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Yulee High School Band. (Nearly) Everything You Wanted To Know About The Marching Hornets 2013-2014 Edition. Who are the Marching Hornets?. All band members are to enroll in two semesters of “Instrumental Techniques”
Yulee High School Band (Nearly) Everything You Wanted To Know About The Marching Hornets 2013-2014 Edition
Who are the Marching Hornets? • All band members are to enroll in two semesters of “Instrumental Techniques” • The first nine weeks is dedicated to marching band. ALL MEMBERS OF THE BAND ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE PART IN THE MARCHING BAND! • In addition to the musicians, the colorguard will work in conjunction with the band
So is band extra curricular? • Band is a co-curricular class • Band meets everyday during 4th period and functions like any other class • Band members are also expected to attend summer rehearsals, band camp, after school rehearsals, football games, and competitions • Attendance at rehearsals, class, and performances have huge impacts on the grade of the student
What are the traits of a successful band member? • Respect—both for others and for yourself • Integrity—accept responsibility, be sincere and honest • Class—you are ambassadors of our community, our school, and all members of the organization past, present, and future • Self-discipline—when its time to work, be ready to work • Pride—you will get what you put into this activity
General Conduct and Requirements • Annual Physical: All members of the Yulee High School Hornet Band program must have an annual physical. The physical form is available at any Nassau County physicians’ office. The completed physical evaluation must occur before the start of summer band camp • Personal Conduct: Members of a prestigious organization such as the YHS Hornet Band are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a decorous manner and to exercise common sense. Students must abide by the Nassau County Schools Code of Student Conduct, Yulee High School Student Rules (handbook), and the YHS Band Handbook. All rules in this handbook are in effect at all rehearsals, performances, and trips, as well as any other time we are assembled as any YHS Hornet Band ensemble.
Conduct & Requirements (continued) • Following Instructions: All members are expected to follow the instruction of any teacher, advisor, chaperone, or student leader without question, unless said instruction violates civil or moral law. Should you object to the instruction being given, please bring your concern to the Band Director at an appropriate time. • Scheduling: The band’s weekly schedule will be updated on the white board in the band room, on the band website (bands.banddirector.com/yuleehornetband), and via email, as well as announced at every opportunity. The monthly schedule will also be posted in the band room, and copies will be made available to students to take home. Parents are expected to get this information through one of the aforementioned mediums. Please note that, as we are a performance ensemble, absences from rehearsals and performances alike will negatively affect the overall student grade, as noted in the grading policy, as well as the description of Hornet Points at the end of the handbook.
Conduct & Requirements (continued) • Equipment: Any instrument or equipment not belonging to or specifically assigned to you by the band director(s) is strictly off limits. Unfamiliarity with equipment leads to potential damage, injury, and a general lack of respect for the belongings of others. • Affection: Members should show respect for others by being judicious in displays of affection. For example, even a somewhat impassioned embrace is inappropriate for group settings such as the YHS Hornet Band. Each member should ask themselves a few questions: (1) Does this behavior violate the YHS Code of Student Conduct? (2) Would my family be embarrassed if they were here? (3) Would anyone around me be embarrassed or offended? - If there is still any question, AVOID THE DISPLAY OF AFFECTION ALTOGETHER!!! After all, we’re here to be in band...not engage in questionable behavior. • Humor: Everyone enjoys a good laugh. However, members of the YHS Hornet Band program are to follow the same guidelines outlined for affection. If someone may potentially be offended or embarrassed, it is best to avoid the joke or comment altogether. Avoid potentially problematic situations for you and the entire group by exercising common sense and sound judgment.
