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Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488. Předmět. Clauses of purpose. Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová. THE SAME SUBJECT (in order ) to infinitive (= za účelem, aby) I came (in order ) to apologize to you . You should write it down not to forget it .
Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 Předmět Clausesofpurpose Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová
THE SAME SUBJECT (in order) to infinitive (= za účelem, aby) I came (in order) to apologize to you. Youshouldwriteitdown not to forgetit. I´llbringthephotos in order to show them to you. Whydon´tyoutake a taxi in order not to belate? so as to infinitive (= tak, aby) - if not onlythepurpose but alsotheresultisimportant Shestood up so as to seebetter. He drewthe map so as not to getlost.
DIFFERENT SUBJECTS a) so thatclause + may, can, will, shall+ infinitive might, could, would, should+ inf. I speakaloud so thatyoucanhearwell. I spokealoud so thatyoucouldhearwell. His parentsgavehim a lot ofmoney so that he shouldspendthem on books. Shechanged her hairstyle so that he might not recognize her. b) for + objective case + to infinitive I speakaloudforyou to hearwell. He broughtsomechairsforus to sitdown.
c) in case + present tense/past tense (= aby ne / pro případ, že) in case + should (= aby snad ne) Take a map in case yougetlost. She´ll call her parents in case theyare worriedabout her. I left her a message in case sheshouldthinkI´dforgotten. Wewon´task her aboutit in case weshouldannoy her.
Replyusingthepurposeclause: Example: Whydidsheaskthepoliceman? Shewanted to findthat house. Sheaskedthepoliceman (in order) to findthat house. • Whydidtheyhideit? Theydidn´twant to show it to me. • Whydid he come early? He didn´twant to miss it. • Whydidyoucome? Are yougoing to inviteme to yourbirthday party? • Whydidthey go by car? Theywanted to bethere in time. • Whyis he goingthere? He wants to talk to her face to face. • Whydidyouwriteitdown? Youdon´twant to forgetit. • Why are youpreparing lunch? Are youhungry? • Whyisshestudying so hard? Shedoesn´twant to failtheexam.
Joinintoone sentence usingpurposeclauses: Example: Speak up. I want to understandyou. Speak up so that I canunderstandyou. • He savedmoney. Theywanted to buy a house. • Open thewindow. Wewantsomefresh air. • I willleaveithere. Youcanhave a lookatit. • I camenearer. He wanted to seemebetter. • I amtellingit to you. Youshouldknowit. • He broughtitback. I wanted to seeit. • I willsendhim a message. He shouldknowabout my arrival. • Shehidtheknife. Thechildrenmight hurt themselves. • Sheneeds visa. Theywant to travelabroad.
Joinintoone sentence usingpurposeclauses: • Wedresswarmly. Wedon´twant to catch a cold. • Shebrought her daughter to thedoctor. Shewantedhim to examine her. • He broughttheball. He wanted his son to play withit. • Wewent to London. Wewanted to seehistoricalsights. • I camehere. I wanted to askyousomething. • He helped Jane. He wanted her to finish her worksooner. • Theteacherexplaineditonce more. Shedidn´twantthestudents to make mistakes. • I learnevenat night. I want to passtheexam. • Theystood up. Theywanted to seebetter.
Translate: • Snažil se opravit to auto, abychom mohli pokračovat v cestě. • Měl by ses otužovat, abys nebyl nemocný. • Připravil si zajímavou prezentaci, abychom se dozvěděli spoustu informací o tom tématu. • Utři si čelní sklo (na autě), abys dobře viděl. • Dám vám své telef. číslo pro případ, že byste něco potřebovali. • Rezervuj nám prosím místa, abychom nemuseli stát. • Vykáceli spoustu stromů, aby postavili novou dálnici. • Vezmi si s sebou raději platební kartu pro případ, že by ti došli peníze. • Obleč si svetr, aby ses nenachladil. • Schovala ty peníze do mrazáku, aby je zloději nenašli/pro případ, že by je zloději hledali. • Půjčili nám peníze, abychom si mohli koupit zpáteční jízdenku. • Musíš si pohnout, abys ho dohnal.
Použité zdroje • TRYML, Sergej. Moderní učebnice anglické gramatiky pro středně pokročilé a pokročilé. Praha: EKOPRESS, 1999. ISBN ISBN 80-86119-18-1. • CHUDÝ, Tomáš a CHUDÁ, Jana. PractiseYourEnglishGrammar. Havlíčkův Brod: FRAGMENT, 1993. ISBN ISBN 80-901070-7-9. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora.