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Colleague Guide to. Customer Service. Welcome to Team Leading. Introduction. Welcome to Team Leading. This presentation is designed to help you understand the Team Leading qualifications and their delivery
Colleague Guide to Customer Service Welcome to Team Leading
Introduction Welcome to Team Leading. This presentation is designed to help you understand the Team Leading qualifications and their delivery It is broken down into an overview of Team Leading, followed by an explanation of the full qualification There is a separate folder where all relevant documentation can be viewed in full NEXT
Objectives By the end of this presentation you will be able to; • Demonstrate an understanding of all the units in the NVQ and components in the framework • State the importance of planning and holistic assessment for timely achievement • Identify important documents in the delivery of Team Leading NEXT
Home What is Team Leading Holistic assessment and cross mapping Example Delivery Activities Unit Overviews Helpful documents
What is Team Leading Team Leading is about how we manage ourselves to effectively lead teams and develop productive working relationships The team leader will normally be at a supervisory level and be responsible for motivating their staff to meet requirements of the company NEXT
What is Team Leading The Team Leader will need to show they have limited authority to make decisions about; Resources Hold some form of team briefings Allocate and plan work for their team They will also need to be responsible for keeping records for their organisation and be aware of legislation relating to this NEXT
What is Team LeadingApprenticeships Apprenticeship • Level 2 NVQ • Employment Rights and Responsibilities • Application of Number level 1 • Communication level 2 • Level 2 technical certificate NEXT
What is Team LeadingThe NVQ Learners need to complete 6 units - 4 mandatory and 2 optional They should be able to provide product evidence to cover their performance and be committed to providing work as this qualification has more learner input They also need to provide witness statements from a person they report to and from someone who reports to them to confirm their performance NEXT
What is Team LeadingERR An ERR workbook needs to be completed for the Apprenticeship within the 1st 6 months of the programme. The workbook details knowledge that the learners job entails and acts as an index to where the information is available There is a copy in the useful documents folder NEXT
What is Team LeadingThe technical certificate There are two components: Unit 1 – Manage Yourself and Providing Direction Unit 2 – Team Leading Responsibilities Technical Certificates require learning to be completed The Certificate in Team Leading requires a learner to have completed a minimum of 30 guided learning hours prior to sitting the test Back to home page NEXT
Holistic Assessment • Team Leading is an ideal qualification to cross reference evidence through the NVQ units, Key Skills and even the ERR. Cross referencing or mapping evidence is when you track one piece of evidence through the whole portfolio • There is a mapping guide and a Product Evidence matrix in the useful documents folder • The Evidence matrix suggests Product Evidence to collect and what outcomes, behaviours and knowledge it can be referenced to NEXT
Example DeliveryPlanning It is important to plan the qualification correctly for timely achievement. The first stage is completion of the PLP, identifying the learners competency and if learning is required There is an example PLP to look at in the useful documents folder Next
Example DeliveryPlanning Learning When you identify that the learner needs learning for certain units there is a mapping guide on Ask Elle to guide you to learning for those particular units Check Ask Elle resources regularly as learning is added ongoing and the guide updated Look under the Resources, then Team Leading for the most up to date guide. The Management section is useful also Next
Example DeliveryPlanning The following slides demonstrate how, by clear planning, to achieve the example NVQ in a timely manner, using units 6 and 8 as the optional units Each visit is clearly planned and targets are set This guidance is in the useful documents folder called Example Delivery Planning Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 1 Learner and Employer Identification Induction and Initial Assessment This is where it needs clearly identifying that Witness testimonies can be gained from the learners manager. If there is a problem as the learners manager does not work in the placement it needs recording on this visit and discussing to gain the WT by telephone as an exception to normal assessment practice Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 2 Planning of Qualification Discuss learners competency, in this example the learner has stated they require learning for unit 1 and 4 Plan relevant learning for these units from the Ask Elle mapping guide Plan all learning and assessments target dates, explain that the learner needs to complete the learning before assessment can take place Continues on next slide Next
Example DeliveryPlanning • VISIT 2 Planning of Qualification continued • Discuss all Product evidence that is required and plan for the learner to gather this evidence, this can be used as a checklist for yourself and the learner • Set learning for Unit 1 • AE 0012 Learning Styles (2 hours) • Interactive learning styles questionnaire (1 hour) • AE0171 Manage your own resources (2 hours) Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 3 Learning and assessment visit Assess the learning and feedback If the learner is happy and competent change the scoring on the PLP from a 3 to a 1 for unit 1, go on to planned assessment Observation of the learner at the start of the shift, briefing their team, allocating tasks and monitoring the teams’ performance of their work. During the observation focus on the behaviours of the units, if the learner demonstrated these behaviours then the outcomes will be met Through the observation question the learner on their knowledge for the units Continues on next slide Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 3 Learning and assessment visit continued Complete a witness testimony from the learners line manager, discussing examples of how the learner demonstrates the behaviours for all competent units Set learning for Unit 4 