Conduct & Requirements (continued) • Critical Incidents: Any time there is a critical incident (accident, injury, verbal and/or physical altercations, etc.) involving band members and/or civilians, the Band Director is to be notified immediately • Private Homes & Vehicles: Members must not go into any private home or vehicle from the time they arrive for a band function until they are dismissed from said band function. Regardless of who the home or vehicle belongs to (family, friend, etc.), DO NOT GO INTO PRIVATE HOMES OR VEHICLES. • Groups: Any time the band is off campus for any event, members must be in groups of three or more people. DO NOT wander by yourself or in groups of two...no explanation should be necessary. This is for your safety. • Controlled Substances: As per Nassau County School Board policy, controlled substances (including, but not limited to: alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs) are strictly prohibited at all band functions and on NCSB property for both members and non members, students and adults. Possessing, using, or distributing any controlled substance may result in the referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency, and may result in dismissal from the YHS Hornet Band program.
What is expected of a band member? • Attend all rehearsals and performances • Be prepared for all rehearsals and performances • Be on time for all rehearsals and performances • Keep instrument or equipment in performance condition • Keep the rehearsal space neat and clean • No food, gum, candy, or drinks other than water are allowed in the band hall or at rehearsals • Be responsible for all materials (instrument, music, reeds, oil, sticks and mallets, etc.) • Be respectful to everyone (staff, faculty, students, and anyone else who we may encounter) • Fulfill financial obligation (Fair Share) • Demonstrate HORNET PRIDE!
Summer Rehearsals Due to the nature of marching band, and the frequency in which we are required to perform, it is essential that we work outside of the school calendar. Please refer to the band calendar to ensure that you are present for any rehearsal that requires your participation. We want to be the best band we can possibly be, and these rehearsals will bring us closer to that goal.
Summer Schedule • Guard only: 9 a.m.-3p.m. May 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25, July 9, and 25. • Percussion and Colorguard Camp: 4-9 p.m. July 15-18. Any member of the drum line, front ensemble, or colorguard are required to attend • Music rehearsals: 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 16, 18, 24, and 25. ALL MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT. In addition to learning the vast majority of the music for the fall, we will also fit all members for their uniform at this time. • Bus Wash: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. July 22 and 23. Optional way to pay off Fair Share. Only 30 members/day. Sign up at the first two music rehearsals. • Rookie Camp: 5-6 p.m. July 24and 25. All new Marching Hornets, Section Leaders, and Drum Majors are required to attend. • Band Camp: 4-9 p.m. July 29-August 3. MANDATORY ATTENDANCE FOR ALL MEMBERS
Fall Schedule • The full band will rehearse after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the beginning of 4th block until 5:30. Students will be given time to change into appropriate clothes/shoes at the beginning of class as we will spend the majority of rehearsal time outside. Be sure to bring your water jug on those days in addition to your rehearsal clothes. The colorguard will join us at the end of the school day. • Please do not schedule doctor or dentist appointments on Tuesdays or Thursdays—we need EVERYONE at EVERY rehearsal. • Additional sectionals or rehearsals may be called based on the needs of the group. • Be prepared to attend football games on just about every Friday night starting on August 23rd through mid-November. • Our competitive season will start in October and run through early November, so please avoid scheduling weekend trips then as well.
Football Schedule (with kick off times) • 8/23 Eagle’s View (Home) 7 p.m. • 8/30 @ Fernandina Beach 7:30 p.m. • 9/6 @ Potter’s House 7 p.m. • 9/20 vs. Forrest 7 p.m. • 9/27 @ Wolfson 7 p.m. • 10/14 @ Paxon 7 p.m. • 10/11 vs. Ribault 7 p.m. • 10/18 vs. Baker County 7 p.m. • 10/24 @ Bishop Kenny 7 p.m. • 11/1 vs. Stanton 7 p.m. (homecoming) • 11/8 vs. West Nassau 7 p.m. (senior night)
Excused Absences • Illness that requires a doctor’s attention. Student must return with a doctor’s note the following day. • Death in the immediate family. Requires a note/phone call from a parent or guardian.
