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Initiatives in ICT Infrastructure in Tripura

Initiatives in ICT Infrastructure in Tripura. Kumar Alok Commissioner & Secretary Government of Tripura Rural Development Department. SWAN in Tripura. SWAN has been identified as one of the three core infrastructure projects for supporting e-Governance initiatives.

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Initiatives in ICT Infrastructure in Tripura

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  1. Initiatives in ICT Infrastructure in Tripura Kumar Alok Commissioner & Secretary Government of Tripura Rural Development Department

  2. SWAN in Tripura • SWAN has been identified as one of the three core infrastructure projects for supporting e-Governance initiatives. • The SWAN scheme envisages establishment of an intra-government network with a minimum of 2 Mbps connectivity from the state headquarters to block level through district and sub-division headquarters for providing connectivity to facilitate rolling out of citizen-centric services. • Tripura SWAN is a state wide computer data, voice and video network connecting 61 points of presence (PoPs) connected to the optical fibre cable (OFC) backbone up to block level.

  3. Initiatives in ICT Infrastructure • Full ICT Infrastructure has been set up upto Block Level. • CICs are fully operational at every Block offices • Total 39 CSCs have been made operational so far in the State • 2 Nos Computer Operators have been temporarily engaged in each Block for Data Entry. • 138 Nos of GPs are already provided with computers under e-Panchayat Programme • Internet connectivity has been made available in all the Blocks through SWAN / VSAT. • Nodal Officers have been identified at Block, District and State Level • MGNREGA MIS has been made fully operationalised w.e.f 1st January, 2010

  4. Biometric cards for BC Model • Steps have been taken for implementation of BC Model in all the GPs for ensuring payment of wages through Accounts only. • Biometrics are being issued to MGNREGA job card holders • State RD Department in collaboration with Tripura Gramin Bank & Tripura state Co-operative Bank has started its implementation. • 50,000 Smart Cards have already been issued to Job card holders

  5. Action Plan • A comprehensive Action Plan in under preparation in consultation with State IT Department for setting up of ICT Infrastructure at GP/Block/District/State Level and also involving line Departments for implementation of MGNREGA • Software, Hardware, training and manpower to be strengthened

  6. ICT Innovations: RuralSoft • The new software (http://tsu.trp.nic.in/tripurarural/ ) has been prepared by State R.D. Department in association with State NIC unit. • Main features of this MIS are : • Project Shelf (Capturing wish-list): G2C. • Scheme-Programmes (Estimation, Work Order, Monitoring & Closure):G2G-G2C. • Stores & Materials (Requirement, Issue rate, Receipt, Delivery, Accounting & Monitoring):G2G. • Finance & Works (Approval, Funding, Expenditure, Monitoring & Audit): G2G & G2C. • Contractor-Supplier (Procurement, Work /Supply Order & Monitoring): G2G,G2B. • MIS (Procedural & Exceptions): G2C, G2G & G2B. • RD Department Portal

  7. ICT Innovations: e-Panchayat (http://panchayat.mchry.org/) • Baseline Details • RoR • Issue Receipt • Request Status Reports • Directory • Offices • Official Members • Elected Members • Issuance of certificates • Information of Village Infrastructure • Meeting management including Gram Sabha • Works Management • Audit & Inspection • Schemes & Funds

  8. ICT Innovations: PRIASoft PRIASoft(PanchayatiRaj Institutions Accounting Software) - • Conforms to classification formats recommended by CAG for PRIs • Follows Cash-basis of accounting and single-entry system of book keeping • Inventory / Stock Register Management • The panchayat will record the items in the inventory • Buying of new stock as well as sale of stock are recorded in accounts • The issue of items is also recorded • Scheme-wise Expenditure Reports

  9. Constraints • Lack of uninterrupted internet connectivity. • Lack of telephone connectivity at GP level and therefore the BC Model is now operated in offline mode in most of the places

  10. Proposals • Implementation of Ruralsoft, PRIASoft and e-Panchayat. • Biometric Attendance and integrating with UID. • Introduction of SMS based monitoring (Bulk SMS, SMS based queries relating to MGNREGA)

  11. Thank You

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