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BIOPICCC Dissemination and Networking Event 21 st October 2011 King’s College, London Sarah Curtis, Sim Reaney , Mylene Riva, Chris Dunn, Ralf Ohlemuller , Sarah Nodwell , Roland Burkhard , Lena Dominelli , Richard Holden, Dimitri Val, Katie Oven and Jonathan Wistow
BIOPICCCDissemination and Networking Event 21st October 2011 King’s College, London Sarah Curtis, SimReaney, MyleneRiva, Chris Dunn, Ralf Ohlemuller, Sarah Nodwell, Roland Burkhard, Lena Dominelli, Richard Holden, Dimitri Val, Katie Oven and Jonathan Wistow Research funded by the EPSRC (EP/G060843/1) http://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/research/researchprojects/biopiccc/
BIOPICCC Aim: to develop strategies to ensure resilience of infrastructure and systems supporting health and social care for older people in conditions of climate change Map national variations in future hazards and vulnerability Select ‘case studies’ of local areas most ‘at risk’ and undertake in depth analysis of key infrastructure, local hazards, vulnerabilities Incorporation of information into systems engineering models for built infrastructure to make it more resilient to climate change Disseminate ‘demonstration projects’ and ‘toolkits’
Purpose of the day • Networking among agencies involved in local planning for adaptation to climate change of care of older people. • Sharing best practice • Discussing draft toolkit materials from the BIOPICCC project • Planning ways forward from this workshop (afternoon session on risks of climate change; next steps for BIOPICCC ) http://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/research/researchprojects/biopiccc
Introduction to the prototype BIOPICCC toolkit • Organograms - Identify key partners: • - strategic level • - local level • Guidance notes on selecting case study areas • Collecting views from older people: - who to survey • - questions to ask • Collecting views from local service providers • - who to survey • - questions to ask