Examples of Unexcused Absences • “I didn’t have a ride.” The band averages in size between 60-80 members—someone live near you. Find people to carpool with in case of emergencies if nothing else. • “I had homework/a project to do.” Despite what your student might tell you, most teachers give plenty of notice before a project is due. Besides teaching how to make music, band also provides an opportunity to learn about time management. There will be time to do homework after practice. • “It was raining.” Much like the postal service, weather does not get in our way of getting things done. If rain is present, we may still rehearse with limited instrumentation (brass and marching percussion only playing, everyone marching). In the presence of lightning, we will work indoors on music. • “I had to babysit.” Band is a class, and therefore a grade. We need everyone present at rehearsals in order to have productive rehearsals. It is very difficult to learn drill if people have to march next to imaginary people. Please make alternate plans for childcare needs. • “I had to work.” While I encourage students to take the responsibility of having an afterschool job, keep in mind that it is not a school subject and therefore must take a backseat to school activities. If an employer is given a schedule well in advance, they can usually work around it. Most employers are thrilled to use band kids because they are more responsible and reliable than 99% of non-band students. • “I was grounded.” If you need help getting your student’s attention for making poor decisions, please do not punish the rest of the band for his/her mistake. We have plenty of non-fun tasks that can serve as a friendly reminder of what is acceptable/unacceptable at any home.
Band Camp • This is a week of intensified learning. Our success for the season depends greatly on how much we can accomplish this week, which is why it is so important that we have everyone here. • Anyone who misses band camp will automatically be placed on alternate status and will have to earn a spot in the show • We will take a dinner break during rehearsal, but no one is permitted to leave campus. Please either bring a sack dinner (that does not require refrigeration or reheating) or purchase a meal during the music rehearsals in the week prior to camp • These rehearsals will be 100% outside (pending weather), so plan accordingly!
How to avoid being beaten by Florida weather during marching season… • Drink lots of water in the time leading up to camp. Being well hydrated before you start sweating is crucial. Bring a 2 quarter flip-spout cooler filled with ice water so you can replenish during water breaks. • Get off the couch and spend some time outside in June and July. If your body only knows 78 degrees at a reclined position, you’ll be in for a rude awakening at 4:05 on July 29th! • Dress appropriately. The fashion police will not be permitted on campus during marching rehearsal. Wear light colored, comfortable clothes. Jeans are not a good idea (denim in general) nor are dark shirts. • Footwear—you must wear sneakers/tennis shoes. Anyone wearing flip flops, sandals, crocs, boots, slippers, etc will not be permitted to rehearse and may be put on alternate status • Sunscreen is a must! We’ll be in the sun for the majority of rehearsal, and trying to focus with a bad sunburn is difficult and highly uncomfortable. • Hats, visors, and sunglasses are essential to blocking the sun from your eyes so you’re not marching around blindly. They also help to keep you cool and decrease sunburn possible spots. • Be sure to make healthy eating decisions before and during camp. Fruits and veggies should be consumed and junk food/heavy greasy foods should be avoided. Don’t come to rehearsal hungry.
Performances • Football games—the band plays at all football games. Most games will include both a run-through of our marching show and music while in the stands. Be prepared for both. Although games occur outside of school, they are still a large factor in each student’s grade. • Pep rallies—These take place during school, and we are a small part of the overall line up. • Marching Band Competitions—We will perform in 2-3 competitions or festivals on Saturdays in either October or November. The band will be evaluated at these events. This is our chance to really show off and try to bring back some trophies! • Parades—Typically we perform in two parades throughout the entire year. One before Christmas and another for the Shrimp Festival. • At the close of football season, we will also perform as a concert band at least once per nine weeks as well as the district 17 music performance assessment for concert band in March. • All Performance Dates will be announced as soon as they are set.
Performance Procedures • All members are expected to attend every engagement in which the band participates. If you are unable to attend a performance, you must inform the Director in advance (Absentee Form - available on website, and in the band office). Sickness (as excused by a physician) or a death in the family are usually the only legitimate excuses for missing a performance. • No band member is permitted to leave the organization in advance of group dismissal at any time (unless excused by the band director or the band director’s authorized designee, and accompanied by a notarized parent letter – in addition, no student will be permitted to leave with anyone other than a parent or immediate family member as notated on the notarized letter). Waiting on individual students to be picked up from performance locations causes the entire group (and parents waiting at YHS) to be delayed unnecessarily. All students under the supervision of the YHS Hornet Band program will be transported with the ensemble.
