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Communication and Information Society, Croatia

Communication and Information Society, Croatia. CCIS. Nikola Ro žić. Universit y of Split, Croatia. Europa, hrvatska, Split. GSSS, Dec. 2003 , San Francisco (1). Communication and Information Society, Croatia. Contents. CCIS at a glance. CCIS current activities and short term plan.

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Communication and Information Society, Croatia

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  1. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS Nikola Rožić Universityof Split, Croatia Europa, hrvatska, Split GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (1)

  2. Communication and Information Society, Croatia Contents • CCIS at a glance • CCIS current activities and short term plan • ICT Socities in Croatia • Universities and Institutes • ICT industry & operators • Meetings on ICT sponsored by the IEEE Chapter GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (2)

  3. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS at a glance • non-governmental and non-profit society • a community comprised of professionals and researchers with a common interest in advancing all communication and information technologies • CISoc particularly encourages the development of new technologies, systems and applications that promote the ”soft” approaches and solutions • CISoc provides a framework for collaboration between academy and industry GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (3)

  4. Communication and Information Society, Croatia in addition we • contribute to education and knowledge, improvement of existingacademic and professionalprograms • assure transfer of technology, promote and translate recommendations and standards in ICT • publish professional, scientific and text books, conference proceedings, promotional materials and documents in order to diseminate achievements in ICT GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (4)

  5. Communication and Information Society, Croatia in addition we (cont.) • organize events, conferences and symposiums, forums and summits, workshops and seminars, tutorials, round tables and exhibitions • host events in collaboration with other national and/or international societies • collaborate with similar national and/or international societies in all activities of mutual interest GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (5)

  6. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS curriculum • founded in 2002 • members include researchers and professionalsfrom universities, ICT industry and operatorsfrom the fourmain national centers(Split, Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek) • an Agreement between CCIS and COMSOC as Sister Societies was signed in December 2002 in Taipei GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (6)

  7. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS publishing activities (cont.) 2) Publishing of books, proceedings, promotional materials • New Communication Technologies(book, 10 chapters) • Intelligent Transport Systems (book, 12 chapters) • Quantum Mind Networks (book, 7 chapters) • Human Exposure to Elecromagnetic Fields (book, 6 chapts.) • Dictionary of Communications Technology (eng.- cro.) • (book, 10 000 words with 180 pictures) • Conference proceedings(14 volumes, >10 000 pages) GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (8)

  8. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS activities (cont.) 3) Organizing of conferences, workshops, presentations • Conference on Software, Telecommunications and • Computer NetworksSoftCOM • a number of workshops, seminars and tutorials • a number of presentations and round tables • participation in organizing events of other societies GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (9)

  9. Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS short term plans • increase the number of active members • establish regional sections and working groups for areas: • soft communication systems • soft information systems • software • services, applications and QoS • multimedia and virtual reality • electromagnetic ecology • establish a journal on software and soft communication/ information systems in collaboration with ComSoc GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (7)

  10. Communication and Information Society, Croatia Other ICT Societies in Croatia • KOREMA (Commun., Computing, Electronics, Measur. and Control) • MIPRO (+++++ • ELMAR (+++++ • Croatian Section IEEE • Croatian Chapter IEEE GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (10)

  11. Communication and Information Society, Croatia Universities and Institutes in ICT • Four universities (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek) • Several Polytechnics • ????? institutes (+++++ • Technology centers & parks (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek) GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (11)

  12. Communication and Information Society, Croatia ICT industry • Ericsson Nikola Tesla (Zagreb, Split) • Siemens (Zagreb, Split) • many small and medium size companies GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (12)

  13. Communication and Information Society, Croatia ICT operators & providers F I X E D • Croatian Telekom (Regional Centers: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek) • more operators expected in 2004 M O B I L E • HTmobile • VIPnet • more operators expected in 2004 • KabelNET C A B L E • DCM • ADRIATIC I S P • HInet • ISKON GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

  14. Communication and Information Society, Croatia SoftCOM International Conference • promote soft communication/computing concepts and • approaches in contemporary ICT • this year SoftCOMhas celebrated 10th anniversary • it is co-sponsored by ComSoc for five last years • it is sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology (Croatia) • it is co-organized in collaboration with University of Split • and Technology Center Split under the patronage of • Croatian Telekom and Ericsson NT GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (7)

  15. Communication and Information Society, Croatia SoftCOM 2003 • aboarded the cruising ship ”Ancona” on the route • Split-Venice-Ancona-Dubrovnik(Oct. 7-10) • about 300 participants • over 230 presentations • 2 Symposiums, 5 special sessions, 12 general sessions, • 4 tutorials, one workshop, bussines forum and • presentations of ICT applications GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (7)

  16. Communication and Information Society, Croatia Advanced Communications, Great Sea ... GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

  17. SoftCOM 2002 Performance at the Castle of a Prince in Dubrovnik GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

  18. SoftCOM 2002 Presentation in the hall ADRIATIC GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

  19. SoftCOM 2002 Visiting the Piazza San Marco in Venice GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

  20. Croatian Communication and Information Society SoftCOM 2004 aboard the cruising ship on the route Split-Venice-Ancona-Dubrovnik(Oct. 8-11, 2004) WELCOME ! GSSS, Dec. 2003, San Francisco (13)

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