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Exploring Economic and Industrial Geography Terms

Discover key terms such as foreign direct investment, purchasing power parity, technology transfer, and more in the field of economic and industrial geography. Learn about industrial regions, infrastructure, and economic theories.

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Exploring Economic and Industrial Geography Terms

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  1. Economic and Industrial Geography Terms

  2. Foreign direct investment • The total of overseas business investments made by private companies

  3. Purchasing Power Parity • A monetary measurement taking into account what money actually buys in a country

  4. Technology Gap • The contrast between the technology available in the core and present in the periphery

  5. Technology Transfer • The diffusion or acquisition by one culture or region of the technology possessed by another

  6. Agglomeration • When a substantial number of enterprises cluster in the same area, as in a large industrial city, they can provide assistance to each other through shared talents, services and facilities

  7. Agglomeration Economies • agglomeration economies refers to savings or benefits derived from the clustering of activities

  8. Assembly Line/Fordism • Traditionally in large factories each worker was assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly

  9. Bid Rent Theory • a geographical theory that refers to how the price and demand on land changes as the distance towards the CBD (Central Business District) increases.

  10. Break of Bulk Point • The location (usually a port) where a shipment is divided into parts. This usually (such as at the port) happens where a transfer of the shipment between transport modes occurs, such as between water and land at a port.

  11. Comparative Advantage • Principle whereby places and regions specialize in activities for which they have the greatest advantage in productivity relative to other regions----or for which they have the least disadvantage

  12. Deglomeration • The process of industrial deconcentration in response to technological advances and/or increasing costs due to congestion and competition

  13. Deindustrialization • a relative decline in industrial employment in core regions

  14. Economies of Scale • Savings that accrue from large-scale production when the unit cost of manufacturing decreases as the level of operation enlarges

  15. Ecotourism • Aims to inform about the natural environment

  16. Export Processing Zone • Small areas within which especialy foavorble investment and trading conditions are created by governments in order to attract export oriented industries

  17. Footloose Industry • an industry whose production costs are unaffected by location • many modern industries have components which are much easier to transport, giving them much more choice of location

  18. Industrial Regions • Western and Central Europe • Eastern North America • Russia and Ukraine • Eastern Asia

  19. Industrial Revolution • A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods

  20. Infrastructure • The foundations of society: • Urban centers • Transport networks • Communications • Energy systems • Educational facilities • Farms, factories, mines

  21. International Division of Labor • The specialization by countries in particular products for export

  22. Labor-Intensive • An industry for which labor costs comprise a high percentage of total expenses

  23. Least-Cost Location • Model developed by Weber according to which the location of manufacturing establishments is determined by the minimalization of cost

  24. maquiladora • Factories built by US companies in Mexico near the US border to take advantage of much lower labor costs in Mexico • Imported components or raw materials are assembled and then finished products are exported • An example of an export processing zone

  25. Market orientation • Production of a good will be located near the market if the cost of transporting goods to consumers is a critical locational factor • Bulk gaining • Single market • Perishable • Example of a situation factor

  26. Multiplier effect • Expansion of economic activity caused by the growth or introduction of another activity

  27. NAFTA • North American Free Trade Agreement • 1994 • Created a free trade area between US, Mexico and Canada • Provides for tariff free movement of goods, products, financial services, telecommunications, investment and patent protection

  28. outsourcing • The process of transfering a function or service to a third party • Generally takes advantage of low wages in semi-peripheral or periphery countries

  29. postindustrial • An emerging economy in technologically advanced countries as traditional industry is overshadowed by a high-tech productive complex dominated by services and info related and managerial activities

  30. Resource orientation • If the weight and bulk of any one input is particularly great, the firm may locate near the source of that input to minimize transportation costs • Bulk reducing industries • Copper • Steel

  31. Special economic zones (China) • SEZ’s • A specific area within a country in which tax incentives and less stringent environmental regulations are implemented to attract foreign businesses and investment • a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws

  32. Substitution principle • From Weber, when one cost decreases a firm can endure higher costs in another area

  33. Threshold/range • Range is the maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service • Threshold is the minimum number of people needed to support the service

  34. Transnational corporation • A company that conducts research, operates factories and sells products in many countries, not just where its headquarters or shareholders are located

  35. Weight gaining • an industry that makes something that gains volume or weight during production • Bulk gaining industries

  36. Weight losing • An economic activity in which the final product weighs less than its inputs • Bulk reducing • Copper • Steel

  37. World cities • Most closely integrated into the global economic system because they are at the center of the flow of information and capital • London • New York • Tokyo

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