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Competency framework for Instructional Designer

Competency framework for Instructional Designer. WP: B4 Bremen , 17.04.2008. Instructional designer?. More up-to-date seems to be the term “educational technologist”. Competency framework. For who m?. Tommy is our Instructional Designer. I must fulfill a precise task in my project ….

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Competency framework for Instructional Designer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Competency framework for Instructional Designer WP: B4 Bremen, 17.04.2008.

  2. Instructional designer?

  3. More up-to-date seems to be the term “educational technologist”

  4. Competency framework For whom?

  5. TommyisourInstructional Designer I must fulfill a precise task in my project… I needsomeguidelines… I need some good resources… I want to develop my ID skills… I’mlooking for somebestpractices

  6. … and Jane isa project manager …whomshould I hire? I want to create a team... …whatshouldtheyknow? I want to train my staff… I want to manage the e-learning project… ….what are the best organizational practices?

  7. How? Once upon a time…

  8. Lost in a Paris metro...

  9. …we want to help people lost in e-learning ideas!

  10. General idea Whatshould I know / be able to do… ... in order to fulfill a task... . ... within a givenphase... ... of my e-learning project???

  11. But we were not first …

  12. Developing competencyframework

  13. IntegrationwithotherWPs

  14. Guidelines and resources

  15. Final result

  16. At the moment we collected app: 150 resources 40guidelines … and counting…

  17. Invitation:Workshop on InstructionalDesignerscompetencyframework 17th of April 2008

  18. Phase 1: Organizational issues Let’s talk about ourbestproject management practices and identifydifferent e-learning projecttypes

  19. Phase 2: For a given project type… Let’sidentifyit’sphases and for a givenphase findinstructionaldesigners’ tasks and competencies

  20. Phase 3: Let’s compare Your ideas with our concepts…

  21. Phase 4: … and browse our guidelines and resources

  22. Come and play with us! Today 4.30 pm > 6.00 pm Somewhere here…

  23. Thank you! magdalena.jasinska@puw.pl

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