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MiTTs in Civil Affairs Operations

What is a MiTTISF CapabilitiesCA Team/MiTT Partnership. Agenda. What is a MiTT?. Military Transition Team10

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MiTTs in Civil Affairs Operations

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    1. MiTTs in Civil Affairs Operations LTC Guy Edmondson 2d Brigade, 2d IA Division Transition Team Chief

    3. What is a MiTT? Military Transition Team 10 � 11 Men Covers all Battlefield Operating Systems Works, lives and fights with Iraqi Army Also PiTTs, NPTs and BiTTs Attached to local Coalition BCT

    4. ISF Capibilities 11 Divisions nationwide 1 Armor Division 4 � 6 Brigades per division Know the local neighborhoods Know the local civic/tribal leadership Can provide security and local introductions

    5. CA/MiTT Partnership MiTT can connect CA Team into the local ISF community for advice/assistance MiTT can coordinate operations with local ISF CA can provide resources to help make the ISF Together, the partnership sets the conditions for successful transition of ISF

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