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Analyze the causes of the English Reformation

Objectives for the English Reformation. Analyze the causes of the English Reformation Analyze the differences between the English Reformation and other Reformations Judge Henry VIII and his motives and decisions during the English Reformation. The Last Reformation To Learn.

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Analyze the causes of the English Reformation

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  1. Objectives for the English Reformation • Analyze the causes of the English Reformation • Analyze the differences between the English Reformation and other Reformations • Judge Henry VIII and his motives and decisions during the English Reformation

  2. The Last Reformation To Learn • F+I = 1470-1500 • ML = 1520-1550 • JC = 1540-1560 • H-8 = 1530-???

  3. The Story begins w/the War of the Roses • 1455-1485 • major aristocratic feud for the English Crown • Civil War • Between two families that trace themselves to Edward III • House of Lancaster (Red) vs House of York (White)

  4. Culmination in 1485... Battle of Bosworth Field • Richard III (York) vs Henry Tudor • Richard falls off his horse • Screams “A Horse! A Horse! My Kingdom for a Horse!” • Richard killed and Henry wins • House of Lancaster (Red) wins • Henry becomes Henry VII

  5. 2. Henry VII • Rules from 1485 – 1509 • Brings stability…how? • Who else did this? • In 1492, Spain is the strongest country • England wants alliance with strongest country • How do you make it? • Marrying children

  6. The Marriage • 1501 – Marriage of  Arthur and Catherine of Aragon • Arthur is 1st son of Henry VII • Henry VIII is the 2nd son!!! • Catherine is the youngest daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

  7. 1502 - Arthur Dies • Arthur dies shortly after the marriage • Catherine later says the marriage was never consummated  • The idea now is to just have  Henry VIII marry his dead brother’s wife • Problems with that? • Considered unclean for man to take brother’s wife • AKA Incest • Arthur’s marriage w/Catherine has to go through dispensation • AKA dissolved

  8. Henry and Catherine • Henry VIII set to marry  Catherine a year after Arthur dies (1503) • Henry = 11 Catherine = 17 • By 1505, Henry says marriage arranged without his consent • Henry has a major fear… • 1509 – Henry VII dies • Henry VIII crowned King • Now compliant with the marriage to Catherine • Marriage quickly follows

  9. 3. Henry VIII • 1491-1547 • Athletic as a youth • Talented in arts and sports • Becomes obese until death (54 inch waist) • Capable King…but remembered for the Reformation

  10. 4. Before Henry’s Reformation… • Lutheranism is spreading to England • Henry VIII publically denounced Luther and Protestantism • Called “Defender of the Faith” • Who gave him this title?

  11. 5. Cause of the Reformation • What do men with power worry about? • Stability of England = Male heir to succeed him • English Church will be “reformed” because of a divorce (PERSIAGM?) • Why did ML and JC split off of the Catholic Church? • 1527 = Turning Point

  12. Wife 1: Catherine of Aragon • In 1527, she has been the wife of Henry for 18 years • 41 years old • One surviving child, Mary Tudor • “ “ Mary • Miscarriages, stillbirths, infant deaths • Getting older and unfit for pregnancy

  13. Henry is in love • Anne Boleyn…lady in waiting • Part of Royal Court • “Beautiful” • Charming, charismatic, witty, good fashion sense • Played “hard to get” to Henry

  14. 6. Henry VIII’s “Reformation” • Goal = Male Heir!!! • Had 3 options • Best option is to make Anne Boleyn his new wife • Feels Catherine of Aragon is not his legit wife  anyway (?) • 1527, asks Pope for annulment from Catherine of Aragon (Leviticus)

  15. Pope Clement VII rejects Henry • Has granted annulments before • Delays Henry’s case for years • HAS A REASON for delay • HR Emperor Charles V is nephew of Catherine of Aragon • Pope is “Prisoner” to Charles Vfrom war w/HRE • Scared of Charles V more than Henry VIII

  16. b+c. Henry Fires Back • Throws out Cardinal in England • 1533… • marries Anne Boleyn (wife #2) • gets Thomas Cranmer to “divorce” him from Catherine of Aragon • 1534, complete split from Catholic Church made by Parliament…how? • A series of LAWS made • Cut Pol, Econ & Rel connections w/Catholic Church • Gave control of England’s religion to Henry and not Pope • Religious Independence!! 

