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Colonial Life

Colonial Life. Main Idea – The Economy of the Southern colonies is dependent on labor intensive cash crops. Tobacco and Rice and Indigo…. Cash Crop grown as a money making venture 3 Cash Crops in the South Tobacco – VA, MD, NC Rice – SC, GA Indigo – SC

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Colonial Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Colonial Life Main Idea – The Economy of the Southern colonies is dependent on labor intensive cash crops

  2. Tobacco and Rice and Indigo… Cash Crop grown as a money making venture 3 Cash Crops in the South Tobacco – VA, MD, NC Rice – SC, GA Indigo – SC All very labor intensive to harvest Grown on Plantations

  3. Social Structure in the Southern Colonies Gentry Back Country Farmer Tenant Farmer Indentured Servant Slaves

  4. Who is Who? • Gentry – wealthy, landowners, plantations, slave owners • Back Country Farmers – Former Indentured Servants, not much money, subsistence farmers • Tenant Farmers – work someone else’s land • Indentured Servants – Agree to work for period of time in exchange for trip to America • Slaves – Property – no rights – Slave Code

  5. Bacon’s Rebellion - 1676 • BCF not allowed to move west into native land • Bacon leads BCF against natives, then gentry • Burns down Jamestown • Bacon dies in swamp • Rebellion Fails! • So why even talk about it ? Because….

  6. Long-term Effects of Bacon’s Rebellion • Gentry don’t want another rebellion • Indentured Servants set free and become BCF • No Indentured Servants – Slave labor instead • Slavery becomes part of the Southern economy

  7. Slavery Becomes a Business

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