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Innovation, Creativity, Culture

Native American/Alaska Native Behavioral Health: Some Innovations in the West Mimi McFaul, Psy.D. Director, WICHE Mental Health Program. Innovation, Creativity, Culture. Programs born out of a need for connection back to the culture Traditional Western approaches alone were not effective

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Innovation, Creativity, Culture

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  1. Native American/Alaska Native Behavioral Health: Some Innovations in the WestMimi McFaul, Psy.D.Director, WICHE Mental Health Program

  2. Innovation, Creativity, Culture • Programs born out of a need for connection back to the culture • Traditional Western approaches alone were not effective • Examples of creativity dotted across tribal lands and surrounding communities • Here are just 3 examples…

  3. Behavioral Health Aides in Village Alaska • Addresses severe workforce shortage issue • Modeled after Community Health Worker model • Sometimes people are chosen by an Elder • Counselor, health educator, & advocate to help address community behavioral health needs • Professional Pathway: Certificate program articulates to other degrees in mental health and substance abuse within Alaska University System

  4. South Dakota - Lakota • Lakota formulation of DSM diagnosis & tribal mental health training curriculum • Wakanyeja Pawicayapi (Children First) • Lakota culturally appropriate mental health resource for children/youth and families on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

  5. New Mexico - Navajo • Na’Nizhoozhi Center (NCI) “A Bridge of Recovery” • Largest residential center for Native American Detox and Substance Abuse treatment • Blended Western and Navajo treatment approaches • Community collaboration

  6. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) • CPR for Mental Health/Substance Abuse • 12 hour course • Increase knowledge, decrease stigma, increase likelihood of intervening • For lay people, anyone! • Modify scenarios with culturally relevant examples with local NA populations

  7. Native American Behavioral Health Practice-Based Evidence • Pockets of innovation exist • Sharing what works – sifting out critical elements • Identifying if replication is possible • Connecting academic research centers to programs • Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health (U of CO) • Center for Alaska Native Health Research (U of AK) • Place to share promising programs and outcomes research

  8. Questions? Contact Information: Mimi McFaul, Psy.D. Director, WICHE Mental Health Program mmcfaul@wiche.edu 303-541-0288

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