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Follow the progress update and implementation of the EDGE Project aiming to integrate gender issues into official statistics. The initiative includes compiling Tier 1 indicators, methodological work on Tier 3 indicators, and pilot testing in selected countries.
EDGE Update on Project Implementation Papa Seck Statistician, UN Women Francesca Grum, Chief Social and Housing Statistics Section United Nations Statistics Division
EDGE Project • A 3-year initiative Overall objective: • Improving the integration of gender issues into the regular production of official statistics for better evidence-based policies Specific objectives: • Compiling at the international level selected Tier 1 indicators: Having comparable gender indicators on health, education and employment • Undertake methodological work on Tier 3 indicators: Developing methods/guidelines to collect entrepreneurship and assets data, and piloting them in selected countries
EDGE Results 1 International platform for compiling and disseminating data and metadata on health, education and employment; Health Education Employment 2 Methodological report on standards for collection of comparable gender indicators related to entrepreneurship and asset ownership; 3 Results of pilot testing in selected countries
Links between IAEG-GS and EDGE SC and Programme staff IAEG-GS: Inter-agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics AGEI: Advisory Group on Emerging Issues of IAEG-GS EDGE SC: EDGE Steering Committee
Work Plan: Overview 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Inception phase • International database for health, education and employment indicators • Methodological work on entrepreneurship and assets indicators • Regional workshops and pilot countries selection
Work Plan: Overview 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Pilot Data Collection Begins • Data collection in three countries and begin analysis • Data review workshop to present results and lessons learnt
Work Plan: Overview 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Completion • Data collection in remaining two countries • Workshop to present results and make policy recommendations • Production of technical and advocacy reports
Work Plan: Implementation 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Initiated: through development of online platform for Min Set of Gender Indicators • Inception phase • International database for health, education and employment indicators Ongoing: Draft Technical Report on Measuring Asset Ownership and Control from a Gender perspective 2. Methodological work on entrepreneurship and assets indicators Done: (a) WHY measuring asset ownership and control from a gender perspective; (b) WHICH assets to consider due to their relevance for gender analysis; and (c) HOW to collect gender sensitive asset data in an effective and sustainable way. 3. Regional workshops and pilot countries selection
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