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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT-. VOCABULARY PRESENTATION FOR ENG 205 COURSE WEEK 2&3. UNIT 1 COMPUTER USERS. How do you use computers ?. How do you think these professions might use computers ?. Architect. To design structures.
Architect Todesignstructures
Interiordesigner Todemonstratealternativedesignstoclients
Farmer Tokeepfinancialaccounts
Landscapegardener Toexpreimentwithdifferentdesigns
Musician Tocomposemusicandplay it back
Rallydrivers Todecidetheirbestroute
Salespeople Tokeep a database of theirclients
Predicttheuses of computersthepeopledescribe Primaryschoolteacher Openuniversitystudent Louise( 6 agedgirl) Artist
ListeningVocabulary • Get in theway of sth(v. phr): to prevent something from happening We had almost reached an agreement, but some unimportant details got in the way.
Gointo(phr.v): Todiscussorinvestigate The book goes into classical mythology. • Scan(v): To look over quickly andsystematically He scannedthenewspaperwhileeatingbreakfast. • Accompany(v): Toaddto; supplement Westernersthinkthatthemeat is bestaccompaniedwith a glass of wine.
Answers of thequestions-listening 4 • Themorechildreninvolved, themoreinteractivethe program becomes • Thecomputerdoesn’tget in theway of learning, it’ssimply a tool • Maths
Facetoface at tutorials, throughhelpgroup online • Adopt a pet, name it, feed it, takeitspicture • Makescardsfor her friends • Usingslides • Gettingpeopletovisityour site
VOCABULARY • Flow of information(n.phr): exchange of informationbetweentwoparties • homeappliances (n. phrase): Home appliances are electrical/mechanical machines which accomplish some household functions, such as cooking or cleaning • handhelddevices (adj.phrase):a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touchinput and/or a miniature keyboard.
inventory(n.): a detailed list, report, or record of all the items in stock • A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736. • humansupervision (n. phr.): management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group • Somemachines can only be operated Underhumansupervision.
previously (adv.):at an earlier time or formerly E.g.: She had previously lived in Chicago. • built-in computers (adj. phr.): integrated; constructed as part of a larger unit; not detachable E.g.: a built-in cabinet • enhance: make better or more attractive; increase, improve E.g.: Computer software enhanced with cutting-edge functionalities
pinpoint (v):to locate or identify exactly E.g:Theyaretryingtopinpoint Chicago on the map. • (in)compatible (adj.): (not) easy to combine harmoniously E.g.: Somemultimediaprogramsareincompatiblewith Windows 7, sowecannotinstallthem. • sophisticated (adj.): highly-developed, elaborate, complicated Inthesedayswehavehighlysophisticatedcomputersystems.
proliferate (v): To increase or spread rapidly E.g.: Computers are proliferating in many areas; thus, they make our lives easier. • vast (adj.):unusually great in size or amount or degree ; huge E.g.: He inherited a vast fortune • endure (v): to last or continue to exist, be usable E.g.:I wonder how much my new iPhone will endure.
informationsuperhighway (n. phr.):an extensive electronic network (such as the internet) used for the rapid transfer of sound and video and graphics in digital form Ex.: Thankstoinfomationsuperhighway, peopleallovertheworld can havefreeaccesstoallresources. • impact (n.):effect E.g.: Technology has a vastimpact on ourlives.
telecommute (v.):to work from home by using a computer terminal that is linked to one's place of employment He doesn’thavetogetstressed in thetrafficwhilecommutingtowork, he “telecommutes”, that is, he worksfromhome on thecomputer. • ultimately (adv.):in theend; eventually. Ultimately, of course, he'd like to have his own business but that won't be for some time.
Answers of thequestions-Part A 1.Medicalequipment, homeappliances, cars, toys 2.Tocollect data at customer’s site, togenerateforms, tocontrolinventory, personalorganisers 3.a)results in safer environments b)Improvesenergyefficiency c)Providesfeaturessuch as callforwarding, callmonitoring, andcallanswering.
4. Smallcards, smartphones, smartcars, smartapliances, smarthouses. 5. Tostorevitalinformationsuch as healthrecords, drivers’ licences, bank balances… 6. Multimediagreatlyenhancestheinteractionbetweentheuserandmachineand can makeinformationmoreinterestingandappealingtopeople.
7. Helpdoctorstopinpoint a patient’sillness, suggestfurthertests, andprescribeappropriatedrugs. 8. Theyhelpthemtocommunicatemoreeffectivelywithothers 9. Distancelearningandvideoconferencing 10. hardware, software andconnectivity
Part B • iv • v • i • ii • iii • F • T • T • F • F