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02 VHDL 의 기본. VHDL 의 기본 - 강의순서. VHDL Model Components Object Data Type Attribute Operator Statements Concurrent vs. Sequential Statements. VHDL Model Components. Entity 하드웨어 외부입출력 인터페이스를 정의 하드웨어 블록의 이름과 입출력 PORT 를 선언 Architecture 하드웨어의 내부를 표현 내부회로의 연결 , 동작 또는 구조를 표현.
VHDL의 기본 - 강의순서 VHDL Model Components Object Data Type Attribute Operator Statements Concurrent vs. Sequential Statements
VHDL Model Components Entity 하드웨어 외부입출력 인터페이스를 정의 하드웨어 블록의 이름과 입출력 PORT를 선언 Architecture 하드웨어의 내부를 표현 내부회로의 연결, 동작 또는 구조를 표현.
Entity Declarations The primary purpose of the entity is to declare the signals in the component’s interface The interface signals are listed in the PORT clause PORT clause declares the interface signals of the object to the outside world Declaration syntax : PORT (signal_name : mode data_type);
Entity – Signal Mode The port mode of the interface describes the direction in which data travels with respect to the component In : data comes in this port and can only be read Out : data travels out this port Buffer : data may travel in either direction, but only one signal driver may be on at any one time Inout : data may travel in either direction with any number of active drivers allowed ; requires a Bus Resolution Function
Entity – Signal Type 1bit signal: bit, std_logic 2bit이상의 signal: bit_vector, std_logic_vector 2bit -- bit_vector(1 downto 0) std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) 4bit -- bit_vector(0 to 3) std_logic_vector(0 to 3) std_logic, std_logic_vector : IEEE 1164 Standard Signal Type으로 std_logic, std_logic_vector 이 사용될 때는 아래의 문장이 Entity문장 전에 미리 사용 되어야 함. Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Architecture Bodies Describe the operation of the component Consist of two parts : Declarative part -- includes necessary declarations type declarations, signal declarations, component declarations, subprogram declarations Statement part -- includes statements that describe organization and/or functional operation of component concurrent signal assignment statements, process statements, component instantiation statements architecture 동작표현이름 is [선언문] begin 동작 표현 end entity이름
Entity and Architecture ex. LIBRARY __library_name; USE __library_name.__package_name.ALL; ENTITY __entity_name IS PORT( __input_name, __input_name : IN STD_LOGIC; __input_vector_name : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(__high DOWNTO __low); __bidir_name, __bidir_name : INOUT STD_LOGIC; __output_name, __output_name : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END __entity_name; ARCHITECTURE a OF __entity_name IS SIGNAL __signal_name : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL __signal_name : STD_LOGIC; BEGIN -- Process Statement -- Concurrent Procedure Call -- Concurrent Signal Assignment -- Conditional Signal Assignment -- Selected Signal Assignment -- Component Instantiation Statement -- Generate Statement END a;
Simple VHDL Code : AND Gate Signal Type으로 std_logic이 사용될 때는 항상 사용. Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity and_2 is port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic );end and_2; Architecture dataflow of and_2 isbegin y <= a and b;end dataflow; Entity 문장 : 입력 a,b, 출력 y를 나타냄 Architecture Body : 회로의 설명
객체(Object) 값을 가질 수 있는 변수로 아래의 3가지 종류 Signals Variable Constants The scope of an object is as follows : Objects declared in a package are available to all VHDL descriptions that use package Objects declared in an entity are available to all architecture associated with that entity Objects declared in an architecture are available to all statements in that architecture Objects declared in a process are available only within that process
객체(Object) - Signals Used for communication between VHDL components Real, Physical signals in system often mapped to VHDL signals All VHDL signal assignments require either delta cycle or user-specified delay before new value is assumed. Declaration syntax : 사용 예 signal a, b : std_logic; 선언 a<= ‘1’; b<=‘0’; Signal a,b에 값 ‘1’,’0’을 대입. SIGNAL signal_name : type_name [ :=value];
객체(Object) - Variable VARIABLE variable_name : type_name [ :=value]; Provide convenient mechanism for local storage Scope is process in which they are declared All variable assignments take place immediately Declaration syntax : 사용 예 variable a, b : std_logic; 선언 a := ‘1’; b :=‘0’; Variable a,b에 값 ‘1’,’0’을 대입.
