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7 th Grade CBA Review

7 th Grade CBA Review. Choose the correct noun/adjective form :. Hic servus est _______. A. Ignavi B. Ignava C. Ignavus D. ignavum. Choose the correct pronoun form:. ______ ad arenam venio. A. ego B. nos C. vos D. me. Choose the correct adjective form :.

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7 th Grade CBA Review

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  1. 7th Grade CBA Review

  2. Choose the correct noun/adjective form: Hic servus est _______. A. Ignavi B. Ignava C. Ignavus D. ignavum

  3. Choose the correct pronoun form: ______ ad arenam venio. A. ego B. nos C. vos D. me

  4. Choose the correct adjective form: The father is very lazy. A. ignavus B. ignava C. ignavissimum D. ignavissimus

  5. Choose the correct noun form: coquus __________ paravit. A. cibo B. cibus C. cibum D. cibi

  6. Choose the correct verb form: pueri cenam ______. • A. postulavisti • B. postulavit • C. postulavimus • D. postulaverunt

  7. Choose the correct noun form: nuntius __________ nuntiavit. • A. spectaculi • B. spectaculum • C. spectaculo • D. spectaculis

  8. Choose the correct verb form: • Amici nos _________. a. salutaverunt b. salutavimus c. salutavit d. salutavi

  9. Choose the correct pronoun form: • ______ bestias in arenā agitas. • tu • te • ego • me

  10. Identify the Person, number of eram. A. 1st Sing. B. 1st Plural C. 2nd Sing. D. 2nd Plural E. 3rd Sing. F. 3rd Plural

  11. WHAT CONJUGATION??? • Amo, amare, amavi: • A. 1st • B. 2nd • C. 3rd • D. 4th

  12. Choose the correct verb form: vos bestias in arena ________. • spectas • spectat • spectant • spectatis

  13. Choose the correct noun form: __________ vir spectavit. • leones • leone • leo • leonibus

  14. Choose the correct adjective form: femina erat __________. • notissimum • notissimos • notissimi • notissima

  15. Identify the correct subject for the following sentence: ________ in forum festinaverunt. • A. Ego • B. Tu • C. Ancilla • D. Servus et ancilla

  16. Choose the correct noun form: • Ferox _______ cibum postulavit. • Puerum • Pueros • Pueri • puer

  17. WHAT CONJUGATION??? • Habeo, habēre, habui: • A. 1st • B. 2nd • C. 3rd • D. 4th

  18. Choose the correct verb form: • Te nos ___________. • Amavi • Amavimus • Amavit • Amavis

  19. Culture • This is the term for a professional gladiator trainer: • A. Murmillo • B. Ludi • C. Retia • D. Lanista

  20. WHAT CONJUGATION??? • audio, audire, audivi: • A. 1st • B. 2nd • C. 3rd • D. 4th

  21. Identify the case and number of the underlined word and tell why it is in that case: Ego in foro ambulabam. A. Nominative, Subject B. Predicate Nominative C. Accusative, Direct Object D. Accusative, Object of the Preposition E. Ablative, Object of the Preposition

  22. Choose the correct adjective form: • Postquam canes consumpserunt, erant ______. • Laetissimos • Laetissimi • Laetissimus • laetissimum

  23. Choose the correct verb form: • Ego gladium ________. • Tenuisti • Tenuistis • Tenui • tenuimus

  24. WHAT CONJUGATION??? • Duco, ducere, duxi: • A. 1st • B. 2nd • C. 3rd • D. 4th

  25. Provide a correct subject for the following sentence: ________ eramuslaeti. • A. Ego • B. tu. • C. Ancilla • D. Ego et ancilla

  26. Choose the correct noun form: • Accusative plural of sword: • Gladius • Gladiam • Gladios • gladium

  27. Choose the correct verb form: • I demanded: • Postulavit • Postulo • Postulabas • postulavi

  28. WHAT CONJUGATION??? • Conspicio, conspicere, conspexi: • A. 1st • B. 2nd • C. 3rd • D. 4th

  29. Choose the correct noun form: • Ex ___________ currimus. • Amphitheatrum • Amphitheatro • Amphitheatri • Amphitheatros

  30. Choose the correct Adjective: • Grumio is the happiestcook. • laeta • laetissima • laetissimus • laeto

  31. Choose the correct pronoun form: • Gladiatores prope________ pugnaverunt. • Nobis • Vobis • Nos • ego

  32. Culture _____ forbade gladiatorial shows for ten years. A. Regulus B. The Senate C. Augustus D. Lanista

  33. Choose the Correct Verb Form: • To love: • A. amare • B. amatis • C. ridere • D. ridetis

  34. Identify the person, number of ambulabatis. A. 1st Sing. B. 1st Plural C. 2nd Sing. D. 2nd Plural E. 3rd Sing. F. 3rd Plural

  35. Identify the case and number of the underlined word and give the reason for the case: Nosparvamvillamhabebamus. A. Nominative, Subject B. Predicate Nominative C. Accusative, Direct Object D. Accusative, Object of the Preposition E. Ablative, Object of the Preposition

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