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Learn about the commitment of the City of Shelby's Wastewater Treatment Division to responsible collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and biosolids. Discover their environmental policy and operational procedures.
WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION Cityof ShelbyEnvironmental Management System -QUALITY ALWAYS- IT’S ABOUT THE PEOPLE Presented by: Cynthia I.Walters
Environmental Policy The City of Shelby Wastewater Treatment Division is committed to the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and biosolids in a responsible and environmentally safe way. The Wastewater Treatment Division will: ØComply with all regulations, laws, and standards applicable to our processes and waste. ØCommit to continual improvement of the environment by setting and reviewing objectives and targets. ØCommunicate this policy to the public. ØEnsure that all Plant personnel are trained, understand and knowledgeable of their environmental responsibilities. ØProtect the environment by the disposal of waste in a safe and healthy manner. ØCommit to corrective and preventive action. Identify, and correct any problems and prevent any reoccurrences. PROTECTTHEENVIRONMENT UNDERSTANDREGULATIONS REDUCEPOLLUTION City Of Shelby Utilities Electric, Gas, Water, Wastewater - Quality Always - It’s about the people. City of Shelby Wastewater Treatment Division ENSUREKNOWLEDGE
Overview of the City of ShelbyWastewater Treatment Division ************************************************** The City of Shelby’s Wastewater Treatment Division (SWWTD ) is located at 1940 South Lafayette Street, Shelby, NC. The 6.0 MGD wastewater treatment facility is responsible for the treatment of domestic, and commercial wastewater to meet all state and federal regulations and limits into the surface waters of the First Broad River. The City of Shelby’s compost facility, also located at the wastewater treatment site, is responsible for the management and disposal of its bios lids in an environmentally safe way.
EMS Coordinator Utility Systems Technician Management Representative Wastewater Treatment Superintendent EMS Steering Committee Operator Responsible Charge Lab / Pretreatment Coordinator Maintenance Supervisor Utility Systems Technician Wastewater Treatment Superintendent EMS Committee Plant Mechanic Plant Operator Plant Operator Compost Operator Compost Operator EMS Coach NC DPPEA Staff Member EMS TEAM EMS Function Position All WWTD Staff Members participated with the development and implementation of the Environmental Management System.
EMS Team Training The EMS Team was trained on the ISO 14001 Standard and awareness by the EMS Coordinator.
EMS Team Responsibilities City of Shelby Wastewater Treatment Division Structure and Responsibility Procedure EMS 4.4.1 EMS Management Steering Committee is responsible for establishing the EMS program, developing the policy and procedures conforming to ISO 14001 requirements, providing guidance and training to departmental EMS implementing committees. SWWTD staff have the responsibility to carry out their job assignments following approved procedures to facilitate effective environmental management.
EMS Development • Ems Coordinator developed the EMS procedures along with the assistance of the NC DPPEA EMS coach. • The Management Representative, Supervisors and/or staff members wrote the operational controls, emergency preparedness and response program. • SWWTD staff have the responsibility to carry out their job assignments following approved procedures to facilitate effective environmental management. • For each level and function that has established environmental objectives and targets, the roles and responsibilities of the operator shall be defined and it shall be documented that the staff has received the appropriate training to accomplish the work assignment.
EMS Team Meetings The EMS Team meet once a month to review : • Progress on the implementation of the EMS. • New developments or modified activities • Ensure that staff members receive appropriate training. • Procedures are established and maintained. • Consider any changes to policy, objectives and other elements of the EMS.
Aspects and Impacts ProcedureEMS 4.3.1 This procedure describes the process that is to be used in identifying environmental aspects of the wastewater treatment division and for determining if identified aspects should be categorized as significant. Environmental aspects shall be identified for all key EMS departmental activities having the potential for harmful interactions with the environment and public health.
Legal Requirements Procedure EMS 4.3.2 • This procedure is used for the tracking of legal requirements and to assist departments in the maintenance of regulatory compliance applicable to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System activities and services. • Department heads are responsible to identify and analyze environmental regulations and other legal requirements relevant to their activities or services and communicating this information to the staff within their department. • The EMS Team will review the EMS Manual approximately every 18 months. Any required revisions will be reported to the SWWTD Superintendent for approval and the EMS Coordinator will make the appropriate changes.
Objectives and Targets Procedure EMS 4.3.3 • This procedure requires the analysis of operational details, environmental impacts, regulatory standards, technological options and financial resources in the establishment of objectives and targets to meet the policy statement. • It is the responsibility of the Steering committee to assure an appropriate analysis is conducted in the formulation and setting of objectives and targets. • In order to help achieve the set objectives and targets, a separate action plan for each objective will be prepared. All major steps or actions will be identified, including the team or individual to perform the work. Responsibilities and authority will be defined. A timetable for completion of the objective, or steps within the objective, is required.