객체(Object) - Constants CONSTANT constant_name : type_name [ :=value]; Name assigned to a specific value of a type Allow for easy update and readability Declaration syntax : 사용 예 constant bits3_0 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; 선언 y<= bits3_0;Signal y에 값 “000”을 대입.
Data Type Scalar Types Enumeration Type : BIT, BOOLEAN, CHARACTER Integer Type : INTEGER Floating : REAL Physical Composition Type Array Type Record Type
Data Type - Scalar Types(1) Enumeration Type type bit is (‘0’, ‘1’); type boolean is (false, true); type std_ulogic is ( ‘U’, ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘L’, ‘H’, ‘-’); type std_logic is resolved std_ulogic; IEEE 1164 Standard Data Types ‘U’ : Uninitialized ‘X’ : Strong Unknown ‘0’ : Strong Logic 0 ‘1’ : Strong Logic 1 ‘Z’ : High Impedance ‘W’ : Weak Unknown ‘L’ : Weak Logic 0 ‘H’ : Weak Logic 1 ‘-’ : Don’t Care
Data Type - Scalar Types (2) Integer Type Minimum range for any implementation as defined by standard : -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 Floating type Minimum range for any implementation as defined by standard : -1.0E38 to 1.0E38
Data Type - Composition Type Array Type type byte is array (7 downto 0) of bit; byte형을 선언 signal a: byte; a를 byte로 선언 a <= “00001111”; a에 값 할당
Operators Defined precedence levels in decreasing order : Miscellaneous operators -- **, abs, not Multiplication operators -- *, /, mod, rem Sign operator -- +,- Addition operators -- sll, srl, sla, sra, rol, ror Relational operators -- =, /=, <, <=, >, >= Logical operators -- AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
Attribute Attributes provide information about certain items in VHDL X’EVENT -- TRUE when there is an event on signal X X’LAST_VALUE -- returns the previous value of signal X Y’HIGH -- returns the highest value in the range of Y X’STABLE(t) -- TRUE when no event has occurred on signal X in the past ‘t’ time
Statements - 강의순서 병행(Concurrent) Statement Simple Assignment, Simple Signal Assignment, Conditional Signal Assignment, Selected Process Statement 순차(Sequential Statements) If Statement Case Statement For Loop Statement
Concurrent - Signal Assignment, Simple signal_name <= expression; y <= b; 1) b에 변화가 생길 때마다 b의 값이 y에 출력됨 2) Sensitivity List : b y <= a or b; 1) a 나 b에 변화가 생길 때마다 a or b의 값이 y에 출력됨. 2) Sensitivity List : a,b
Concurrent - Signal Assignment, Conditional signal <= expression1 WHEN boolean_expression1 ELSE expression2 WHEN boolean_expression2 ELSE expression3; • 1) boolean_expression1= 참(True)이면 • signal <= expression1이 실행되며, • 2) boolean_expression2= 참(True) 이면 • signal <= expression2이 실행되며, • 3) 위의 2가지 조건이 모두 성립하지않으면 • signal <= expression3이 실행된다.
Concurrent - Signal Assignment, Selected WITH expression SELECT signal <= expression1 WHEN constant_value1, expression2 WHEN constant_value2, expression3 WHEN constant_value3; • 1) expression = constant_value1 이면 • signal <= expression1이 실행되며, • 2) expresion1 = constant_value2 이면 • signal <= expression2이 실행되며, • 3) expresion1 = constant_value3 이면 • signal <= expression3이 실행된다.
Concurrent – Process Statement • Process문은 하드웨어 모듈을 기술. • Process문의 내부는 순차처리. • 복잡한 알고리즘의 구현 시 편리 • Declaration syntax : • [Label:] process [( Sensitivity List)] • begin • Sequential statements; • end process [Label]; Sensitivity List에 적혀있는 신호에 변화생길 때 begin과 end process내의 문장을 실행
Sequential– Wait Statement wait on signal [, signal] wait until boolean_expression wait for time_expression Suspends the sequential execution of a process or subprogram (1) wait on a, b; (2) wait until ( x < 100 ); (3) wait for 10 ns; a,b에 변화가 생길 때까지 기다린다. X<100일 때까지 기다린다. 10ns동안 기다린다.
