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Learn about the 2nd Declension in Latin, focusing on masculine nouns finishing in -us, including case endings, adjectives, and translation practice. Explore 2-1-2 adjectives and more.

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  1. THE SECOND DECLENSION -US: MASCULINE NOUNS The 2nd DECLENSION isthedeclension of the MASCULINE NOUNS finishing in –US. These are the CASE ENDINGS: MASCULINE nouns usually go with adjectives with the same endings: Nominative: SERVUS BONUS SERVA BONA Accusative: SERVUM BONUM SERVAM BONAM

  2. 2nd declension: PRACTICE CULTURE BOOKLET. TheRomanHouse (PAGE 60) Caeciliusest in peristylo. Caecilius in peristyloamoenoferesedet. NOUN+ADJECTIVE FREQUENCY ADVERB “usually” NOMINATIVE SINGULAR SUBJECT VERB, 3rd person singular NOMINATIVE SINGULAR SUBJECT VERB 3rd person Singular PREP+ ABLATIVE PLACE COMPLEMENT PREP+ ABLATIVE PLACE COMPLEMENT “Caecilius is in the colonnaded patio. Caecilius usually sits in the quiet/still patio”.

  3. Translationpractice: 1st and 2nd declension Servus Romulus est in magno atrio. Romulus cubicula sordida purgat 3rd person sing.PRESENT VERB 3rNOMINATIVE SINGULAR SUJECT 3rNOMINATIVE SINGULAR SUJECT 3rd person sing.PRESENT VERB PREPOSITION + ABLATIVE PLACE COMPLEMENT ACCUSATIVE PLURAL (NEUTER) DIRECT COMPLEMENT TRANSLATION: The slave Romulus is in the big atrio. Romulus cleans the dirty bedrooms.

  4. Translationpractice: 1st and 2nd declension 3. Quintus in tablino litteras scribit et amicum suum recibit. 3rNOMINATIVE SINGULAR SUJECT 3rd person sing.PRESENT VERB PREPOSITION + ABLATIVE PLACE COMPLEMENT ACCUSATIVE PLURAL DIRECT COMPLEMENT 3rd person sing.PRESENT VERB ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR DIRECT COMPLEMENT COPULATIVE CONJUNCTION TRANSLATION: Quintus is writing in the office some letters and receives a friend of him.

  5. NEUTER NOUNS NEUTER nounshavethesameendings as the MASCULINE nouns, exceptfortheNOMINATIVE, VOCATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE, whichhavespecialendings:

  6. 2-1-2 and 3rd Declension Adjectives(masculine-feminine-neuter)

  7. Overview • Adjectives do not have to agree with nouns in declension. • However, they must agree with the nouns they modify in Gender, Number, and Case. • There are two types of adjectives, 2-1-2 and 3rd declension adjectives (2 and 1 terminations).

  8. 2-1-2 Adjectives • These adjectives can be identified by their nominative endings of us, a, and um. • The masculine form of a 2-1-2 adjective declines like the second declension. • The feminine form of the adjective declines like the first declension. • And the neuter form declines like the 2nd Declension Neuter.

  9. 2-1-2 Examples

  10. The End!

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