  17. c. Henry VIII wins • Act of Supremacy of 1534 = Henry is “only supreme head on Earth of the Church of England” • H8 now head of Gov & Church…more on this next • Takes over 400 religious houses…makes $$$ • Anglican Church created • AKA “Church of England” • Blend of Protestant and Catholic ideas (buffet table)

  18. 6+7. Church of England • Think eclipse model…how does it look? • How does it compare to ML’s and JC’s “Reformations?” • Think Pyramid • Henry’s 2 sidekicks • Thomas Cranmer • Protestant  • Thomas Cromwell • Bad Match maker 

  19. 6d. Death of a Northern Humanist • Sir Thomas More • Executed by Henry VIII (?) • Victim of the Treason Act of 1534

  20. Wife 2: Anne Boleyn • Daughter = Elizabeth  • Temper and not obedient • Political involvement =  • Her family favored France • Many enemies in the Royal Court!! • Catherine of Aragon dies • A few miscarriages • One (boy) when Henry almost died in jousting accident •  will be the end for her

  21. Anne Boleyn’s End • Accused of adultery, incest, and treason • Brother George executed also • Unfair Trial • Flimsy evidence • Stripped of title • Elizabeth “illegitimate” • Cool Story • Beheaded 1536

  22. Wife 3: Jane Seymour • Lady in waiting under Wife 1 & 2 • 5th cousin • Married 11 days after Anne Boleyn execution • Unlike Anne Boleyn… stiff, strict and formal • Loved most by Henry

  23. Never  Happens • Jane gives birth to future King Edward VI • Dies after childbirth •  Henry doesn’t marry for 2 years • Henry burriednext to Jane when he dies 

  24. Henry's Three Kids • More on them later Edward VI Protestant Mary I Catholic Elizabeth I Protestant

  25. Wife 4: Anne of Cleves • Political/Religious marriage with HRE • Portrait was flattering • Henry walks in on her • Bad first meeting…she disses him • “Ugly” Queen and not sophisticated enough • Married January 1540…divorced in July • Thomas Cromwell pays the price!

  26. Wife 5: Catherine Howard • Married right after Anne of Cleves • 50-18 • Beautiful and flighty • Intimate relationships before Henry • Repulsed by Fat Henry • Possible affair with Royal Court Member • Executed for treason in 1542

  27. Wife 6: Catherine Parr • Married 4 times in her life • Married Henry (#3) in 1543 • Made peace between Henry VIII and his 3 kids • New Act of Succession created • Married old love Thomas Seymour (#4) in 1547 • Husband Seymour had affair with Elizabeth I?? • Dies in 1548 after childbirth (mid-30’s)

  28. 1547… Henry Dies • Has 3 (now) Legitimate Children • Has he succeeded in his original plan? • 6 wives Tip

  29. 9. Edward VI • 1537-1553 (1547-1553) • “Sickly” son of Jane Seymour • Never “ruled” England • Council of Regency ruled with him until he would turn 18 • Made Anglican Church more Protestant (1st time) • Thomas Cranmer and Book of Common Prayer in 1549 • PERSM turmoil in his reign • Did not want Mary to rule (?) • Arranged for cousin Lady Jane Grey to succeed him (9 days)

  30. 10. Queen Mary I Bloody Mary • AKA… • 1516-1558 (1553-1558) • Wants England Catholic • Revived Heresy laws • Burned 300 Protestants • Burned important religious advisor to dad and bro… • Thomas Cranmer • Religiously, England becomes more… • Protestant!!

  31. Mary and Phillip II • Catholic alliance of what countries? • England hates the marriage • Mary wants a child with Phillip badly…why? • prevent Elizabeth from taking crown…

  32. Eeeew!!!!!

  33. Mary and Elizabeth • Mary imprisonsElizabeth after Mary becomes Queen why? • England favored Protestant Liz • Rumors of Liz in plots to kill Mary • Liz in Tower of London and then countryside for 1 year • England supports Liz through her turmoil

  34. 11. Queen Elizabeth I • 1533-1603 (1558-1603) • 44-year reign • “Virgin Queen” • Mom = Anne Boleyn • Good politician (like?) • Religious Policy? • Compromise between Protestants & Catholics… • Moderate • Survives murder plots

  35. What if… • Catherine of Aragon had a healthy son? • EVERYTHING in history that followed might have been different • The USA might be a Catholic country today

  36. The end of the Tudors • Elizabeth dies in 1603 • The Last Tudor • Henry’s fears?? • Come true • Another Civil War will happen

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