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Immigration and Demographic Changes. TIP. ID Terms will be BOLDED. In T he Beginning. Metacomet. In the times of the Native Americans and early settlers, there was no immigration policy.
TIP ID Terms will be BOLDED
In The Beginning.. Metacomet • In the times of the Native Americans and early settlers, there was no immigration policy. • Despite different regions being controlled by settlers from different nations, anyone who wanted to settle in the “New World” could do so freely • Natives did not react well to the foreign settlers however • King Philip’s War 1675-1678: Mostly British settlers vs Natives, huge population loss on both sides, settlers were victorious • Pueblo Revolt 1680: Natives revolted against Spanish occupation in modern New Mexico region, Spanish were ousted until 1700
Colonization • Spanish settled and established haciendas to organize native laborers and convert them to Catholicism • French settled in hopes of establishing trade relationships with natives • Britishseparatists fled to the New World to establish a new home • 3 forms of British Colonies: • Royal Colonies- Land controlled by the crown • Proprietary/Restoration Colonies- Land given to individuals by the crown to be ruled independently • Corporate Colonies- Colonies owned and run by joint-stock companies
Slavery British colonies began importing slaves almost as soon as they arrived in the New World themselves The numbers increased rapidly over time
Native Population Time of contact – 18 million 1800 – 600,000 1890 – 250,000 Today – 2.9 million 100% ethnic natives, 2.3 million mixed ethnicity
Alien Act vs • 1st piece of legislation related to immigration • (Anyone was allowed to immigrate and become a US citizen 14 years later) • Allowed the president (John Adams at the time) to deport anyone who he “deemed as dangerous”
The Naturalization Act of 1802 Changed naturalization period back from 14 years to 5 years
Mexican-American War • 1846-1848 • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • Feb 1848 • Anyone living in Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah (Mexican Cession) would be given full rights of an American citizen
Know-Nothing Party • Founded officially in 1845, and lasted only 15 years • Xenophobic • Anti-immigrant • Anti-naturalization • Meshed with the Free-Soil Party to create the Republican party • Nativism
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Banned Chinese immigration to the US Prohibited any Chinese people already in the US from gaining citizenship
The New Immigration Late 19th century influx of immigrants from new countries such as Canada, Mexico, China, and Japan Latin American immigration skyrocketed Mainly European immigrants however
Immigrants in Urban Environments • Most immigrants to the U.S went straight to cities • Urban Borderlands • Inner-city centers of cheap housing for low-wage laborers • Became melting-pots for multiethnic immigrant life/culture • Pluralism – Immigrant belief that immigrants should unite as a whole and mix and share cultures • Settlement Houses • Hull House- First settlement house, built by Jane Addams in Chicago 1889 • Built to house new immigrants • Became centers for reform movements in women’s labor and rights
Marcus Garvey • Black Jamaican social leader • Promoted pan-Africanism and black nationalism in America • Garveyism- Believed in an exodus back to Africa • Black Star Line (play of words on “White Star Line”) • A ship service that would ship Africans back “home” • Largely unsuccessful • Hugely corrupted, led to FBI investigation
Small Adjustments 1903- No anarchists, epileptics, polygamists, and beggars not allowed 1906- English required for immigration 1907- Head tax raised, people with physical/mental defects, TB, or unaccompanied not allowed in 1917- Literacy required, all Asian nations banned from immigrating 1921- No anarchists or prostitutes
Quota Act • 1921 • Take 3% more per nationality annually • Example: If there were 10 Germans in 1921, 3 could immigrate in 1922 • No limit on family members, professionals, or servants • Ceiling at 357,800 annually from eastern hemisphere • Johnson-Reed Act (1924) • Changed to 2% • No immigrants from Japan, China, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia
Early 20th Century Immigration Italy Russia U.K (again) Poland
WWII • Displaced Persons Act – 1948 • Allowed 205,000 political refugees per year • Mostly Jewish
McCarran-Walter Pat McCarran Francis Walter • 1952 • Reopened gates for Asia but allowed only 2000 visas annually for “Asian-Pacific Triangle” • Truman didn’t like it! • Gave Attorney General executive immigration/visa powers… • … to deport communists
