigrants:1820 - 1860

  41. Know-Nothing Party “The Supreme Order of the Star-Spangled Banner”

  42. Changing Occupation Distributions:1820 - 1860

  43. Economic Political The Results of early 19th c. Industrialization in America Social Future Problems

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