Sequential –Wait on vs. explicit sensitivity list wait on statement process beginy <= a and b; wait on a, b; end process; • Process문을 사용하는 두가지 방식 : 모두 가능함. explicit sensitivity list process (a, b) beginy <= a and b; end process;
Sequential– IF Statement • IF expression1 THEN • statement1-1; • statement1-2; • ELSIF expression2 THEN • statement2-1; • statement2-2; • ELSE • statement3-1; • statement3-2; • END IF; 1) expression1 = 참(True)이면 statement1-1, state1-2가 실행, 2) expression2 = 참(True) 이면 statement2-1, state2-2가 실행, 3) 위의 2가지 조건 모두 성립하지않으면 statement3-1, state3-2가 실행,
Sequential– Case Statement CASE expression IS WHEN constant_value1 => statement1-1; statement1-2; WHEN constant_value2 => statement2-1; statement2-2; WHEN OTHERS => statement3-1; statement3-2; END CASE; 1) expression1 = constant_value1이면 statement1-1, state1-2가 실행, 2) expression1 = constant_value1이면 statement2-1, state2-2가 실행, 3) 위의 2가지 조건 모두 성립하지않으면 statement3-1, state3-2가 실행,
Sequential– For Statement loop_label: FOR index_variable IN range LOOP statement1; statement2; END LOOP loop_label; index_variable 의 값을 변해가면서 statement1, statement2를 반복적으로 실행. 아래의 (a), (b)는 모두 같은 표현임. Range는 downto, to의 2가지형태임. loop_Start: FOR i IN 0 to 3 LOOP y(i) <= a(i) and b(i); END LOOP loop_Start; (a) y(0) <= a(0) and b(0); y(1) <= a(1) and b(1); y(2) <= a(2) and b(2); y(3) <= a(3) and b(3); (b)
VHDL모델링 방법 - 강의순서 데이터 흐름 (Dataflow Descriptions) 부울대수를 이용해서 표현 추상적 동작 (Behavioral Descriptions) 알고리즘방법으로 표현 구조적 (Structural Descriptions) 단순한 선의 연결로 표현 혼합적 (Mixed Descriptions) 위의 3가지방법을 혼합
Dataflow Descriptions 입력과 출력과의 관계를 기술한 부울 대수식을 이용한 설계방식. 문장의 순서는 무관하다. 병행처리문(Concurrent Statement)에 주로 사용.
Dataflow - 2입력 AND Gate Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity and_2 is port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic );end and_2; Architecture dataflow of and_2 isbeginy <= a and b;end dataflow; Dataflow방식은 부울대수를 그대로 표현
Dataflow - 2입력 OR Gate Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity or_2 is port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic );end or_2; Architecture dataflow of or_2 isbeginy <= a or b;end dataflow;
Dataflow - Andor_2 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity andor_2 is port( a, b, c : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); end andor_2; architecture a of andor_2 is signal t : std_logic; begin t<=a and b; y<=t or c; end a;
Dataflow – 4 bits OR gate library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity or_4bits is port( a, b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); y : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end or_4bits; architecture xxx of or_4bits is begin y <= a or b; end xxx; Bus의사용
Dataflow - Half Adder library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity half_add is port( a,b : in std_logic; sum, c_out : out std_logic ); end half_add; Architecture dataflow of half_add is begin sum <= A xor B; c_out <= A and B; end dataflow; 문장의 순서는 무관
Dataflow - Full Adder library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity fulladd is port( a, b, cin : in std_logic; s, cout : out std_logic); end fulladd; architecture a of fulladd is signal t1, t2, t3 : std_logic; begin t1 <= a xor b; t2 <= a and b; t3 <= t1 and cin; s <= t1 xor cin; cout <= t2 or t3; end a; t1 t2 t3 문장의 순서는 무관
Dataflow - Decoder3_8 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity decoder38_data is port( d2, d1, d0 : in std_logic; y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7 : out std_logic); end decoder38_data; architecture xxx of decoder38_data is signal nd2, nd1, nd0 : std_logic; Begin nd2 <= not d2; nd1 <= not d1; nd0 <= not d0; y0<= nd2 and nd1 and nd0; y1<= nd2 and nd1 and d0; y2<= nd2 and d1 and nd0; y3<= nd2 and d1 and d0; y4<= d2 and nd1 and nd0; y5<= d2 and nd1 and d0; y6<= d2 and d1 and nd0; y7<= d2 and d1 and d0; end xxx;
Structural Descriptions 가장 하드웨어적 표현에 가까움 구성 요소 및 연결까지 표현 Graphic Editor를 이용한 고전적인 설계방식과 동일. Component( ) 문을 이용하여 선언 Port map( ) 문을 이용하여 핀들을 서로 연결. 위치결합(positional association) Port문 내의 Signal의 위치순서대로 나열 이름결합(named association) Port문 내의 Signal의 위치순서와는 상관없이 ( port문 내의 형식이름=> 실제 이름)의 방식으로 결합.
