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Economic and Industrial Geography Terms. 2007. Agricultural labor force. % of people employed in agriculture High % of people employed in agriculture associated with low per capita income and low energy consumption and underdevelopment. Calorie consumption.
Agricultural labor force • % of people employed in agriculture • High % of people employed in agriculture associated with low per capita income and low energy consumption and underdevelopment
Calorie consumption • Requirements vary according to occupation, age, sex, size and climate conditions • Used to assess the degree of undernourishment of a country’s population
Core-periphery model • A model of the spatial structure of the economic system in with underdeveloped or declining peripheral areas are defined with respect to their dependence on a dominating developed core region
Cultural convergence • The tendency for cultures to become more alike as they increasingly share technology and organization structures in a modern world united by improved transportation and communication
Dependency theory • A structuralist model arguing that political and economic relationships (especially colonialism) between countries and regions control and limit the extent to which regions can develop
Energy consumption • A measure of development correlated loosely with per capita income, degree of industrialization, and use of advanced technology
Foreign direct investment • The total of overseas business investments made by private companies
Gender • Social differences between men and women---vary greatly over time and space
GDP • The value of the goods and services produced within a country in a given year
GNP • The value of the goods and services produced by a country’s economy within a given year. Includes goods and services produced by corporations and individuals of a country, whether or not they are located within the country
Human Development Index • An indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by the UN, compining income, literacy, education and life expectancy
Measures of Development • Human development index • Gender related development index • Gender empowerment measure
Neocolonialism • Economic and political strategies by which powerful core states indirectly maintain or extend influence over other areas or people
Physical Quality of Life Index • an attempt to measure the quality of life or well-being of a country. The value is a single number derived from basic literacy rate, infant mortality, and life expectancy at age one, all equally weighted on a 0 to 100 scale
Purchasing Power Parity • A monetary measurement taking into account what money actually buys in a country
W.W. Rostow • Developed the five stages of growth
Technology Gap • The contrast between the technology available in the core and present in the periphery
Technology Transfer • The diffusion or acquisition by one culture or region of the technology possessed by another
Third World • can be used to divide the nations of Earth into one of three broad categories • the Third World became a synonym for those nations that aligned themselves with neither the West nor with the Soviet Bloc during the Cold War.
World Systems Theory • Emmanuel Wallerstein • One of many theories that treat the global economy as a large system
Agglomeration • When a substantial number of enterprises cluster in the same area, as in a large industrial city, they can provide assistance to each other through shared talents, services and facilities
Agglomeration Economies • agglomeration economies refers to savings or benefits derived from the clustering of activities
Assembly Line/Fordism • Traditionally in large factories each worker was assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly
Bid Rent Theory • a geographical theory that refers to how the price and demand on land changes as the distance towards the CBD (Central Business District) increases.
Break of Bulk Point • The location (usually a port) where a shipment is divided into parts. This usually (such as at the port) happens where a transfer of the shipment between transport modes occurs, such as between water and land at a port.
Comparative Advantage • Principle whereby places and regions specialize in activities for which they have the greatest advantage in productivity relative to other regions----or for which they have the least disadvantage
Deglomeration • The process of industrial deconcentration in response to technological advances and/or increasing costs due to congestion and competition
Deindustrialization • a relative decline in industrial employment in core regions
Economic Sectors • Primary • Secondary • Tertiary • Quaternary • Quinary
Economies of Scale • Savings that accrue from large-scale production when the unit cost of manufacturing decreases as the level of operation enlarges
Ecotourism • Aims to inform about the natural environment
Entrepot • A place, usually a port city where goods are imported, stored, and transshipped; a break of bulk point
Export Processing Zone • Small areas within which especialy foavorble investment and trading conditions are created by governments in order to attract export oriented industries
Fixed Costs • Fixed costs are expenses whose total does not change in proportion to the activity of a business, within the relevant time period or scale of production. • Rent • Utilities • Payroll
Footloose Industry • an industry whose production costs are unaffected by location • many modern industries have components which are much easier to transport, giving them much more choice of location
Four Tigers • These countries and territories were noted for maintaining high growth rates and rapid industrialization between the early 1960s and 1990s
Growth Poles • Economic activities that are deliberately organized around one or more high-growth industries • Industries designed to stimulate growth through the establishment of various supporting industries
Industrial Location Theory • Attempts to explain the locational pattern of an economic activity in terms of the factors that influence this pattern
Industrial Regions • Western and Central Europe • Eastern North America • Russia and Ukraine • Eastern Asia
Industrial Revolution • A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods
Infrastructure • The foundations of society: • Urban centers • Transport networks • Communications • Energy systems • Educational facilities • Farms, factories, mines
International Division of Labor • The specialization by countries in particular products for export
Labor-Intensive • An industry for which labor costs comprise a high percentage of total expenses
Least-Cost Location • Model developed by Weberaccording to which the location of manufacturing establishments is determined by the minimalization of three critical expenses • 1) • 2) • 3)
maquiladora • Factories built by US companies in Mexico near the US border to take advantage of much lower labor costs in Mexico • Imported components or raw materials are assembled and then finished products are exported • An example of an export processing zone
Market orientation • Production of a good will be located near the market if the cost of transporting goods to consumers is a critical locational factor • Bulk gaining • Single market • Perishable • Example of a situation factor
Multiplier effect • Expansion of economic activity caused by the growth or introduction of another activity