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French and Indian War

French and Indian War. Seven Years War. Setting the Stage. French & Indian War (Seven Years War). Shortly before the American colonists fought the war of independence against the British, they fought side by side with them against the French and Indians. Competition Fuels War.

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French and Indian War

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  1. French and Indian War Seven Years War

  2. Setting the Stage French & Indian War (Seven Years War) Shortly before the American colonists fought the war of independence against the British, they fought side by side with them against the French and Indians.

  3. Competition Fuels War Both the French and British expand into the unsettled areas – international competition. Issues arose regarding hunting, trapping, and trading rights, as well as land disputes. Tensions grew & in 1753 France and British declared war against each other for the region. French & Indian War (Seven Years War)

  4. French Get Too Close For Comfort • Come as far south as Pittsburgh – Fort Duquesne • Intrudes on land Virginia issued to investors • Sends Virginia Militia – George Washington • Washington wins a skirmish at Fort Necessity • French counterattack – Washington surrenders • Starts French & Indian War – 1st real World War

  5. Seven Years War • Fourth War between England & France for control of North America over about 35 years • King William’s War • Queen Ann’s War • King George’s War • Three phases: • - Washington’s attempt @ Ft. Necessity • - Braddock’s attempt @ Ft. Duquesne • - William Pitt takes Charge & Allies with Iroquois

  6. French Win Early Fort William Henry – Lake George, NY French General Montcalm Sieges & wins

  7. British Bounce Back • Pitt Funds a 50,000 man army – great debt • General Wolfe attacks Quebec at night on • the Plains of Abraham. • Takes Quebec, but dies in the fighting

  8. French & Indian War Results 1. British territorial claims greatly expanded in America.2. British debt grew in an attempt to finance an ever-expanding war.3. Resentment towards American colonists grew in Parliament over support for financing a war on their behalf.4. American colonists unified for 1st time against a common enemy.5. Colonial militias saw themselves as volunteers or a "people's army" in contrast to the authoritarian and coercive British army.6. France's influence in development of North American dwindled badly.

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