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Earth System Science. Mike Raupach (EOC), Damian Barrett (CPI), Ian Enting (CAR), John Finnigan (CSS), Mac Kirby (CLW), Chris Moran (HCFP), Peter Rayner (CAR). CSIRO Climate Program Meeting, Melbourne, 4-6 August 2003. Outline. Definitions and questions Earth System Science
Earth System Science Mike Raupach (EOC), Damian Barrett (CPI), Ian Enting (CAR), John Finnigan (CSS), Mac Kirby (CLW), Chris Moran (HCFP), Peter Rayner (CAR) CSIRO Climate Program Meeting, Melbourne, 4-6 August 2003
Outline • Definitions and questions Earth System Science • Sample issues and approaches: • 1: Global change and climate vulnerability • 2: Greenhouse mitigation • 3: Water benefits in Australia • 4: Resilience in socio-ecological systems • Goals and possible structures for an ESS initiative
Advanced Climate Science and Earth Observation Earth System Science Definitions of Earth System Science 1. Earth science (fluid and solid earth sciences) 2. Extended climate science (CC++) • atmosphere and ocean plus … • hydrosphere, biosphere, biogeochemistry, ecology … • Oriented to extending climate models to the next generation, and providing the observations needed to constrain them 3. The science of the integrated earth system • The interactions between the biophysical and human parts of the Earth • Draws from biophysical sciences, ecology, social sciences, economics • Uses concepts and tools of complex system science (CSS): self-organisation, hierarchy, emergence, adaptation, … 4. Sustainability Science: the science of the integrated earth system, applied to sustainable development
Questions for Earth System Science • in the style of the IGBP-GAIM "23 Hilbertian Questions" • Advanced climate science • What dynamics drove paleoclimates and glacial cycles? (Vostok record) • What are the risks of major climate vulnerabilities over the next century? • associated with thresholds, jumps in climate state, … • thermohaline circulation, soil C pools, methane, carbon-water feedbacks, … • Integrated earth system science: physical-ecological-human systems • What dynamics govern their states and transitions, and lead to properties such as emergence, self-organisation, modularity, hierarchy, phasing? • How can we understand and guide such systems? • What is the right mix of technological and institutional emphases to achieve effective guidance?
Sample ESS issues and approaches 1: Global change and climate vulnerability • IPCC, GCP, …
Global Change Atmospheric CO2 and associated warming GCP 2001 IPCC 2001
Sample ESS issues and approaches 2: Greenhouse mitigation • Raupach, M.R., Canadell, J.G., Bakker, D., Ciais, P., José Sanz, M., Fang, J.Y., Melillo, J., Romero, P., Sathaye, J., Schulze, E.-D., Smith, P. and Tschirley, J. Interactions between CO2 stabilisation pathways and requirements for a sustainable earth system. In: Toward CO2 Stabilization: Issues, Strategies, Consequences. (Eds: Field, C.B. and Raupach, M.R.). Island Press.
CO2 stabilisation pathways and direct human-induced emissions • Direct-human-induced CO2 emissions • Case 1 = "Business as usual" (IS92A) • Case 2 = Case 1 with major CO2 sequestration and disposal • Case 3 = Case 2 with major energy conservation and use of non-fossil-fuel energy "Business as usual" (IS92A) Add major sequestration and disposal Also add major conservation and non-fossil-fuel energy
Climate, economic, environmental and socio-cultural impacts associated with mitigation strategies
Trajectories of the coupled carbon-climate-human system as emergent properties • uk = uptake proportion of mitigation technology k (as fraction of technical potential) • Consider a total utility of mitigation (U), including benefits and costs in the areas of climate, economics, society-culture, and environment: • Maximise U subject to constraints (supply = demand for energy, food, land, water) • Uptake proportions become control variables in a constrained optimisation problem • wClim, wEcon, wSoc, wEnv are weights expressing "societal choices" [economic, environmental, socio-cultural and policy priorities emerging from societal institutions and structures]. These are key "levers" influencing future trajectories of the carbon-climate-human system. Climate utility Economic utility Socio-cultural utility Environmental utility
Sample ESS issues and approaches 3: Water benefits in Australia • Chris Moran, Mac Kirby and Healthy Country Team
A framework for water benefits accountingChris Moran, Healthy Country (adapted by MRR) Management decisions External drivers (climate, terms of trade) EXTERNALITIES DECISION CYCLE Institutional frameworks Changes in water use Water benefits accounting WATER USE AND BENEFIT CYCLE Changes in water benefits Changes in water quantity, quality Changes in water amenity (material budgets …)
Sample ESS issues and approaches 4: Resilience, adaptive capacity and transformative capacity in socio-ecologiocal systems • Brian Walker and colleagues (overheads selected from a seminar on "Sustainable Development: Managing for resilience in socio-ecological systems" by Brian Walker, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Thursday 31 July 2003)
Climate The Market
Building resilience, adaptive capacity and transformative capacity in social-ecological systems: a participatory approach Resilience analysis in social-ecological systems (Walker et al, 2002. Resilience management in social-ecological systems: A working hypothesis for a participatory approach. Conservation Ecology 6(1))
Outline • Definitions and questions Earth System Science • Sample issues and approaches: • 1: Global change and climate vulnerability • 2: Greenhouse mitigation • 3: Water benefits in Australia • 4: Resilience in socio-ecological systems • Goals and possible structures for an ESS initiative
Earth System Science in CSIRO: who is involved • Climate science is part of Earth System Science, not the other way round • Several groups in CSIRO are working on issues or tools relevant to Earth System Science • Increasingly they recognise a common conceptual framework • Task is to locate this intersection and utilise the energy there Climate Energy Transformed CSS, SEI HealthyCountry
Three Big Goals for Earth System Science A. Advanced Climate Science Development: • extend the Australian climate model to include hydrosphere, biosphere, biogeochemistry, ecology …; • use novel observation and model-data synthesis methods to parameterise the resulting model system; • use this system to study climate impacts, risks and vulnerabilities in the Australian region B. Earth System Model Development: Develop Australian earth system models to explore integrated earth system science questions for the Australian environment C. Earth System Concept Development: Introduce scientific awareness of the connectedness of the earth system into the Australian popular and political consciousness, and have it inform national identity and decision-making
Models for an Earth System Science initiative • Model 1: Structured conversations • Working Group (like the BWG) to provide a forum for conversations • Problems: lack of resource, commitment • Model 2: Institution • A full ESS structure, say an ESS Emerging Science Area • Problems: significant overlap with CSS and SEI; proliferation of structures • Model 3: Focus on initiatives • A: ESS contributions to Advanced Climate Science • B: Australian ESS Model Stream (in Complex System Science?) • C: ESS Thinktank • Series of ~5 day workshops (several over 3 years) • Participants to be wider than CSIRO • Product: a concept-transforming book and website (living book)
Advanced climate science • Hydro, bio, BGC, ecol, … • Model-data synthesis • Implications for climate risks and vulnerabilities • … Oz ESS Models • Shell • Dynamics • Agent-based • … Oz ESS Thinktank • Ideas … Fitting into the programmatic world • CSIRO Climate • Impacts and Adaptation • Mitigation • Climate Modelling • Earth Observation • Healthy Country • Complex System Science • Socio-Economic Integration • External Partners