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NSE Assessment Day

NSE Assessment Day. May 8 th 2015. Assessment Day 2015 Agenda. Introductions Assessment Overview Review General Education Outcomes. Overview of past assessment work. What did we learn from the work this year? Data from Fall 2014

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NSE Assessment Day

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  1. NSE Assessment Day May 8th 2015

  2. Assessment Day 2015Agenda • Introductions • Assessment Overview • Review General Education Outcomes. • Overview of past assessment work. • What did we learn from the work this year? • Data from Fall 2014 • SFI Curricular feedback (related to General Education Outcomes) • Samples • Next steps for assessment year 2015-2016?

  3. Begin with the End in Mind What do the results of our assessment suggest about student preparation in our program? What are the strengths of our students as shown through our program assessment? What areas need to be strengthened? What next steps are suggested regarding our program from the assessment process and outcomes?

  4. Assessment Cycle

  5. General Education Outcomes

  6. NSE Course Outline Builder

  7. History Lesson • Fall 2013 • Partner with Speech to assess interpersonal and oral • IMPACCT Survey • Rubric Development • Spring 2014 Assessment Day • My Education Plan Step 2 Action Plan (Critical Thinking) • Final Story Project (Oral & Interpersonal Communications)

  8. Fall 2014 Final Story Project – Oral Communication Skills Total % Developed / Exceptional for Oral Communication 78% Total Students* n=1721 *30% of the total enrolled students’ scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  9. Fall 2014 Final Story Project –Interpersonal Communication Skills Total % Developed / Exceptional for Interpersonal Communication 87% Total Students* n=1721 *30% of the total enrolled students’ scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  10. Fall 2014 Academic Assignment for MEP Total % Competent / Proficient for Critical Thinking 85% Total Students* 2127 *37% of the total enrolled students’ scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  11. Spring 2015 Final Story Project – Oral Communication Skills Total %Developed/ Exceptional for Critical Thinking 70% Total students*(n=905) *35% of the total enrolled students' scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  12. Spring 2015 Final Story Project – Interpersonal Communication Total % Developed/ Exceptional for Interpersonal Communication 78% Total students*(n=905) *35% of the total enrolled students' scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  13. Spring 2015 Academic Assignment for MEP Total % Competent / Proficient for Critical Thinking 82% Total Students* 729 *28% of the total enrolled students’ scores were available in the Blackboard rubric

  14. NSE Curricular Feedback Fall 2014In Relation to General Education Outcomes

  15. NSE Curricular Feedback Fall 2014In Relation to General Education Outcomes

  16. Review Past Term Assessment • Review of video montage of Final Story presentations (Oral and Interpersonal Communication Skills) • What was going well in the videos? • What was not? • Review of MEP “Step 2 – Action Plan” samples (Critical Thinking) • Did students address all needed components?

  17. Group Discussion • What do the results of our assessment suggest about student preparation in our program? • What are the strengths of our students as shown through our program assessment? What areas need to be strengthened? • From our analysis of the data presented today, our students are well prepared to _____________. • From our analysis of the data presented today, our students are not prepared to _____________. • What next steps are suggested regarding our program from the assessment process and outcomes?

  18. 2015-2016 Assessment Year • What should be our focus to guide our work for this upcoming assessment year? • Pre-Assessment Day survey indicated 67% of faculty want to focus on Critical Thinking for 2015-2016 Academic Year • Based on today’s discussion…. • Poll Everywhere

  19. Assessment Cycle

  20. Action Plan/Next Steps • Emerging Action Items • Work Teams/Leaders • Timeline • Implementation Date

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