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7 th Grade World Geography Review

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7 th Grade World Geography Review

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  1. 7th Grade World Geography Review NEXT

  2. The purpose of this review is to help prepare you for STAR testing. Since you may not have thought much about this information since 7th grade these questions may help jog your memory and help you remember some of the details you have forgotten. The questions are set up as multiple choice questions. If you get the wrong answer, you will get a hint. Once you have gotten the correct question, click the box to go on to the next question. Good luck and enjoy! Click here to begin the review.

  3. On your mark… Get set…… GO…….! NEXT

  4. Question 1 The origins of checks and balances in the U.S. political system can be traced to the______________________. • French monarchy B. Roman Republic C. Greek aristocracy D. Aztec Empire

  5. Hint: The origins of check and balances in the U.S. political system can traced to the dudes who wore togas (they copied the Greeks)

  6. You are correct! • The Roman Republic is responsible for the origins of check and balances we now use today. Go on to next question

  7. Question 2 The wars with Carthage (264-146 B.C.) gave the Roman Empire control of…… A. North Africa B. Asia Minor C. Northern Europe D. the Middle East

  8. Which rock did you climb out from?You Are Wrong! HINT Go back to question

  9. You are correct! North Africa Go on to next question

  10. Question 3 The map above represents the military conquests of what major world religion? A. Christianity C. Islam B. Judaism D. Hinduism

  11. Wrong Answer! Hint: Associate the labeled country with its national religion Go back to question

  12. You are incredibly brilliant! Islam spread throughout Northern Africa, into Spain, NE of Arabia including India during the years 632 A.D. to 733 A.D. Go on to next question

  13. Question 4 In the 700s A.D., Arabian merchants played an important role in A. Spreading new technology among Asia, Africa, and Europe B. Converting large numbers of Western Europeans to Islam. C. Uniting most of Asia and Europe under a single religion D. Stopping the invasions of nomadic people from Central Asia

  14. Watch Out! Camels spit on students with theWrong Answers

  15. Congratulations! You may rest at the oasis before continuing your journey of excellence. Go on to next question

  16. Question 5 Which shows the importance the Mongols placed on improving trade contacts with other civilizations? A. the conquest of Constantinople B. the establishment of caravan routes C. the construction of large merchant fleets D. the creation of a national currency

  17. May your Yak-milk turn sour… Wrong, try again Go back to question

  18. You are correct! • The most famous Mongol trade route was The Silk Road Go on to next question

  19. Question 6 Which of these describes how paper was introduced into medieval Europe? A. Chinese introduced it to Arabs, who passed it to Egyptians B. Swedes bought it from Russians, who learned about it from Indians C. Turks learned to make it and sold the process toEuropeans D. The Arabs learned about paper making from the Japanese and taught Europeans.

  20. Wrong Again Serf! Hint: Think of the early trading routes Where did that come from?

  21. You are correct! Chinese introduced paper to Arabs, who then introduced it into Medieval Europe. Go on to next question

  22. Question 7 Beginning with childhood, all of man’s study is centered on one aim alone: to emerge successfully from the three days’ examinations, and all he has in mind is what success can bring to him in terms of power, influence, and prestige. ---Ye Shih, Chinese scholar The examinations described in the quotation above were necessary for the position as a Chinese A. soldier. B. priest. C. silk merchant. D. government official.

  23. =WRONG! Try again, young Grasshopper

  24. You are correct! A government official is the answer! Go on to next question

  25. Question 8 How did the location of cities in the West African empires of Ghana and Mali influence their growth? A. Their location in river valleys allowed for extensive farming. B. Their coastal location made the cities major ports for maritime trade. C. Their location on major trade routes allowed them to prosper economically. D. Their mountainous location made the cities easily defensible.

  26. Try Again… HINT: Think cause and effect

  27. Correct! Their location on major trade routes allowed them to prosper economically. Go on to next question

  28. Question 9 The contacts between civilizations shown in the map were Primarily made by: A. Explorers who were mapping Central Africa. B. Traders who crossed the Sahara desert into West Africa. C. Christian missionaries from the Middle East D. Barbarians migrating from North Africa

  29. The Sands of Time say……NO!

  30. You are correct! Traders who crossed the Sahara desert into West Africa made contact between civilizations. Go on to next question

  31. Question 10 China’s influence on Medieval Japan is illustrated by Japan’s development of A. a writing system B. the samurai tradition C. haiku poetry D. a civil service exam

  32. Fortune Cookie says…You Are Wrong!Try again Hint: Think language

  33. You are correct! China’s influence on Medieval Japan is illustrated by Japan’s development of a writing system. Go on to next question

  34. Question 11 Endurance, cunning, physical strength, and courage were the ideal characteristics of… A. Confucian officials B. Buddhist priests. C. Japanese samurai. D. Hindu governors.

  35. You Are Wrong……and have dishonored yourself! Try again young warrior. Hint: Think about who would need the traits of strength and courage.

  36. You are correct!Your honor has been reinstated. Endurance, cunning and physical strengths were characteristics of Japanese Samurai warriors! Go on to next question

  37. Question 12 In medieval Europe, law and order were maintained by the A. legions. B. merchants. C. nobility. D. serfs

  38. What time zone are you from?You Are Wrong!

  39. You are correct! The nobility maintained law and order. Go on to next question

  40. Question 13 During medieval times, which of these groups was legally tied to the land? A. serfs B. knights C. parish priests D. minor nobility

  41. WRONG

  42. You are correct! King Nobility Knights Merchants Serfs Go on to next question Serfs were legally tied to the land.

  43. Question 14 During the medieval period in Europe, the political power of the kings and great nobles was often constrained by the actions of….. A. elected parliaments B. high church officials C. the growing middle class D. Organized groups of serfs

  44. You Are Wrong!

  45. You are correct! Church officials often constrained the political power of the kings and nobles. Go on to next question

  46. Question 15 Use the timeline to complete the following statement The timeline shows events related to the… A. conflict between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. B. Catholic Church’s expansion of influence in government. C. evolution towards constitutional government in England. D. Establishment of an absolute monarchy in France.

  47. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are WRONG!

  48. You are correct! This time period represents the evolution towards England’s constitutional government. Go on to next question

  49. Question 16 How did the Crusades affect the economies of Central and Western Europe? A. Gold and silver brought back by crusaders caused monetary inflation. B. The Crusades led to a decline in the production of crafts and food crops C. Cloth and spices brought back by crusaders led to greater interest in trade. D. The Crusades limited access to luxury good from China and India.

  50. No, no, no, and no…

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