Objectives and Targets Draft
Training, Awareness and Competence Procedure EMS 4.4.2**************************************** The EMS Steering Committee is responsible for maintaining environmental training requirements . Environmental training needs will be evaluated annually by the department. Training appropriate to the achievement of environmental policies, objectives and targets will be provided to all personnel within the department. Staff members should have an appropriate knowledge base, which includes training in the methods and skills required to perform their tasks in an efficient and competent fashion and knowledge of the impact their activities can have on the environment if performed incorrectly.
Benefits of Training • Documented training of all Staff members on environmental awareness. • All visitors to the WWTP receive nominal awareness training. • Contractors and persons performing work at the WWTP receive documented environmental training.
This document describes the procedure to be followed for the approval, issue, and maintenance of all environmental management system (EMS) controlled documentation. A record (master list) of EMS controlled documentation affecting all SWWTD shall be maintained within the EMS Coordinator’s office. EMS documentation (i.e., procedures or work instructions, records) which are specific to a department, shall be maintained and controlled within the department. EMS Document Control Procedure EMS 4.4.5
This procedure is to define the steps to initiate, execute and document corrective or preventive actions taken in response to nonconformance, the potential for nonconformance or system weakness. This procedure applies to all departments at SWWTD where EMS requirements are in place and environmental nonconformities occur. Corrective / Preventive Action Procedure EMS 4.5.2****************************************
C/PAR City of Shelby WWTD EMS Corrective/Preventive Action Request Action Requested Corrective Action Preventive Action EMS Corresponding Requirement: Type or print clearly. Complete one form for each request. Tracking Number (Assigned by EMS Mgr.) Section A. Identification of Associate and Program Unit - This section is to be completed by the requestor. 1. Associate Identification (Name) (Title) (Telephone) (Date) 2. Section/Department 3. Signature Section B. Description of Corrective/Preventive Action - This section is to be completed by the requestor and forwarded to his/her department head or supervisor. Be specific and describe the situation and proposed method of correction as clearly and accurately as possible in order that the situation can be properly assessed. Use additional paper if necessary. B(1). Description B(2). Proposed Method of Correction Section C. Department Review for EMS Relevance - This section is to be completed by the department head/supervisor of the associate submitting this form and forwarded to the EMS Manager for tracking number assignment and implementation. 1. Department Head/Supervisor Identification (Name) (Title) (Telephone) (Date) 2. Results of Review Accepted Rejected 3. If rejected, state reason. 4. Signature of Department Head/Supervisor 5. Date forwarded to EMS Manager for action (if accepted) Section D. Verification/Findings - This section to be completed by the EMS Manager. 1. Date Received 2. Expected Completion Date 3. Date Closed 4. Findings/Comments 5. Signature
Responsibility & Authority • All SWWTD staff have the authority and responsibility to initiate a request for preventive/corrective action by notifying their supervisor. • The department head has the responsibility and authority to review the associate request for adequacy and relevance to the EMS. • The EMS program manager has the responsibility and authority to initiate a request for corrective/preventive action, verify the corrective action for completeness, close and communicate the corrective/preventive action results with the affected department(s).
The purpose of this procedure is to define the steps that SWWTD follows to ensure that environmental management system (EMS) records are properly identified, collected, indexed and filed to allow for ready access and retrieval. EMS Records Procedure #:EMS 4.5.3
Internal Environmental Audit Procedure EMS 4.5.4**************************************** • It is the responsibility of the EMS coordinator to ensure internal audits are scheduled and conducted at least annually and that audit results are promptly reported to the department head (and to upper management if major findings). • It is the responsibility of the EMS coordinator (or designee) to follow up on audit findings and to prepare audit reports of internal audits for Management Review. • It is the responsibility of SWWTD staff to cooperate fully during EMS audits, understanding they are the drivers for the continual improvement of the environmental management system.
Executive management is responsible for calling management review meetings for the relevant departments to evaluate the working of the EMS. Management reviews will be conducted, initially on a quarterly basis for the relevant departments, and subsequently on a lesser frequency as necessary, but at least annually. Management Review Procedure EMS 4.6
The agenda as a minimum will include: A) Review of department established objectives and targets; B) Review of CPAR Tracking Log; C) Review of status of corrective and preventive actions resulting from past reviews; D) Review of audit findings, Nonconformance/Observation Reports with corrective actions and follow up activities; E) Review of reports of public complaints; F) Review of relevant Interested Party issues or requests; G) Audit reports of EMS process conformance; H) Reports of regulatory compliance; I) Evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of the EMS, identifying changes needed in the EMS, in light of EMS audit results, changing circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement. Management Review
Policy development • Identification of aspects and their impact on the environment. • Standard Operating Procedures for the significant aspects. • Environmental objectives and targets. • Training on SOP’s for significant aspects. Time Consuming Steps of EMS Implementation******************************************
Benefits of an EMS • Improvements in overall environmental performance. • Increased efficiency when managing environmental obligations. • Better communication among staff of the WWTD. • Effective training. • Documentation of training. • Focuses on meeting environmental objectives. • It keeps environmental issues in the spotlight.