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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 37. 1. Parks  which are found in downtown areas where office workers and store employees can enjoy their  lunch hours sitting on the green grass in clean ,  fresh air .  A. which    B. employees    C. lunch hours sitting    D . fresh air  

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  2. 1. Parks whichare found in downtown areas where office workers and storeemployeescan enjoy their lunch hours sittingon the green grass in clean, fresh air.  A. which   B. employees   C. lunch hours sitting   D. fresh air   2. In 1955the Hawaii was admitted totheUnion asthe 50thState.  A. the Hawaii   B. the   C. the 50th   D. State 

  3. 1. Parks whichare found in downtown areas where office workers and storeemployeescan enjoy their lunch hours sittingon the green grass in clean, fresh air.  A. which   B. employees   C. lunch hours sitting  D. fresh air   2. In 1955the Hawaii was admitted totheUnion asthe 50thState. A. the Hawaii   B. the   C. the 50th   D. State 

  4. 3. Thegirlwhommy cousin married was usedto be a chorus girl fortheRockettesin Radio City Music Hall in New York.  A. The   B. whom   C. was used   D. the   4. Someearthworms grow to a very large size. five or six feet in length, but most of them are alittle inches long.  A. Some   B. a   C. a   D. little  

  5. 3. Thegirlwhommy cousin married was usedto be a chorus girl fortheRockettesin Radio City Music Hall in New York.  A. The   B. whom  C. was used   D. the   4. Someearthworms grow to a very large size. five or six feet in length, but most of them are alittle inches long.  A. Some   B. a   C. a  D. little  

  6. 5. There isabout 600 schoolsin the United Statesthatusethe Montessori method to encourage individual initiative.  A. There is   B. in the United States   C. use   D. to encourage  6. Bothbowling and ice-skatingwas introducedby the Dutchwho colonizedthe New World in the 1600's.  A. Both   B. was introduced   C. who   D. colonized 

  7. 5. There isabout 600 schoolsin the United Statesthatusethe Montessori method to encourage individual initiative. A. There is   B. in the United States   C. use   D. to encourage  6. Bothbowling and ice-skatingwas introducedby the Dutchwho colonizedthe New World in the 1600's.  A. Both  B. was introduced   C. who   D. colonized 

  8. 7. The new shopping mall being painteda bright pink,sopotential customers who mightotherwise drive past cannotfail tonotice it.  A. being painted   B. so   C. might   D. fail to   8. Theisotopesofone element can havedifferentweighs.  A. isotopes   B. one element   C. different   D. weighs 

  9. 7. The new shopping mall being painteda bright pink,sopotential customers who mightotherwise drive past cannotfail tonotice it. A. being painted   B. so   C. might   D. fail to   8. Theisotopesofone element can havedifferentweighs.  A. isotopes   B. one element   C. different  D. weighs 

  10. 9. The government raisesmoneyto operatebytaxcigarettes, liquor, gasoline, tires, andtelephone calls.  A. raises   B. to operate   C. tax   D. telephone calls   10. Oil whale lampswere replacedby kerosene lamps in 1860's and themulti-million dollars whale industry came to an end.  A. Oil whale   B. were replaced   C. multi-million   D. came  

  11. 9. The government raisesmoneyto operatebytaxcigarettes, liquor, gasoline, tires, andtelephone calls.  A. raises   B. to operate  C. tax   D. telephone calls   10. Oil whale lampswere replacedby kerosene lamps in 1860's and themulti-million dollars whale industry came to an end. A. Oil whale   B. were replaced   C. multi-million   D. came  

  12. 11. Withhisfather's guidance, Mozart begunplayingthe clavier at the age of three and composing at the age of five.  A. his   B. begun   C. playing   D. composing   12. Ittook eight yearsto completethe Erie Canal,the 365-milewaterway which it connectsAlbany and Buffalo in New York State.  A. It   B. to complete   C. the 365-mile   D. which it connects  

  13. 11. Withhisfather's guidance, Mozart begunplayingthe clavier at the age of three and composing at the age of five.  A. his  B. begun   C. playing   D. composing   12. Ittook eight yearsto completethe Erie Canal,the 365-milewaterway which it connectsAlbany and Buffalo in New York State.  A. It   B. to complete   C. the 365-mile  D. which it connects  

  14. 13.Have designedhis own plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis", Lindbergh flew from Roosevelt Field in New York across the ocean to Le Bourget Field outside Paris.  A. Have designed   B. flew   C. to   D. outside Paris   14. The hot dog's popularity begunin St Louis in 1833 when a sausage peddler namedFeuchtwangerslippedone of his franks into a bun.  A. popularity begun   B. a   C. named   D. slipped 

  15. 13.Have designedhis own plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis", Lindbergh flew from Roosevelt Field in New York across the ocean to Le Bourget Field outside Paris. A. Have designed   B. flew   C. to   D. outside Paris   14. The hot dog's popularity begunin St Louis in 1833 when a sausage peddler namedFeuchtwangerslippedone of his franks into a bun. A. popularity begun   B. a   C. named   D. slipped 