Structure - Andor_2 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity andor_2 is port( a, b, c : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); end andor_2; architecture a of andor_2 is component and_2 port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic ); end component; component or_2 port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic ); end component; signal t : std_logic; begin U1 : and_2 port map ( a, b, t );U2 : or_2 port map( a=> t, b=>c , y=>y); end a; and_2.vhd, or_2.vhd는 미리 작성된 상태임. And_2선언 Or_2선언
Structure - Andor_2 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity andor_2 is port( a, b, c : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); end andor_2; architecture a of andor_2 is component and_2 port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic ); end component; component or_2 port( a, b : in std_logic; y : out std_logic ); end component; signal t : std_logic; begin U1 : and_2 port map ( a, b, t );U2 : or_2 port map( a=> t, b=>c , y=>y); end a; And_2 :위치결합방식 Or_2 : 이름결합방식 형식이름 실제이름
Structure – 4 bits adder library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity add_4bits is port( a, b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cin : in std_logic; sum : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cout : out std_logic ); end add_4bits; architecture a of add_4bits is component fulladd port( a, b, cin : in std_logic; s, cout : out std_logic); end component; signal tcout1, tcout2, tcout3 : std_logic; begin U1 : fulladd port map( a(0), b(0), cin, sum(0), tcout1); U2 : fulladd port map( a(1), b(1), tcout1, sum(1), tcout2); U3 : fulladd port map( a(2), b(2), tcout2, sum(2), tcout3); U4 : fulladd port map( a(3), b(3), tcout3, sum(3), cout); end a; tcout1 tcout2 tcout3 Fulladd.vhd는 미리 작성된 상태임
Structure - Mux 8X1 Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux8_1 is port( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h : in std_logic; s2, s1, s0 : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); end mux8_1; architecture xxx of mux8_1 is component decoder3_8 port( a, b, c : in std_logic; d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7 : out std_logic); end component; signal t : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7 : std_logic; begin U1: decoder3_8 port map( s2,s1,s0,d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7); t(0) <= a and d0; t(1) <= b and d1; t(2) <= c and d2; t(3) <= d and d3; t(4) <= e and d4; t(5) <= f and d5; t(6) <= g and d6; t(7) <= h and d7; y <= t(0) or t(1) or t(2) or t(3) or t(4) or t(5) or t(6) or t(7); end xxx; t(0) t(1) t(2) t(3) t(4) t(5) t(6) t(7) Decoder3_8.vhd는 미리 작성된 상태임 Mixed Modelling : structure + dataflow
Structure – 4bits Mux 8X1 Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity mux81_4bits is port( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s2, s1, s0 : in std_logic; y : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end mux81_4bits; Architecture a of mux81_4bits is component mux8_1 port( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h : in std_logic; s2, s1, s0 : in std_logic; y : out std_logic); end component; begin U0: mux8_1 port map (a(0),b(0),c(0),d(0),e(0),f(0),g(0),h(0),s2,s1,s0,y(0)); U1: mux8_1 port map (a(1),b(1),c(1),d(1),e(1),f(1),g(1),h(1),s2,s1,s0,y(1)); U2: mux8_1 port map (a(2),b(2),c(2),d(2),e(2),f(2),g(2),h(2),s2,s1,s0,y(2)); U3: mux8_1 port map (a(3),b(3),c(3),d(3),e(3),f(3),g(3),h(3),s2,s1,s0,y(3)); end a;
Behavioral Descriptions 기능적 또는 알고리즘적 표현. 고급언어를 사용한 프로그램 작성방법과 유사. 자료보관과 관리가 편리. Process( ) 문이 주로 사용됨.