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Meg Jones, Women and Trade Programme Manager, ITC

How Women Entrepreneurs can Take Advantage of Trade Agreements. Meg Jones, Women and Trade Programme Manager, ITC Ministerial Round-Table, Global Summit of Women, Istanbul 7 May 2011. Which Agreements is my country party to?. Where to find information:

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Meg Jones, Women and Trade Programme Manager, ITC

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  1. How Women Entrepreneurs can TakeAdvantage of Trade Agreements Meg Jones, Women and Trade Programme Manager, ITC Ministerial Round-Table, Global Summit of Women, Istanbul 7 May 2011

  2. WhichAgreementsismy country party to? Whereto findinformation: Statistical data: UN Statistics Division, WTO’s World Trade Report, national customs data Advice on export at the national level: Trade Promotion Organisation, such as Uganda Export Promotion, Austrade. Bigpicturemarketanalysis: ITC’smarketanalysistools – Product Map, Trade Map and Market Access Map

  3. ITC’sMarket Access Map:www.macmap.org Market Access Map covers customs tariffs (import duties) and other measures applied by 190 importing countries to products from 239 countries and territories. Most Favoured Nation (MFN) customs duties as well as multilateral, regional and bilateral preferences Bound tariffs Tariff-quotas: multilateral and bilateral Anti-dumpingdutiesRules of Origin and Certificates of OriginTrade flows: import/export statistics Import Tariffs: ad valorem, specific and ad valorem equivalents of the specific tariffs Analysis: Tariff aggregation at any sectoral and regional levelTariff reduction simulations: using various formulae

  4. MacMap: Tracksuitsfrom Kenya to USA

  5. Qualifies underMFN and AGOA

  6. EligibilityCriteriaDefined

  7. ApparelEligibilityunderRules of Origin, AGOA

  8. Global Platform for Action on Sourcing from Women Vendors Create shared value bysourcing from women vendors that offer competitive products and services; Promote the benefitsof sourcing from women vendors, educating multinational corporations on the business case and return on investment; Share knowledgeon policies and practices to increase sourcing from women vendors; Support, initiate or improve effortsto integrate women vendors into value chains; and Report to the Platform for Action Steering Committee on activities and impact via an annual survey

  9. For further information: Meg Jones Women and Trade Programme Manager ITC Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland +41 22 730 0166 jones@intracen.org

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