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Results of the Allen ISD SHAC Survey. Bethany Boyd, RPh , PhD May 28 th , 2013. SHAC Requirements by law.
Results of the Allen ISD SHAC Survey Bethany Boyd, RPh, PhD May 28th, 2013
SHAC Requirements by law • The board of trustees of each school district shall establish a local school health advisory council to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction. • The board of trustees shall appoint members to the local school health advisory council. A majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. The board of trustees also may appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups or a representative from a group other than a group specified under this subsection: (1) public school teachers (2) public school administrators (3) district students (4) health care professionals (5) the business community (6) law enforcement (7) senior citizens (8) the clergy (9) nonprofit health organizations • The SHAC must meet at least 4 times per year.
Effective SHACs can be instrumental in improving student health and creating healthy schools by: • Helping schools meet community involvement mandates and community expectations • Providing a way for community members to work together with school personnel to accomplish district goals • Utilizing community resources and assets • Influencing people within a community to be a credible, collective voice for healthy children and youth • Providing a forum for sharing youth health information, resources, perspectives, and a range of advice • Fostering member’s personal satisfaction and understanding of their role in strengthening their community by supporting CSH • Fostering cooperation by building trust and consensus among grassroots organizations, community segments, and diverse citizens.
SHAC Survey • Purpose: To determine future direction of Allen ISD and SHAC • 10 question survey was distributed through Survey Monkey to SHAC members—54 on distribution list • 17 respondents (31%) • 3 did not respond beyond Question 2
What are 2-3 goals the Allen SHAC should focus on in 2013-14? (n=17) • Healthy food and nutrition (8/17) • Providing healthy options in cafeteria and snacks (including those sold after school) • Learning how and why to eat more healthfully • Exercise (7/17) • Staff wellness (5/17) • Improve image and purpose of the SHAC to district and community • Teaching , learning, and practicing healthy behaviors • Sun safety • Promotion of proper sleep habits • Proper backpack use • Bed bugs
What do you like about serving on the SHAC? • Serving the community in a positive way • Making a difference in the health and wellness of Allen ISD student, faculty, and staff • Working with a team of like-minded people • The potential to affect public policy that could influence the future health of society • I like having a venue to have a voice about school health care. • The opportunity to improve the health and wellness of our children
What do you dislike about serving on the SHAC? • Not all members attend - it seems to be the same 5-8 people each meeting. There is not equal representation of each campus. • It seems as if the committee does not DO anything but meet. • In reality, the committee does not improve the health and wellness of our children, nor meet the minimal requirements of the committee. This is due to infrequent meetings, low attendance, and undefined goals and objectives (3/14). • Meeting time is bad (6/14)
What suggestions would you make to get more parent and community involvement? • More parents and community members would be involved if they felt they were making a contribution and really helping improve school wellness. In addition, I recommend appointing a parent or community volunteer to serve as the chair for the committee rather than a district employee. • More education information regarding SHAC. Maybe recruit 1 parent from each campus that will attend regularly • DO SOMETHING! Create and implement initiatives that are meaningful and can be carried out at each campus
What improvements would you like to see in the Allen SHAC regarding meetings? • 1. Meet more frequently 2. For subcommittees to get work done 3. Allow parent/community input and involvement 4. Do more than only the minimum required by law. 5. Have the SHAC develop goals and objectives for the year and then really work toward completing them. 6. Develop a community/parent survey asking what they think of health and wellness in our schools and areas they think need improving. • change meeting time--find out what times work best for most; have a parent leader that is elected by the members, ask for agenda ideas, find out what the membership wants • Maybe form committees within this group to work on special aspects or programs
What improvements would you like to see in the Allen SHAC regarding sponsored activities? • It would be great if Allen SHAC sponsored district-wide wellness events for students as well as school staff. • I think the mission and goals have to be clarified to everyone and then plan activities based on the needs seen in the district and community. • Have at least 1-2 activities per year • Not sure (7/14)
Should the Allen SHAC have an elected Executive committee (ex. consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary)?
Should employees of Allen ISD serve as Executive Committee members?