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Welcome to Science 10. Main Objectives. Understanding of major science themes Understanding of the scientific world Attain scientific awareness and literacy Make informed decisions about careers
Main Objectives • Understanding of major science themes • Understanding of the scientific world • Attain scientific awareness and literacy • Make informed decisions about careers • Prepare students for Science 20, Biology 20, Chemistry 20, or Physics 20 (or two or three of them??)
Unit Overviews • UNIT A: Energy and Matter in CHEMICAL CHANGE (Chemistry) 36 days • UNIT B: Energy Flow in Technological Systems (Physics) 20 days • UNIT C: Cycling of Matter in LIVING SYSTEMS (Biology) 20 days • UNIT D: Energy Flow in Global Systems (Earth Science) 6 days
Evaluation • Tests and Quizes-----------------------------50% • Assignments and Labs----------------------25% • Final Exam------------------------------------ 25%
Materials Needed • Paper, pencils and pens • Ruler • Calculator (does not have to be a graphing calculator) • Notebook or binder with looseleaf • Class handouts • Science 10 Textbook BRING THESE TO EVERY CLASS!
Expectations • Absences: • You are expected to take an active part in your schooling. For this reason, you are responsible for finding out about missed assignments. • If you know you will be absent please let me know in advance and I can get you any work you may be missing. The best way to do this is by email: kgillard@wolfcreek.ab.ca • Please have a ‘buddy’ pick up assignments for you or look in the bins as there will be extra assignments there. • Notes and presentations will be posted to the wiki.
Expectations • Assignments • Students are responsible for turning in assignments and labs on a date assigned by the teacher • If their work is inexcusably late or not handed in, then they will receive an “I” or “Incomplete” for this assignment or lab. This has the potential to become a ‘0’ in the calculation of marks. • Students with “N” (not handed in) or “I” will be given the opportunity to complete these late assignments until the end of the unit. This will change the ‘N’ or ‘I’ to an NA (omit) and will remove the impact of a zero. • If the students work is excusable late, then the student can negotiate with the teacher for an extension. • At the end of the semester, students with no N’s, I’s or NA’s may choose ANY assignment from the semester and convert it to NA’s. In other words, students have the opportunity to drop their lowest mark!
Expectations • Exams • Exams will be cumulative. This means you need to keep reviewing the work that has been done before in order to be successful. • Re-do’s • You may re-do a quiz (along as approved of by the teacher) within a reasonable amount of time, HOWEVER,you will be expected to put in extra time (outside of class) to prove that you are going to make an effort to learn the material. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REDO UNIT EXAMS
Expectations • Lates • It is expected that you will be in your desk and ready to work by the second bell. You will need your text book, calculator and data book every day. • If you come in late, please sign in and take your seat. If your name is in the book, I will remember to change the attendance. Otherwise you will be getting an auto-dialer message!! • Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Being late will earn you an ‘N’ or ‘I’
Expectations • Code of Conduct • We are all expected to try to fulfill any reasonable request. Our classroom will be a place where there will be: • NO physical, verbal abuse or profanity • NO weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs • NO headgear • NO cell phones • NO vandalism, theft or copying other people’s work • NO unexcused absences or lates • NO talking when someone is addressing the class
Expectations • Food and Drink • You may bring have food or drinks in here, except for days that we are going into the lab. • Please take throw all of your garbage out; if I have to constantly remind you to throw your garbage away, this privilege will be revoked.
Expectations • iPods • You may bring iPods or other listening devices into class and use them only when you are working quietly; if I see them in while myself or another student is talking I will take it away and you will lose this privilege. Please keep the volume at an appropriate level, in other words, the student sitting beside you should NOT be able to hear it. Also, no sharing ear pieces. • Cell phones • If your cell phone rings or I catch you on it, you will take it to the office and the cell phone policy will take effect. Please leave it in your locker or put it on silent.