to be completed for next visit AE0181 Health and Safety (2 hours) Guide to the HSE website ( 4 hours) Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 4 Assessment and learning Assess the learning and feedback If the learner is happy and competent change the scoring on the PLP from a 3 to a 1, confirm assessment Guided discussion on Product evidence collected. What was it used for, was it effective, how did the learner improve the teams’ performance Complete a witness testimony from a member of the learner’s team, discussing examples of how the learner effectively demonstrates the behaviours for all units Complete an interview for unit 2 with the learner in detail on how the learner has demonstrated competency and close the unit Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 5 Assessment and learning Observation towards the end of the shift of the learner evaluating the teams’ performance and feeding back. Also observation of the learner checking that the team is following health and safety procedures/ is possible completing a risk assessment Guided discussion on further product evidence collected, what was it used for, was it effective, did it improve the teams’ performance Complete an interview for units 3 and 6 with the learner in detail on how the learner has demonstrated competency and close units Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 6 Assessment Complete a witness testimony from the line manager on how the learner effectively manages health and safety Guided discussion on dealing with poor performance with specific examples. Refer to product evidence (either formal or informal records) demonstrating how the poor performance was dealt with Complete an interview for unit 8 with the learner in detail on how the learner has demonstrated competency and close unit Next
Example DeliveryPlanning VISIT 7 Assessment Complete a witness testimony from a member of the team on how the learner effectively manages health and safety Guided discussion on health and safety and managing resources, referring to product evidence of how the learner has demonstrated their competency Complete a personal statement for units 1 and 4 with the learner in detail on how the learner has demonstrated competency and close units, completing the qualification If the interviews are in depth they can be used to make up the claim to competence – if not complete a claim to competence for the whole qualification Back to home page
The NVQ Unit 1 (A1) Manage your own resources Unit 2 (B5) Provide leadership in your team Unit 3 (D1) Develop productive working relationships with colleagues Unit 4 (E5) Ensure your own actions reduce risks to Health and Safety Unit 5 (C1) Encourage innovation in your team Unit 6 (D5) Allocate and check work in your team Unit 7 (D7) Provide learning opportunities for colleagues Unit 8 (D8) Help team members address problems affecting their performance Unit 9 (D12) Participate in meetings Unit 10 (F5) Resolve customer service problems Unit 11 (F7) Support customer service improvements
Unit 1 Manage your own resources This unit focuses on how the learner ensures they have the personal resources (particularly knowledge, understanding, skills and time) to undertake their work role and how their performance is reviewed against agreed objectives. It also covers identifying activities to develop the learners knowledge, skills and understanding where gaps have been identified Next
Unit 1 - Evidence Guidance The learner needs to provide a job description. They also need to have had performance reviews with a development plan (this could be formal or informal) detailing their objectives and achievements, or notes from their manager about their expectations on their performance. They also should provide a training log/certificates of training they have had to confirm they have updated their knowledge, understanding and skills with any gaps they have identified in their review NEXT Back to the NVQ
Unit 2 Provide leadership in your team This unit focuses on how the learner provides direction to the members of their team and motivating and supporting them to achieve the objectives of the team and their personal work objectives Next
Unit 2 – Evidence Guidance The learner needs to provide notes on team meetings they have held. They also need to show how they have inducted new colleagues and issued a job description to colleagues. They need to provide evidence of how they have dealt with poor performance of colleagues in their team and encouraged new ideas within the team NEXT Back to the NVQs
Unit 3 Develop productive working relationships with colleagues This unit focuses on how the learner develops working relationships with colleagues, within their own organisation and within other organisations that are productive in terms of supporting and delivering their work and that of the overall organisation. ‘Colleagues’ are any people the learner is expected to work with, whether they are at a similar position or in other positions Next
Unit 3 – Evidence Guidance The learner needs to produce notes of informal or formal meetings they have had with their colleagues relating to agreements they have had with them and their performance in these agreements. Evidence of performance reviews the learner has completed for colleagues and any conflict they have had with colleagues is also required. They also need evidence of Job lists and rotas the learner has completed for their team and how then it was explained to colleagues. (The colleague can then provide the witness statement) Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 4 Ensure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety This unit focuses on how the learner identifies and deals with health and safety hazards and reduces the risks to health and safety at work. Fundamental to this unit is an understanding of the terms "hazard" and "risk". It is VERY IMPORTANT that they are understood before undertaking the Unit. There is an understanding section in the standards which is important that the learner reads. This has been produced as a separate document in the useful documents folder Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 4 Evidence Guidance The learner needs to produce copies of risk assessments they have completed. The risk assessment needs to identify hazards in the workplace and how the learner has dealt with them and reported them to the appropriate person. They need to show an understanding of the health and safety requirements and policies in the workplace Level 2 Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 5 Encourage innovation in your team This unit focuses on how the learner encourages and supports the identification and practical implementation of ideas. The initial ideas will primarily come from members of their team, and will focus on: new products and/or services improvements to existing products and/or services improvements to existing practices, procedures, systems, ways of working etc. within the team or those of the wider organisation or customers or suppliers. Next