  16. 15.Withitsstrong claws and its manyprotruding tootha gopher is an excellent digger.  A. With   B. strong claws   C. protruding tooth   D. is   16. The taxi drivertold the manto don't allowhis disobedient son to hang out the window.  A. taxi driver   B. told the man   C. to don't allow   D. to hang out 

  17. 15.Withitsstrong claws and its manyprotruding tootha gopher is an excellent digger.  A. With   B. strong claws  C. protruding tooth   D. is   16. The taxi drivertold the manto don't allowhis disobedient son to hang out the window.  A. taxi driver   B. told the man  C. to don't allow   D. to hang out 

  18. 17. Because ofhisphysical, Ben was able to lift the carout ofthe way.   A. Because of   B. physical   C. able to   D. out of   18. David is particularlyfond ofcooking, and heoften cooksreallydelicious meals.  A. particularly   B. fond of   C. often cooks   D. really  

  19. 17. Because ofhisphysical, Ben was able to lift the carout ofthe way.   A. Because of  B. physical   C. able to   D. out of   18. David is particularlyfond ofcooking, and heoften cooksreallydelicious meals.  A. particularly   B. fond of   C. often cooks  D. really  

  20. 19. The book thatyou seelayingon the tablebelongs tothe teacher.  A. that   B. see   C. laying   D. belongs to   20. Some treefrogscan altertheir colorsin order to blendtotheir environment.  A. tree   B. can alter   C. in order   D. to 

  21. 19. The book thatyou seelayingon the tablebelongs tothe teacher.  A. that   B. see  C. laying   D. belongs to   20. Some treefrogscan altertheir colorsin order to blendtotheir environment.  A. tree   B. can alter   C. in order  D. to 

  22. 21. Although a number of police officers was guarding the priceless treasuresin the museum, the director worried that someone would try to steal them.  A. was guarding   B. treasures   C. would try   D. to steal   22. The use of the Computer in Medicine is a new coursefor senior medical studentswho ifthey study andpasswill get a special diploma.  A. in Medicine   B. for   C. who if   D. pass  

  23. 21. Although a number of police officers was guarding the priceless treasuresin the museum, the director worried that someone would try to steal them. A. was guarding   B. treasures   C. would try   D. to steal   22. The use of the Computer in Medicine is a new coursefor senior medical studentswho ifthey study andpasswill get a special diploma.  A. in Medicine   B. for   C. who if  D. pass  

  24. 23. Since it wasso difficultfor American Indiansto negotiatea peace treaty or declare warin their native language, they used auniversalunderstood form of sign language.  A. so difficult   B. to negotiate   C. in their native language   D. universal   24. When theyhave beenfrightened, as, for example, byan electrical storm, dairy cows may refuse giving milk.  A. have been   B. frightened   C. by   D. giving  

  25. 23. Since it wasso difficultfor American Indiansto negotiatea peace treaty or declare warin their native language, they used auniversalunderstood form of sign language.  A. so difficult   B. to negotiate   C. in their native language  D. universal   24. When theyhave beenfrightened, as, for example, byan electrical storm, dairy cows may refuse giving milk.  A. have been   B. frightened   C. by  D. giving  

  26. 25. Oceans of the worldexertsstrong influencesonthe weatheroverthe Earth'ssurface.  A. exerts   B. on   C. over   D. surface  26. In order to survive, treesrely tothe amountofannual rainfall they receive, as wellasthe seasonal distributionof the rain.  A. rely to   B. of   C. as well   D. seasonal distribution 

  27. 25. Oceans of the worldexertsstrong influencesonthe weatheroverthe Earth'ssurface. A. exerts   B. on   C. over   D. surface  26. In order to survive, treesrely tothe amountofannual rainfall they receive, as wellasthe seasonal distributionof the rain. A. rely to   B. of   C. as well   D. seasonal distribution 

  28. 27. He promisedhe comeontime but heforgotabout the heavy trafficat that timeof the morning.  A. he come   B. on   C. forgot   D. at that time   28. Wood is still extensively used in constructioneven though the deterioration causingby weathering is one factor against its use.  A. in construction   B. even   C. causing   D. against its use  

  29. 27. He promisedhe comeontime but heforgotabout the heavy trafficat that timeof the morning. A. he come   B. on   C. forgot   D. at that time   28. Wood is still extensively used in constructioneven though the deterioration causingby weathering is one factor against its use.  A. in construction   B. even  C. causing   D. against its use  

  30. 29. An increasing numberofofficeworksuse computer programs asdailyroutine.  A. increasing   B. of   C. works   D. daily   20.A watermolecule consists oftwo hydrogenatomsandhadone oxygen atom.  A. A water   B. consists of   C. atoms   D. had  

  31. 29. An increasing numberofofficeworksuse computer programs asdailyroutine.  A. increasing   B. of  C. works   D. daily   20.A watermolecule consists oftwo hydrogenatomsandhadone oxygen atom.  A. A water   B. consists of   C. atoms  D. had  

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