Performance Procedures (continued) • Regulations regarding rehearsals are also in effect during all public performances. • For out-of-town engagements, the band travels as a unit unless they have been otherwise directed. No band member may travel in a private car without the consent of the Director, and proper documentation on file. • Each band member is personally responsible for all of his or her own equipment.
Stands Behavior • The band area is off limits to everyone except band members and chaperones. Parents, please refrain from trying to talk to students in the stands unless you are a chaperone. If you need to relay a message to your student, please see the director or a chaperone. • There will be no food or drink brought into the seating area, except water. • Uniform is to be worn correctly and in its entirety.
Uniforms • A marching uniform will be issued to each student. Students will be held responsible for the uniform issued to them. Replacement of a lost or damaged uniform could cost as much as $400.00. Uniforms will be kept at the school and cleaned as needed. In addition, each band student is required to wear the following: Solid black socks, official band t-shirt, black marching gloves, black “Dinkles” (marching shoes), and gym shorts that can be worn underneath marching band pants. • Colorguard members will be required to purchase their uniform and any accessories needed. • Concert uniforms consist of: males--dress pants, white tuxedo shirt, black vest, black bow-tie, black socks, black dress shoes (Dinkles are acceptable). Females--Black dress (floor length with sweetheart neckline), black stockings, black closed-toe shoes. Concert uniforms should be purchased through the band office and are not included in the Fair Share.
What not to wear/other uniform issues • Hats/Helmets must be worn at the correct angle. • Hair must be up under the hat. For colorguard, hair must be pulled back and out of face. • Black marching shoes must be worn with the uniform. • No jewelry • No fingernail polish (except clear) • All colorguard must wear the same specified make-up design.
How to earn a grade in band: • As stated before, band is a class. As such, each student will EARN a grade. No grades are “given”. • Students are expected to attend all class meetings, rehearsals, and performances. • Individual playing tests will be assigned • Having all materials (instrument, music, appropriate attire, etc)
Grading Policy • The nine-week grade will be determined as follows: • Daily Class Average 25% • Exams/Quizzes/Playing Tests 25% • HORNET Points 50%
Band Boosters • Who are the band boosters? • YOU!!!!!!!!!!! • The success of the band is largely dependant on the capabilities of the band boosters. • We can not do what we are asked to do without your help, and we greatly appreciate your time. • Your student will appreciate seeing you at events…even if they don’t tell you about it now!
Student Officers • To be an efficient organization, the band relies on student leadership to accomplish our goals. • Leaders have been selected based on their past experience and an interview process. • Students are expected to follow instructions and decisions of student leaders. • If a student has a concern or question about something said or done by a student leader, they should contact Mr. Wood at the next available break or conclusion to a rehearsal.
Fair Share • The cost of running a successful music program is fairly high. • In order to meet the needs of the band (festival and contest entrance fees, transportation costs, dry cleaning of uniforms, music purchases, drill design costs, additional instructors, school instrument acquisition and repair, awards, etc.) all members must contribute to the band account—each member’s Fair Share • The Fair Share amount for each member is $200 • The money can be either paid, fundraised, or a combination of both.
Deadlines • Please have physicals on file prior to the beginning of Band Camp (July 29th) • $100 is due by August 2nd for the first half of Fair Share • Medical Form, Uniform Agreement, Proof of Accident Insurance, Off Campus Consent, and Handbook agreement form Due by August 3rd (we will have a notary at the final show off) • The remaining $100 is due November 1st.
Questions, Comments, Concerns… • If you see any potential conflicting dates, please see or contact me ASAP • Check the band website for updates http://bands.banddirector.com/yuleehornetband/home/ • If at any point you are unclear on something, just let me know—I’m here to help the band be successful and to clear up confusion • E-mail is the best way to get in touch with me woodjo2@nassau.k12.fl.us
Thank you for coming… Goodnight!