Unit 5 Evidence Guidance The learner needs to provide evidence of ideas shared by their team and how these ideas have been developed and implemented. The learner also needs to provide evidence of how the idea was evaluated and how the team has learned from any mistakes. A witness statement can confirm the learners involvement in encouraging and developing ideas Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 6 Allocate and check work in your team This unit focuses on how the learner ensures that the work required of their team is effectively and fairly allocated amongst team members. It also involves checking on the progress and quality of the work of team members to ensure that the required level or standard or performance is being met Next
Unit 6 Evidence Guidance The learner needs to produce evidence of how they have briefed their team and allocated work, prioritising the tasks. The learner also needs to demonstrate that they have identified and addressed any poor performance from the team and how they have improved the performance. Evidence of team members appraisals are also required Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 7 Provide learning opportunities for colleagues This unit focuses on how the learner supports colleagues in identifying their learning needs and helping to provide opportunities to address these needs. It also looks at how the learner encourages their colleagues to take responsibility for their own learning providing an ‘environment’, for example, their team or area of responsibility, in which learning is valued For the purposes of this unit, ‘colleagues’ means those people for whom the learner has line management responsibility Next
Unit 7 Evidence Guidance The learner needs to produce evidence of learning the have completed with a team member (formal or informal). They need to show they have identified an area for learning, how the learning has been completed and evaluated. Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 8 Help team members address problems affecting their performance This unit focuses on how the learner helps members of their team address problems affecting their performance. These may be work-related problems or problems arising from their personal circumstances. This involves the learner identifying problems affecting people’s performance and discussing these in a timely way with the team members concerned to help them find a suitable solution to their problem. Sometimes they may need to refer the team member to specialist support services Next
Unit 8 Evidence Guidance The learner needs to provide evidence of a record of a team members poor performance (formal or informal) and how this poor performance has been addressed and evaluated Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 9 Participate in meetings This unit focuses on how the learner participates in meetings in an active and constructive way. It involves preparation before the meeting, perhaps researching information, consulting with others and clarifying their own objectives and opinions on the various agenda items. It also involves taking a positive stance within the meeting, presenting information and opinions clearly and concisely and acknowledging and building on the contributions of others, in order to arrive at the meeting’s objectives. After the meeting, it may be necessary to communicate decisions to other people, in line with any protocol agreed at the meeting Next
Unit 9 Evidence Guidance The learner need to provide evidence of a meeting they have organised, for example a record of any notes, an agenda and/ or minutes of the meeting. A witness statement from someone who attended the meeting will confirm how effective the meeting was Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 10 Resolve customer service problems This unit focuses on how the learner delivers customer service which involves meeting and exceeding customer expectations. However, even if their customer service overall is excellent, some customers will experience problems. Part of their job is to help to resolve those problems. Some problems are reported by customers. In other situations, the learner will spot the problem first and resolve it before their customer has even noticed that there might be a problem. For this Unit the learner needs to resolve both types of problem having looked at all the options Next
Unit 10 Evidence Guidance This is imported from the Customer Service standards. The learner needs to demonstrate they have dealt with a range of problems over a period of time and they have applied the knowledge and understanding to resolving the problems Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 11 Support customer service improvements This unit focuses on how the learner delivers customer service. The learner needs to show how they provide support for changes that their organisation has introduced. In addition, they need to present their own ideas for improvements to someone in their organisation who will be able to judge whether their idea has possibilities for change and improvement Level 2 Back to the NVQs Next
Unit 11 Evidence Guidance This is imported from the customer service standards. The learner needs to demonstrate that they have collected customer feedback linked to the change, identified and proposed a change, implemented and evaluate the change Back to the NVQs Next
Activities • There is an Activities folder for you to practice; • Developing PE • Once you have completed these activities discuss with your mentor for feedback
Helpful documents • This is a list of other documents in the useful documents folder. • NVQ Code of Practice • Framework Guide • Mapping guide • Matrix guide • Example PLP, LAAP and delivery model • ERR • Support Pack (standards) • All of these give guidance and support in the delivery of Team Leading. If you have any questions about these documents, please discuss with your mentor/ AM