1965 Immigration and Nationality Act • Completely overhaul of the immigration system • 170,000 ceiling annually for entire E. Hemisphere • No more than 20,000 per country • Eliminated the Quota System and created a Preference System • Family relationships, professionals, and refugees from communist nations at the top of the preference system • (If not a part of the preference category) you could not immigrate if there was a surplus of laborers already in your profession in America
Since 1965 Preference system partially edited to stay modern Legislation created on how to handle illegal immigration 1990 – 700,000 allowed in annually Today: debate on illegal immigrants
Bibliography http://fairimmigration.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/stop-immigration-raids1.jpg http://usa-green-card.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/immigration.jpg?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 http://www.certifiedtranslationlosangeles.com/images/USCIS%20CERTIFIED%20TRANSLATION.jpg http://nyoobserver.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/us-immigration-and-customs-enforcement-seal-plaque-l.jpg http://calitreview.com/images/metacomet.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c6/Benjamin_Church.jpg/220px-Benjamin_Church.jpg http://www.learner.org/biographyofamerica/prog03/maps/images/map_03_b.gif http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/72024/evt110519161901200.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Spain.svg/750px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png http://img.alibaba.com/images/cms/upload/ggs/assets/countryflag/fr.jpg https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/graphics/flags/large/uk-lgflag.gif http://www.williamapercy.com/wiki/images/Slave_Population.jpg
Bibliography Continued http://home.comcast.net/~DiazStudents/ColonialPopulation1.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EjPiBYx_lOQ/UQFhuf237FI/AAAAAAAAHR0/SycZw9bsT0I/s1600/President+John+Adams.jpg http://www.bubblews.com/assets/images/news/259142669_1366448137.jpg http://blogs.archives.gov/online-public-access/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Petition-for-Naturalization.jpg http://differenttogether.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/chinese-exclusion-act.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130413190604/psi/images/a/ac/Not-allowed-sign.jpg http://www.old-picture.com/indians/pictures/Indian-Warriors.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/Jamie00924/native-american.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K4tTLbR5kdY/UYONwN4xx1I/AAAAAAAAHvM/dU7BLBl3byo/s1600/know-nothing.jpg http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/media_content/m-2445.jpg
More Bibliography http://users.humboldt.edu/ogayle/ColonialPopulation.jpg http://www.pershingms.org/MTT/images/mexican.jpg http://www.timerime.com/users/12822/media/P1-AB342_HISTORY-189703282004220514.jpg http://www.us-history.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/world-war-2-wwii.jpg http://www.wnyc.org/i/200/0/c/80/photologue/photos/DP.jpg http://1950immigration.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/m1.jpg http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/9530/ELT200805041650393559650.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_IkHcJG6xGUw/S9dG1DIljqI/AAAAAAAAAA4/76PZ97LMssw/s1600/nytimes+article+immigration+bill.png http://patdollard.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Immigration_protest.jpg http://blackstonian.com/info/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/immigration.jpg
Almost Done… http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h0SQqY8ocp4/TEwpR1Kh1YI/AAAAAAAARMY/QZHDJ9yYNC0/s400/wetback+18.jpg http://images.wisconsinhistory.org/700099990386/9999006552-m.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dlw_0w5zlTE/To4AEyWdJqI/AAAAAAAABHk/X6sIGxLJdGo/s1600/Ellis+Island+Irish+Ships+to+America+3.jpg http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1931/addams.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Hull_House_2.JPG/250px-Hull_House_2.JPG http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/G/Marcus-Garvey-9307319-1-402.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmuqz8YZTo1qfgo7jo1_1280.jpg http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/askville/3736212_7857999_mywrite/immigration-1861-1890.jpg http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/ellis-island/immigration-1870-1920.jpg