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Learn about CCIS, a non-governmental society fostering tech developments in Croatia since 2002. Discover its collaborative events, publications, and future plans. Explore its role in ICT education and industry standards promotion.
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS curriculum • founded in 2002 • members include researchers and professionalsfrom universities, ICT industry and operatorsfrom the fourmain national centers(Split, Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek) • an Agreement between CCIS and IEEE ComSoc as Sister Societies was signed in December 2002 in Taipei CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS at a glance • non-governmental and non-profit society • a community comprised of professionals and researchers with a common interest in advancing all communication and information technologies • CCIS particularly encourages the development of new technologies, systems and applications that promote the ”soft” approaches and solutions • CCIS provides a framework for collaboration between academy and industry CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society CCIS in addition • contributes to education and knowledge, improvement of existingacademic and professionalprograms • assures transfer of technology, promotes and translates recommendations and standards in ICT • publishs professional, scientific and text books, conference proceedings, promotional materials and documents in order to diseminate achievements in ICT CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS current activities Co-organizing conferences, workshops, presentations • Conference on Software, Telecommunications and • Computer NetworksSoftCOM • a number of workshops, seminars and tutorials • a number of presentations and round tables • participation in organizing events of other societies • (KOREMA, MIPRO, ELMAR, …) CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS short term plans • establish regional sections and working groups for areas: • soft communication systems • soft information systems • software • services, applications and QoS • multimedia and virtual reality • electromagnetic ecology • publish a journal on software and soft communication/ information systems in collaboration with ComSoc • publish a CCIS Newsletter • increase the number of active members CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS Newsletter Viable topics • hot topics in ICT • news from ICT industry • new providers and operators • news in ICT, standards, regulation & laws • looking through customer eyes • incoming events, professional opportunities • advertisements CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS organization Officers: President, Vice-presidents, Secretary Presidency: the executive body chaired by the CCIS president Assembly: the supreme body includes all CCIS members Secretariat: the executive body headed by the Secretary Supervisory Board: supervises CCIS bodies decisions and operations Architecture: distributed regional management and operation CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS and IEEE ComSoc collaboration Sister Society Summit Globecom 2002, Taiwan December, 2002 Taipei(December, 2002) CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia Before signing an Agreement between CCIS and IEEE ComSoc, a presentation about CCIS organization, achievements and future plans has been held.The listeners were President and Director of Sister Societies, IEEE ComSoc Staff and presidents of a number Sister Societies. Taipei(December, 2002) CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia Taipei 2002 Signing the Agreement:Mrs Celia Desmond, President of the IEEE ComSoc and Nikola Rozic, President of the CCIS CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia Taipei 2002 Agreement is signed:Mrs Celia Desmond, President of the IEEE ComSoc, and Nikola Rozic, President of CCIS; Algirdas Pakstas, Director of Sister Societies and Alex Gelman,ComSoc VP Societies Relations CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia In a relaxed atmosphere:keeping company with people from Slovenia who also signed Agreement with ComSoc, and with M. Decina and J.R.B. de Marca former ComSoc presidents CCISJanuary 2004
ACTUAL IEEE COMSOC SISTER SOCIETIES BRAZILSociedade Brasileira de Telecomuniçacões (SBT) CHINAChina Institute of Communications (CIC) CHINAThe Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) CROATIACommunications and Information Society, Croatia (CCIS) CZECH REPUBLIC/SLOVAKIACzech and Slovak Society for Radioengineering (SR) FRANCESociete des électroniciens et des électroniciens (SEE) TO: Société de l Electricité, de l Electronique et des Technologies de l Information et de la Communication GERMANYVerband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik (VDE HUNGARYThe Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE) INDIAThe Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (IETE) ISRAELAssociation of Engineers & Architects in Israel (AEAI) ITALYAssociazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana (AEI) JAPANThe Institute of Electronics, Information & Communication Engineers (IEICE) KOREAThe Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS) LATVIALatvian Information Technology & Telecommunications Association (LITTA) RUSSIAThe Russian Popov Society for Radio Engineering, Electronics, & Commun. (Popov) SLOVENIAThe Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia (EZS) TAIWANChinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) VIETNAMThe Radio & Electronics Association of Vietnam (REV) CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia Academy Communications And Information Society (CCIS) Operators & Providers Government ICT Industry CCIS members: individual professionals, institutions CCISJanuary 2004
Communication and Information Society, Croatia Communication and Information Society, Croatia CCIS goals • co-organization of meetings (SoftCOM, …) • participation in advancing all communication and information technologies • education of professionals, seminars, certificates • publishing (journals, newsletter, standards, ….) • supporting collaboration between academy and industry • transfer technologies and encouraging of start-ups CCISJanuary 2004 CCISJanuary 2004