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Barrios Edgar Four Semester. English Remedial III. Teacher : Verónica de la Paz. THE CRAZY FROG.
Barrios Edgar Four Semester English Remedial III Teacher: Verónica de la Paz
THE CRAZY FROG On a borningday , somethingamazingwasaboutftohappen , a funnychildcamianabanear a riverscarywhensuddenly a terrifiedfrogjump in front of him and said in a frightenedvoice : I'mbored and exhausted , bothswimMighttake me tothenearestriver as thisishorrifying .Thechildfascinatedtoseea frogtalk , no doubttoliftthefrog and takeittothenearestriver .Childtired and worried of notfinding a riverseemedannoyedwhensuddenlyexcitedcry "A Big River " , thelittleastonished and rantotheriverwhen he wasabouttoarrive , I noticethatitwasall a mirage, thenthedisappointedboyreturnedthearduousjourney in search of theriver.
Thechild and veryannoying , itlookedlikeitwouldgive up , butjustbeforethatsomethinginterestinghappened , a scandalous lord appeared , seeingworriedthechildwillwonderwhathappened, totellthechildwhathappened, the lord wasamazedbythestorychild and proceededtohelp .The Lord motionedthegruelingpathtothechild, thechildconcerned, I take note and continuedwithitssomewhatconfused, continuouspathwheretheyshowedbutitwas more confusingthanitimagined.Whenthesituationwasdepressing, angrychildfromwalkingfinallycametotheriver and letthefrogwanttoleavetheriverbankrealizedthatthefroghadescapedfromhispocketwhere he hadleftthechildwiththedreadfulsituationwillnotstay more than a memory of thathorrifyingday.